Playing with Numbers (Test - II)

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What is the greatest four-digit number that can be formed from the digits 3, 8 and 7 by using any one of these digits twice?

  1. 3387

  2. 8378

  3. 8873

  4. 8773

Correct Option: C

The greatest four-digit number that can be formed from the given digits as per the question = 8873.

One crore is equal to

  1. 100 thousands

  2. 100 lakhs

  3. 10 hundreds

  4. 1000 hundreds

Correct Option: B

One crore = 1,00,00,000 = 100 lakhs

How many millimetres make one kilometre?

  1. 1000

  2. 10,000

  3. 100,000

  4. 10,00,000

Correct Option: D

1 km = 1000 m = 1000*100 cm = 1,00,000 x 10 mm = 10,00,000 mm

What is the difference between the greatest and the least 5-digit number that can be written using the digits 6, 2, 7, 4 and 3, each only once?

  1. 50000

  2. 52965

  3. 52865

  4. 51965

Correct Option: B

Greatest number = 76432 Least number = 23467 Difference = 52965

Represent the number 'Nine crore five lakh fourty one' in digits.

  1. 9,50,00,041

  2. 9,05,00,041

  3. 9,05,041

  4. 9,500,041

Correct Option: B

Nine crore five lakh fourty one = 9,05,00,041

The smallest prime number is

  1. 1

  2. 2

  3. 3

  4. 4

Correct Option: B

2 is the smallest prime number.

When one is added to the greatest 4-digit number, the result is

  1. the greatest 5-digit number

  2. the smallest 5-digit number

  3. the greatest 4-digit number

  4. the smallest 4-digit number

Correct Option: B

Greatest 4-digit number = 9999 On adding 1 to it, we get = 10,000 = the smallest 5-digit number

The population of a village was 235471 in the year 1991. In the year 2001, it was found to be increased by 72598. What was the population of the village in the year 2001?

  1. 308429

  2. 308069

  3. 30428

  4. 30328

Correct Option: B

Population of the village in the year 2001 = 235471 + 72598 = 308069

In a truck, there are 200 kg apples, 340 kg oranges and 20 kg grapes. What is the total weight of the fruits?

  1. 340 kg

  2. 350 kg

  3. 370 kg

  4. 560 kg

Correct Option: D

Total weight of the fruits = (200 + 340 + 20)kg = 560 kg

Two numbers having only 1 as their common factor are called

  1. prime numbers

  2. co-prime numbers

  3. composite numbers

  4. odd numbers

Correct Option: B

Co-prime numbers are those numbers which have only 1 as their common factor.

The product of three consecutive numbers is always divisible by

  1. 2

  2. 4

  3. 5

  4. 8

Correct Option: A

Among three consecutive numbers, there must exist atleast one even number. So, the product of three consecutive numbers will always be divisible by 2.

The product of L.C.M. and H.C.F. of two numbers is equal to the

  1. sum of the numbers

  2. difference of the numbers

  3. product of the numbers

  4. quotient of the numbers

Correct Option: C

L.C.M. * H.C.F. = Product of the numbers

Which of the following numbers is divisible by 9?

  1. 15287

  2. 15267

  3. 15286

  4. 152658

Correct Option: D

Sum of the digits of 152658 = 1 + 5 + 2 + 6 + 5 + 8 = 9 9 is divisible by 9. Hence, 152658 is divisible by 9.

What is the H.C.F. of two consecutive odd numbers?

  1. 1

  2. 2

  3. 4

  4. 8

Correct Option: A

There is no common factor of two consecutive odd numbers except 1. So, their H.C.F. is 1.

Renu purchases two bags of fertiliser weighing 75 kg and 69 kg. Find the maximum value of the weight which when used an exact number of times can measure the weight of the fertiliser in each bag.

  1. 3 kg

  2. 8 kg

  3. 5 kg

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Prime factors of 75 = 3 * 5 * 5 Prime factors of 69 = 23 * 3 The maximum value of weight which when used an exact number of times can measure the weight of the fertiliser in each bag = H.C.F. (75, 69) = 3 kg

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