Components of Food - 1

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Which type of protein is present in milk?

  1. Casein

  2. Albumen

  3. Prolamine

  4. Glutelin

Correct Option: A

The protein casein is present in milk.

The organisms that synthesise their own food are called

  1. saprophytes

  2. autotrophs

  3. herbivores

  4. heterotrophs

Correct Option: B

Autotrophs synthesise their own food by the process of photosynthesis.

Which of the following nutrients help in the formation of nails and hair in humans?

  1. Minerals

  2. Vitamins

  3. Proteins

  4. Carbohydrates

Correct Option: C

Proteins help in the formation of hair and nails in humans.

Which of the following vitamins is required for healthy vision?

  1. Vitamin B12

  2. Vitamin D

  3. Vitamin A

  4. Vitamin B4

Correct Option: C

Vitamin A is important for good vision.

Which of the following is a monosaccharide sugar?

  1. Lactose

  2. Sucrose

  3. Glucose

  4. Maltose

Correct Option: C

Glucose is a monosaccharide sugar, while the rest of the options are disachharide sugars. 

Which of the following nutrients act as an insulator and prevent the loss of heat from the animal body?

  1. Fats

  2. Carbohydrates

  3. Proteins

  4. Vitamins

Correct Option: A

Fats act as an insulator and prevent the loss of heat from the animal body.

Which of the following vitamins is found in amla, orange and lemon?

  1. C

  2. A

  3. D

  4. K

Correct Option: A

Amla, orange and lemon are citrus fruits. They are a rich source of vitamin C. 

Why are vitamins considered as important elements although they do not provide any energy to us?

  1. They protect us from diseases.

  2. They maintain the body temperature.

  3. They synthesise blood cells.

  4. They act as repairing agents.

Correct Option: A

Vitamins are major components of our food. They strengthen our body to fight against diseases.

Which of the following minerals is not needed by our body?

  1. Calcium

  2. Mercury

  3. Iron

  4. Iodine

Correct Option: B

Calcium is a major component of our bones and teeth. Iron is present as haemoglobin in blood and iodine is required for the regular body metabolism. Mercury is poisonous for our health and can lead to death even if taken in small amount. 

Which of the following disorders is caused by the deficiency of calcium?

  1. Bone and tooth decay

  2. Rickets

  3. Scurvy

  4. Beriberi

Correct Option: A

Our teeth and bones are basically formed from the compounds of calcium, the deficiency of which leads to their decay.

If a person does not eat protein-containing food for a long time, which of the following disorders may appear in him?

  1. Poor vision

  2. Swelling of face

  3. Weak teeth

  4. Bleeding gums

Correct Option: B

Deficiency of proteins in the diet for a long time results in swelling of face and neck, undergrowth of the body, etc. This is because proteins are the building blocks of the body and should be taken in sufficient amounts. 

Goitre disease is commonly found among people living in the Himalayan regions because their diet has

  1. low iodine content

  2. low sodium content

  3. low calcium content

  4. low iron content

Correct Option: A

Goitre is a disease in which the thyroid gland in the body does not work properly. This happens due to low intake of iodine in diet. 

Which of the following is the cause of anaemia?

  1. Excessive intake of iron

  2. Deficiency of iron

  3. Excessive intake of vitamins

  4. Deficiency of vitamins

Correct Option: B

Anaemia refers to low haemoglobin/blood level in the body which occurs when we do not take enough iron in our diet. This is because iron forms haemoglobin, which is a major component of our blood. 

Starchy food turns ______ on the addition of iodine solution.

  1. violet

  2. blue-black

  3. pink

  4. green

Correct Option: B

The presence of any nutrient can be tested and confirmed by particular tests, e.g. presence of proteins can be tested by using copper sulphate and caustic soda. Oily patch on paper, when a food product is kept over it, confirms the presence of fats. The addition of iodine turns the starchy food to blue-black. 

Excessive washing of vegetables and peeling of fruits result in the loss of

  1. minerals

  2. vitamins

  3. proteins

  4. both (1) and (2)

Correct Option: D

Fruits and vegetables are a major source of vitamins and minerals. Washing and peeling more than required result in the loss of these two nutrients from them. 

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