Basic SQL Quiz - 2

Description: Basic SQL Quiz - 2
Number of Questions: 20
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Tags: sql
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With SQL, how do you select all the records from a table named "Persons" where the "FirstName" is "Peter" and the "LastName" is "Jackson"?

  1. SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName LIKE 'Peter' AND LastName LIKE 'Jackson'

  2. SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE FirstName='Peter' AND LastName='Jackson'

  3. SELECT FirstName='Peter', LastName='Jackson' FROM Persons

Correct Option: B
  1. SELECT LastName>'Hansen' AND LastName

  2. SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE LastName BETWEEN 'Hansen' AND 'Pettersen'

  3. SELECT * FROM Persons WHERE LastName>'Hansen' AND LastName

Correct Option: B

Which SQL statement is used to return only different values?





Correct Option: D
  1. SORT BY

  2. ORDER


  4. SORT

Correct Option: C
  1. SELECT * FROM Persons SORT BY 'FirstName' DESC

  2. SELECT * FROM Persons ORDER BY FirstName DESC

  3. SELECT * FROM Persons ORDER FirstName DESC

  4. SELECT * FROM Persons SORT 'FirstName' DESC

Correct Option: B

With SQL, how can you insert a new record into the "Persons" table?

  1. INSERT INTO Persons VALUES ('Jimmy', 'Jackson')

  2. INSERT ('Jimmy', 'Jackson') INTO Persons

  3. INSERT VALUES ('Jimmy', 'Jackson') INTO Persons

Correct Option: A

AI Explanation

To insert a new record into the "Persons" table using SQL, the correct syntax is:

A. INSERT INTO Persons VALUES ('Jimmy', 'Jackson')

Let's go through each option to understand why it is correct or incorrect:

Option A) INSERT INTO Persons VALUES ('Jimmy', 'Jackson') - This option is correct because it follows the correct syntax for inserting a new record. The "INSERT INTO" statement is used to specify the table name (Persons), followed by the "VALUES" keyword to specify the values for each column in the table.

Option B) INSERT ('Jimmy', 'Jackson') INTO Persons - This option is incorrect because it does not follow the correct syntax. The "INSERT INTO" statement should be used instead of just "INSERT", and the table name (Persons) should come after the "INTO" keyword.

Option C) INSERT VALUES ('Jimmy', 'Jackson') INTO Persons - This option is incorrect because it also does not follow the correct syntax. The "INTO" keyword should come before the "VALUES" keyword, and the table name (Persons) should come after the "INTO" keyword.

The correct answer is A) INSERT INTO Persons VALUES ('Jimmy', 'Jackson'). This option is correct because it follows the correct syntax for inserting a new record into the "Persons" table.

With SQL, how can you insert "Olsen" as the "LastName" in the "Persons" table?

  1. INSERT INTO Persons (LastName) VALUES ('Olsen')

  2. INSERT ('Olsen') INTO Persons (LastName)

  3. INSERT INTO Persons ('Olsen') INTO LastName

Correct Option: A
  1. UPDATE Persons SET LastName='Hansen' INTO LastName='Nilsen'

  2. UPDATE Persons SET LastName='Nilsen' WHERE LastName='Hansen'

  3. MODIFY Persons SET LastName='Hansen' INTO LastName='Nilsen

  4. MODIFY Persons SET LastName='Nilsen' WHERE LastName='Hansen'

Correct Option: B

With SQL, how can you delete the records where the "FirstName" is "Peter" in the Persons Table?

  1. DELETE FROM Persons WHERE FirstName = 'Peter'

  2. DELETE ROW FirstName='Peter' FROM Persons

  3. DELETE FirstName='Peter' FROM Persons

Correct Option: A

With SQL, how can you return the number of records in the "Persons" table?


  2. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Persons


  4. SELECT COUNT() FROM Persons

Correct Option: B

What will be the output of the following statement? SELECT LEN(CAST(LEFT('026-100', 3) AS INT))

  1. 2

  2. 3

  3. 7

  4. Statement will generate an error.

Correct Option: A

What will be the output of the following statement? SELECT CAST(-1 AS SMALLDATETIME)

  1. 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000

  2. 1899-01-01 00:00:00.000

  3. 1752-01-01 00:00:00.000

  4. The system will generate an error. Only positive integer values can be converted to a SMALLDATETIME data type.

Correct Option: D
  1. sysobjects

  2. syscolumns

  3. syscomments

  4. sysviews

Correct Option: C
  1. 2,147,483,647

  2. 2,147,483,648

  3. 4,294,967,295

  4. 4,294,967,296

Correct Option: A

What is the best data type to store the birthdays of the US Presidents, starting with George Washington's birthday of February 22, 1732?


  2. INT



Correct Option: B

AI Explanation

To answer this question, we need to consider the type of data that will be stored and the requirements for storing the birthdays of the US Presidents.

Option A) DATETIME - This option is incorrect because the DATETIME data type is used to store date and time values, not just dates. Since we only need to store the birthdays of the US Presidents, which do not include specific times, this data type is not necessary.

Option B) INT - This option is correct because it is a suitable data type to store the birthdays of the US Presidents. The INT data type can store whole numbers, which can be used to represent dates in a specific format (e.g., YYYYMMDD). In this case, we can store the birthdays as integers in the format 17320222 for George Washington's birthday.

Option C) SMALLDATETIME - This option is incorrect because the SMALLDATETIME data type is also used to store date and time values, similar to DATETIME. Since we only need to store the birthdays of the US Presidents without specific times, this data type is not necessary.

Option D) VARCHAR - This option is incorrect because the VARCHAR data type is used to store alphanumeric characters, such as text strings. While it is possible to store the birthdays as strings in the format 'February 22, 1732', using the INT data type would be more efficient and appropriate.

The correct answer is B) INT. This option is correct because it is a suitable data type to store the birthdays of the US Presidents as whole numbers, representing dates in a specific format.

  1. The public role captures all default permissions for users in a database.

  2. The public role cannot be dropped.

  3. The public role is contained in every database, including msdb, tempdb, model, and all user databases except in the master database for security purposes.

  4. The public role cannot have users, groups, or roles assigned to it.

Correct Option: C

What is the maximum date value that can be stored in a SMALLDATETIME data type?

  1. June 6, 2079

  2. July 6, 2079

  3. December 31, 2079

  4. December 31, 9999

Correct Option: A

AI Explanation

To answer this question, we need to understand the range of values that can be stored in the SMALLDATETIME data type.

The SMALLDATETIME data type in SQL Server is used to store dates and times with a precision of one minute. It has a range from January 1, 1900, to June 6, 2079.

Let's go through each option to determine the correct answer:

Option A) June 6, 2079 - This option is correct because it falls within the range of values that can be stored in the SMALLDATETIME data type.

Option B) July 6, 2079 - This option is incorrect because it falls outside the range of values that can be stored in the SMALLDATETIME data type.

Option C) December 31, 2079 - This option is incorrect because it falls outside the range of values that can be stored in the SMALLDATETIME data type.

Option D) December 31, 9999 - This option is incorrect because it falls outside the range of values that can be stored in the SMALLDATETIME data type.

The correct answer is A) June 6, 2079. This option is correct because it falls within the range of values that can be stored in the SMALLDATETIME data type.

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