Components of Food - 2

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A student is given samples of sucrose, groundnuts, carrots and potatoes. Which sample will give positive iodine test for starch?

  1. Sucrose

  2. Groundnuts

  3. Carrots

  4. Potatoes

Correct Option: D

Potatoes contain starch and thus give positive test for starch with iodine solution.

Which nutrient gets easily destroyed by heat during cooking?

  1. Vitamin C

  2. Vitamin D

  3. Vitamin A

  4. Vitamin K

Correct Option: A

Vitamin C is a nutrient which can not tolerate high temperature and gets destroyed on over heating.

Match the following food items with major vitamins they possess and choose the correct option given below:

1. Carrots (i) Vitamin D
2. Cord liver oil (ii) Vitamin C
3. Amla (iii) Vitamin B
4. Egg (iv) Vitamin A
  1. 1 - (i), 2 - (ii), 3 - (iii), 4 - (iv)

  2. 1 - (ii), 2 - (i), 3 - (iv), 4 - (iii)

  3. 1 - (iii), 2 - (iv), 3 - (i), 4 - (ii)

  4. 1 - (iv), 2 - (iii), 3 - (ii), 4 - (i)

Correct Option: D
1. Carrots
(i) Vitamin A
2. Cord liver oil
(ii) Vitamin B
3. Amla
(iii) Vitamin C
4. Egg
(iv) Vitamin D

Which of the following functions is performed by vitamin D in human body?

  1. It helps to promote the absorption of calcium from food.

  2. It helps to maintain the eye sight.

  3. It helps in building new tissues and cells.

  4. It regulates the body temerature.

Correct Option: A

Different vitamins play different roles in our body. Vitamin C helps fight against diseases. Vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium from food and helps our body use calcium for bones and teeth.

Which of the following is a monosaccharide sugar?

  1. Lactose

  2. Sucrose

  3. Glucose

  4. Maltose

Correct Option: C

Glucose is a monosaccharide sugar, rest are disachharides in nature.

Roughage does not provide nutrients, still it is essential. Why?

  1. It can be used as a feed for beef cattle in the form of cotton grain trash.

  2. It helps in getting rid of undigested food.

  3. It keeps the skin healthy.

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Roughage (dietary fibers) is provided by all plant products like fruits, pulses, vegetables, etc. It acts as food for animals, helps us in getting rid of the undigested food from the body and keeps our skin healthy.

Which of the following minerals helps us in maintaining a balanced mental status?

  1. Iron

  2. Calcium

  3. Iodine

  4. Sodium

Correct Option: C

Sufficient amount of iodine is required by our body for maintaining a balanced mental status.

Which food component is present in sugar?

  1. Fats

  2. Proteins

  3. Vitamins

  4. Carbohydrates

Correct Option: D

Sugar is the generalised name for sweet, short-chain, soluble carbohydrates, many of which are used in food.

Which of the following contains unsaturated fats?

  1. Milk

  2. Cheese

  3. Coconut oil

  4. Vegetable oil

Correct Option: D

Vegetable oils contain unsaturated fats. Many vegetable oils are used to make soaps, skin products, candles, perfumes and other personal care and cosmetic products. Some oils are particularly suitable as drying oils, and are used in making paints and other wood treatment products. 

Which of the following nutrients are called the building blocks of life?

  1. Carbohydrates

  2. Fats

  3. Vitamins

  4. Proteins

Correct Option: D

Proteins are called the building blocks of life. Proteins are made up of varying combinations of nitrogen-containing amino acids. There are twenty different amino acids that are important to the body. These twenty combine together in hundreds of intricate chemical patterns to create a variety of complex protein structures. 

Weakness of muscles and laziness in the body are symptoms of ______.

  1. beriberi

  2. rickets

  3. scurvy

  4. goiter

Correct Option: A

Goiter - swollen neck glands Scurvy - bleeding germs Rickets - bow shaped legs Beriberi - weak muscles and laziness

Which of the following students is/are taking a balanced diet? Student A – Bananas, milk, pulses and groundnuts Student B – Apples, pulses, soyabeans and beans Student C – Pulses, groundnuts, peas and beans Student D – Groundnuts, walnuts, jaggery and cashew nuts

  1. Students A and C

  2. Students B and D

  3. Student A

  4. Student D

Correct Option: C

The diet of student ‘A’ contains adequate amount of all the essential nutrients and is considered as a balanced diet.

Kaithi suffers from bleeding gums and poor wound healing. Which vitamin should be recommended to her to make her gums healthy?

  1. Vitamin A

  2. Vitamin B

  3. Vitamin C

  4. Vitamin D

Correct Option: C

Vitamin C keeps gums healthy.

___________ is essential for forming haemoglobin in the blood.

  1. Calcium

  2. Iron

  3. Phosphorous

  4. Magnesium

Correct Option: B

Iron is essential for forming haemoglobin in the blood.

All of the following are nutrients, except

  1. water

  2. carbohydrates

  3. fats

  4. proteins

Correct Option: A

To maintain the nutrient content of the body for the optimal growth, one should eat a balanced diet. A balanced diet basically includes 5 major nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Although water and dietary fibers make a part of our diet, but water is not included in nutrients.

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