Synonyms Test D

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Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Cradle

  2. Splash

  3. Dip

  4. Immerse

Correct Option: D

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is opposite in meaning to the given word.


  1. Everyday

  2. Quotidian

  3. Diurnal

  4. Sporadic

Correct Option: D

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Preposterous

  2. Ridiculous

  3. Deranged

  4. Vapid

Correct Option: C

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Meander

  2. Vandalism

  3. Vitiation

  4. Desecration

Correct Option: B

 Vandalism refers to the wilful act of defacing, destroying and damaging propety. Therefore, the correct choice is vandalism.

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Innocent

  2. Guarded

  3. Perilous

  4. Vicious

Correct Option: C

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Pirouette

  2. Whirl

  3. Prate

  4. Gyrate

Correct Option: B

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Suspend

  2. Piston

  3. Pendulous

  4. Droopy

Correct Option: C

Dangling means to hang loosely. Pendulous is similar as a pendulum hangs somewhat loosely so that it can swing to and fro.

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Intrepid

  2. Doughty

  3. Audacity

  4. Veracity

Correct Option: D

Intrepid means fearless. Doughty is someone who is strong. Veracity is honesty. Audacity is daring. So best word closest in meaning to dare is audacity.

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Damp

  2. Lank

  3. Quench

  4. Dew

Correct Option: B

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Disdain

  2. Ridicule

  3. Sneer

  4. Insult

Correct Option: B

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Contempt

  2. Scary

  3. Debonair

  4. Decisive

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is opposite in meaning to the given word.


  1. Desiccate

  2. Musty

  3. Clammy

  4. Damp

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Pejorative

  2. Denigrate

  3. Vilify

  4. Terse

Correct Option: A

Derogatory means demeaning and perjorative refers to contempt and when someone says something derogatory, it is usually said with contempt. Hence, option (1) is the correct answer.

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Careful

  2. Ramshackle

  3. Deserted

  4. Creaky

Correct Option: C

It means deserted by the owner; abandoned; forsaken. Hence, option 3 is correct.  

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Trench

  2. Hitch

  3. Dyke

  4. Conduit

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Neutrality

  2. Passion

  3. Objectivity

  4. Detachment

Correct Option: B

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Tax

  2. Premium

  3. Gain

  4. Return

Correct Option: D

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Inadequate

  2. Ridiculous

  3. Tremendous

  4. Ludicrous

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Blatant

  2. Melancholy

  3. Morose

  4. Dejected

Correct Option: B

 Melancholy most closely means dismal.

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Nocuous

  2. Betrayal

  3. Infidelity

  4. Perfidiousness

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Confute

  2. Beatific

  3. Seraphic

  4. Sanctified

Correct Option: B

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Contrasting

  2. Disparate

  3. Torrent

  4. Conflicting

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Faint

  2. Giddy

  3. Shaky

  4. Muzzy

Correct Option: B

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Residence

  2. Abide

  3. Habit

  4. Demography

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the word from the options which is similar in meaning to the given word.


  1. Vexation

  2. Pique

  3. Trivial

  4. Rancour

Correct Option: A
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