Structural Organisation in Animals (Class - XI)

Description: Structural Organisation in Animals (Class - XI)
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: Structural Organisation in Animals (Class - XI) Epithelial Tissue Animal Tissue Connective Tissue Muscle Tissue External Morphology of Earthworm
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___________ provides smooth lining to chambers of the heart.

  1. Simple squamous epithelium

  2. Simple cuboidal epithelium

  3. Ciliated cuboidal epithelium

  4. Ciliated epithelium

Correct Option: A

Simple squamous epithelium forms inner lining of lung alveoli.

Enamel of teeth is a/an

  1. epithelial tissue

  2. connective tissue

  3. muscular tissue

  4. nervous tissue

Correct Option: A

Enamel is secreted from ameloblasts, which are derived from oral epithelium tissue of ectodermal origin.

Which of the following cells is/are absent in areolar tissues?

  1. Macrophages

  2. Neurogloea cells

  3. Fibroblast

  4. Mast cells

Correct Option: B

Neurogloea cells are absent in areolar tissues. 

The type of cartilage that is present in ear pinna is known as

  1. hyaline cartilage

  2. elastic cartilage

  3. fibrous cartilage

  4. calcified cartilage

Correct Option: B

Elastic cartilage is present in ear pinna. Hyaline cartilage is present in trachea, larynx and bronchi.

Which of the following proteins is present in the bone matrix?

  1. Chondrin

  2. Casein

  3. Actin

  4. Ossein

Correct Option: D

The collagen component of bone.

Which of the following statements is true about a cartilage?

  1. It is made up of inflexible material called chondrin.

  2. Its chondrocytes are irregular with off processes.

  3. Its lacunae give off canaliculli.

  4. It is a non-vascular tissue with homogeneous matrix.

Correct Option: D

Cartilage is a non-vascular tissue with homogeneous matrix.

The structure 'typhlosole' in earthworms is used for

  1. crushing food

  2. slowing down passage of food

  3. increasing the absorptive area

  4. extra secretion of digestive enzymes

Correct Option: C

The structure 'typhlosole' in earthworms is used for increasing the absorptive surface area.

Which of the following body tissues is a connective tissue proper?

  1. Skin

  2. Blood

  3. Cartilage

  4. Adipose

Correct Option: D

It is a connective tissue proper.

_______ glands have a number of sacs.

  1. Simple tubular

  2. Simple branched alveolar

  3. Simple branched tubular

  4. Simple alveolar

Correct Option: B

The glands have a number of sacs opening in the same duct.

Cuboidal and columnar refers to

  1. connective tissue

  2. nervous tissue

  3. epithelial tissue

  4. muscular tissue

Correct Option: C

Epithelial tissue is of two types: simple epithelium and compound epithelium. Simple epithelium is divided as squamous, cuboidal, columnar, ciliated and pseudo stratified.

Epithelia are neither innervated by nerve cells nor pervaded by blood vessels due to

  1. lack of intercellular space

  2. excessive intercellular space

  3. non-requirement of vascular/nerve supply

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Epithelia are neither innervated by nerve cells nor pervaded by blood vessels due to lack of intercellular space.

Which of the following cells are the most numerous in human body?

  1. Neurons

  2. Erythrocytes

  3. Myocytes

  4. Lymphocytes

Correct Option: D

These are the blood cells of defence which form T cells and B cells.

Which of the following muscles is unable to undergo a sustained contraction?

  1. Skeletal muscle

  2. Visceral muscle

  3. Cardiac muscle

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

  Skeletal muscle is unable to undergo a sustained contraction.

Which of the following statements is true about cartilages?

  1. They are highly vascular.

  2. They are poorly vascular.

  3. They are non-vascular.

  4. They are supplied by lymph.

Correct Option: C

The cartilages do not have any supply of vessels.

Which of the following is true about a bone?

  1. It is made of an inflexible material chondrin.

  2. It is completely non-vascular.

  3. Its matrix is homogeneous.

  4. Its osteocytes are irregular with off branches.

Correct Option: D

The osteocytes are the main bone forming cells.

Blood vessels are covered by

  1. epithelial tissues

  2. connective tissues

  3. muscular tissues

  4. nervous tissues

Correct Option: A

Blood vessels are covered by epithelial tissues.

The epithelium tissues forming the lining of kidney tubules are

  1. cuboidal epithelium

  2. columnar epithelium

  3. ciliated epithelium

  4. glandular epithelium

Correct Option: A

These consist of cube-like cells which are square in section, but the free surface appears hexagonal. These are found in kidney tubules and in glands. These tissues provide mechanical strength to the part where they occur and produce secretions.

Oviducts are lined by

  1. cuboidal epithelium

  2. pseudostratified epithelium

  3. columnar epithelium

  4. ciliated epithelium

Correct Option: D

Cells of this tissue are usually columnar in shape, but bear numerous cilia at their free surfaces. They line the insides of the oviducts, ventricles of the brain, the spinal canal and the respiratory passage.

Which of the following is not a feature of skeletal striated muscle fibres?

  1. Their T-tubule system is well-developed.

  2. Their sarcoplasmic reticulum is well developed.

  3. Their intercalated discs are well developed.

  4. Their mitochondria are numerous.

Correct Option: C

They lack intercalated discs.

Which of the following is the feature of striped muscle fibres?

  1. They are short with sharp ends.

  2. They have only one nucleus.

  3. They are indistinct due to lack of sarcomere.

  4. They have numerous mitochondria.

Correct Option: D

They have numerous mitochondria as they have to produce lot of energy.

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