Sexual Reproduction in Plants

Description: This test contains 25 multiple choice questions on angiosperm reproduction.
Number of Questions: 25
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Tags: Tapetum Endosperm Anther pistil etc. Reproductive Organs of Plants Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants Devices of Pollination Pollination Abiotic Factors of Environment
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Monocot pollen grains are generally

  1. Monocolpate

  2. Tricolpate

  3. Bicolpate

  4. Multicolpate

Correct Option: A

The pollen grains having a single furrow are known as monocolpate.The pollen grains of monocots also differ from those of most dicots. In monocots, each pollen grain has just one thin-walled region, the colpus, which is the area from which the pollen tube emerges when the pollen grain germinates.

Exine of pollen-grain is made up of

  1. Cellulose

  2. Sporopollenin

  3. Callose

  4. Pectin

Correct Option: B

Sporopollenin is a major component of the tough outer (exine) walls of spores and pollen grains. It is chemically very stable and is usually well preserved in soils and sediments.

Ovule is

  1. Microsporangium

  2. Integumented megasporangium

  3. Megaspores

  4. Microspores

Correct Option: B

The megasporangium is surrounded by layers of sporophyte tissue called the integument. The integument and structures within i.e.,megasporangium and megaspore are called the ovule.

The placentation in sun flower is

  1. Apical Placentation

  2. Free Central Placentation

  3. Pariental Placentation

  4. Basal Placentation

Correct Option: D

In this type, the ovary is monolocular. The ovules are few or reduced to one and borne at the base of the ovary. The ovule when solitary often fills the ovary cavity e.g., sunflower.

In which of the following types of ovule, micropyle and funicle are at right angles to each other?

  1. Orthotropous

  2. Hemianatropous

  3. Anatropous

  4. Circinotropous

Correct Option: B

In this type, the ovule takes a 90 degree turn so that the micropyle is at right angles to the funicle.

Which of the following types of placentation is found in apple and hibiscus?

  1. Marginal placentation

  2. Free Central placentation

  3. Axile placentation

  4. Free basal placentation

Correct Option: C

In this type, the ovary has two or more carpels, syncarpous and has two or more locules. The ovules are borne at or near the centre on the axis formed by the union and fusion of the septa (partitions) and usually in vertical rows e.g., apple, hibiscus etc..

The sperm cells are formed by

  1. Germ Cell

  2. Tube Cell

  3. Tapetum

  4. Sporoderm

Correct Option: A

This cell forms the sperm cells that fertilize the egg in the flower. In the loculi of the anthers, cells produce pollen mother cells. They undergo the process of mitosis to form sperm cells: each mother cell creates four sperm cells. The original germ cell divides into two sperm cells. This split can occur before or after the grain reaches the stigma, depending on the species.

The locules, where ovules develop from placenta are surrounded by

  1. Anthers

  2. Ovary

  3. Stigma

  4. Style

Correct Option: B

Ovaries are attached directly to the receptacle, but can be sunken into it superior with no stalk, or on stalk-like extensions of the receptacle, as in Isomeris arborea. The ovary surrounds one or more locules in which ovules develop from placenta.

Which of the following plant families does not contain inferior ovaries?

  1. Orchidaceae

  2. Asteraceae

  3. Rosaceae

  4. Onagraceae

Correct Option: C

The Rosaceae or rose family is a large family of flowering plants, Roses can be herbs, shrubs or trees. Most species are deciduous, but some are evergreen.They have a worldwide range, are the most diverse in the northern hemisphere. The flowers have superior ovaries.

The ovary with carpels fused in a single structure is termed as

  1. Hypanthium

  2. Monocarpous

  3. Apocarpous

  4. Syncarpous

Correct Option: D

If a gynoecium has multiple carpels fused into a single structure, it is syncarpous. A syncarpous gynoecium can sometimes appear very much like a monocarpous gynoecium.

The outermost whorl of a flower is

  1. Calyx

  2. Corolla

  3. Androecium

  4. Gynoecium

Correct Option: A

It is the outermost whorl consisting of units called sepals.These are typically green and enclose the rest of the flower in the bud stage, however, they can be absent or prominent and petal-like in some species.

The stalk of the flower is known as

  1. Bract

  2. Perianth

  3. Thalamus

  4. Pedicel

Correct Option: D

It is stalk or the basel barren part of a flower. A flower with pedicel is called pedicellate, e.g., Hibiscus, Caesalpinia and without pedicel is called sessile, e.g., Polianthes, disc floret of Helianthus.

Which of the following structures of a flower attracts the insects for pollination?

  1. Calyx

  2. Corolla

  3. Androecium

  4. Gynoecium

Correct Option: B

It is the second whorl internal; to die calyx. It is made up of petals which are usually enlarged, delicate, bright coloured and often with sweet fragrance. Their function is to attract insects for pollination and also to protect the inner essential whorls.

Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of ornithophilous flowers?

  1. Scented flowers

  2. Brightly coloured flowers

  3. Watery nectar

  4. Projecting stamens and stigmas.

Correct Option: A

The flowers are not scented as birds have good vision but poor sense of smell.

Which of the following statements regarding the entomophilus flower is wrong?

  1. Flowers are either bright coloured or white

  2. The flowers are arranged in inflorescences

  3. The plants possess Honey-guides

  4. The flowers do not have nectar

Correct Option: D

Insects also visit flowers for their nectar. Nectar is secreted by specialized areas called nectaries, which vary in position from flower to flower. Butterflies and moths feed exclusively on nectar. They possess sucking mouth parts (proboscis). The length of the proboscis has always a relationship to the flower visited. Insects with long proboscis visit flowers with deep tubular corollas.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of anemophilous flowers?

  1. Flowers are produced after leaf-fall

  2. Stigma is feathery in appearance

  3. Pollen grains are heavy and sticky

  4. Flowers are small sized

Correct Option: C

Pollen grains are light, dry and non-sticky.  In some plants the pollen grains are even winged, so that they are easily carried by the wind.

The condition in which a flower never opens is called

  1. Cleistogamy

  2. Homogamy

  3. Geitonogamy

  4. Autogamy

Correct Option: A

Some plants never open their flowers to ensure complete self-pollination. This condition is called Cleistogamy, e.g., Commelina bengalensis, Oxalis, Viola, etc., The cleistogamous flowers are bisexual small, inconspicuous, colourless and do not secrete nectar.

Which of the following floral characteristics does not facilitate cross -pollination?

  1. Male Sterility

  2. Heterostyly

  3. Dioecism

  4. Bud Pollination

Correct Option: D

Anthers and stigma of the bisexual flowers of some plants mature before the opening of the buds to ensure self-pollination, (e.g.,) Wheat, Rice, Pea, etc..

Which of the following statements regarding the angiosperms is false?

  1. The main plant body is diploid

  2. Their flowers are the reproductive structures

  3. They have under developed conducting tissues

  4. They survive in a variety of habitats

Correct Option: C

The plants have well developed conducting tissues, the xylem has xylem vessels and the phloem has sieve tubes and companion cells. The xylem and phloem are arranged in the form of vascular bundles.

Which among the following are not the advantages of the cross-pollination?

  1. Specificity and cost effectiveness

  2. Production of disease resistant varities

  3. Production of higher yielding varieties

  4. Introduction of Genetic variations

Correct Option: A

It is not economical. Plants waste a lot of energy and food materials in unnecessary adaptations and devices to bring about pollination. It is uncertain because a factor of chance is always involved.

Which of the following adaptations in flowers does not favour self-pollination?

  1. Homogamy

  2. Self-Incompatibility

  3. Cleistogamy

  4. Bud Pollination

Correct Option: B

In some plants, when the mature pollen falls on the receptive stigma of the same flower, it fails to bring about self-pollination. It is called self-incompatibility. Under such conditions, cross-pollination is the only option.

Which of the following plants does not bear a hydrophilous flower?

  1. Zostera marina

  2. Ceratophyllum demersum

  3. Salvia

  4. Vallisneria

Correct Option: C

The genus Salvia belongs to family Labiatae (Mint family) in which the gamopetalous corolla is two-lipped (Bilabiate). The lower lip provides platform for the visiting insect and the upper lip is just like a hood which protects the floral organs. The flowers are protandrous. Each flower has two epipetalous stamens located in anterio-lateral position.It is an entomophilus flower.

The pollination performed by birds is known as

  1. Ornithophily

  2. Myrmecophily

  3. Hypohydrophily

  4. Entomophily

Correct Option: A

Ornithophily is a mode of pollination performed by birds The act of pollination is not performed by all the birds except a few. The most common bird pollinators are Sun bird, Humming bird, Crow, Bulbul, Parrot, Mynah etc..

The pollination done by bats is known as

  1. Anemophily

  2. Hydrophily

  3. Chiropterophily

  4. Malacophily

Correct Option: C

Bats bring about pollination only in the tropics. Bats are nocturnal animals and the flowers they visit are large and emit a strong odour. They move very fast and transport pollen to long distances. Bat pollinated flowers generally produce more nectar than ornithophilous flowers. They also have a large number of stamens.

The ovary, style and stigma are the parts of

  1. Sepals

  2. Petals

  3. Stamens

  4. Carpels

Correct Option: D

Fourth whorl (female organ of the flower) consists of carpel or megasporophylls. The pistil consists of Fourth whorl (female organ of the flower) consists of carpel or megasporophylls. The pistil consists of ovary, style and stigma.The ovary contains one or more round or oval ovules (rudimentary seeds). Each ovule encloses embryo sac.

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