Viral Diseases of Humans (GATE)

Description: Proteins
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: virus diseases hemorrhagic Biology Microbial Diseases Human Diseases Caused by Viruses
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Ebola virus causes Ebola hemorrhagic fever having high risk of death. Which of the following is the most lethal member of the Ebola family?

  1. Sudan Ebola virus

  2. Reston Ebola virus

  3. Zaire Ebola virus

  4. Bundibugyo Ebola virus

Correct Option: C

There is a 90% fatality rate associated with Zaire Ebola virus. Thus, it is the most lethal strain of the Ebola family.

Besides Ebola virus, which of the following viruses is associated with hemorrhagic fever?

  1. Rubivirus

  2. JC virus

  3. Zika virus

  4. Malburg virus

Correct Option: D

Malburg virus is associated with hemorrhagic fever. This virus causes Marburg virus disease in humans and non-human primates, which is a form of viral hemorrhagic fever.

As a rule, DNA viruses replicate within the nucleus. Causative agent of which of the following diseases replicates in the cytoplasm?

  1. Influenza

  2. Monkey pox

  3. Genital warts

  4. Genital herpes

Correct Option: B

Monkey pox is caused by monkey pox virus having dsDNA. It replicates in the cytoplasm.

Adenovirus causes a wide range of illnesses in humans. Which of the following serotypes of adenovirus are associated with gastroenteritis?

  1. HAdV-B and C

  2. HAdV-F types 40 and 41 and HAdV-G type 52

  3. HAdV-B and D

  4. HAdV-A type 31, HAdV-C type 5 and HAdV-D types 9, 36 and 37

Correct Option: B

Serotypes HAdV-F types 40 and 41 and HAdV-G type 52 are associated with gastroenteritis.

Hantaviruses cause pulmonary syndrome in humans. People contract this from

  1. person to person

  2. contaminated water

  3. droppings of infected mice

  4. bites of tick flies

Correct Option: C

Hantavirus is found in the urine and faeces of infected mice. Humans can get sick with this virus if they breathe in contaminated dust from mice nests or droppings.

Herpetic whitlow is a lesion on a finger or thumb that is characterised by swelling, reddening and darkness of the skin of the infected finger. Which of the following organisms is associated with it?

  1. Varicella zoster virus

  2. HSV-8

  3. Coxsackie virus A

  4. HSV-1

Correct Option: C

Coxsackie virus A is not associated with herpetic whitlow.

Human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) causes lower respiratory tract infections in children. This virus was first isolated from which of the following?

  1. Chimpanzee

  2. Gorilla

  3. Human baby

  4. Monkey

Correct Option: A

RSV was first isolated from chimpanzee in 1956. It was then called Chimpanzee Coryza Agent (CCA).

Coltiviruses are associated with Colorado tick fever. Which of the following symmetries is present in the structure of these viruses?

  1. Enveloped icosahedral symmetry

  2. Helical symmetry

  3. Complex symmetry

  4. Non-enveloped icosahedral symmetry

Correct Option: D

Non-enveloped icosahedral symmetry is present in the structure of this virus. It is generally spherical in shape and has two concentric capsid shells surrounding a core of about 50 nanometers in diameter.

Latency associated nuclear antigen (LANA) is present in primary effusion lymphoma cells that react with antibodies from patients with Kaposi Sarcoma. A biopsy sample tested positive for LANA by histobiochemistry confirms the presence of

  1. HSV-1 virus

  2. HSV-8 virus

  3. HSV-7 virus

  4. HSV-6 virus

Correct Option: B

A positive test for latency-associated nuclear antigen (LANA-1) confirms the presence of HSV-8 virus. Human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) has been identified as the etiological agent of Kaposi’s sarcoma. It expresses high levels of LANA.

Hyalomma is a genus of hard-bodied ticks common in Asia, Africa and Europe. Bite of this tick has been attributed previously to the outbreaks of which of the following diseases?

  1. Venezuelan hemorrhagic fever

  2. Argentine hemorrhagic fever

  3. Korean hemorrhagic fever

  4. Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever

Correct Option: D

Outbreaks of Crimean–Congo hemorrhagic fever are usually attributable to Hyalomma tick bites or contact with infected animals or people.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) causes warts in humans. Out of the 170 types of HPV identified, types 6, 11, 42 and 99 are associated with

  1. flat warts

  2. common warts

  3. anogenital warts

  4. plantar warts

Correct Option: C

HPV types 6, 11, 42 and 99 are associated with anogenital warts. This is a contagious and sexually transmitted disease caused by HPV.

Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) is associated with encephalitis. Which of the following acts as a vector for the transmission of Siberian subtype of this virus?

  1. Ixodes ricinus

  2. Ixodes canisuga

  3. Ixodes persulcatus

  4. Ixodes cornuatus

Correct Option: C

Ixodes persulcatus is the vector for the transmission of Siberian subtype of TBEV.

Lassa virus causes Lassa hemorrhagic fever. Its genome is contained in two RNA segments that code for two proteins each. Which of the following proteins that are coded by the larger segment regulates transcription and replication?

  1. Glycoprotein

  2. Reverse transcriptase

  3. Zinc-binding protein

  4. Nucleoprotein

Correct Option: C

The large segment encodes a small zinc-binding protein (Z) that regulates transcription and replication.

There are 12 genotypes of the mumps virus. Which of the following genotypes is used as the L-Zagreb vaccine?

  1. Genotype M

  2. Genotype N

  3. Genotype A

  4. Genotype B

Correct Option: B

Genotype N is used as the L-Zagreb vaccine.

Match the columns.

Column A Column B
1. Dane particle a. Hepatitis C
2. NS2 protein b. Hepatitis D
3. Hepeviridae c. Hepatitis B
4. Subviral satellite d. Hepatitis E
  1. 1. Dane particle b. Hepatitis D
    2. NS2 protein c. Hepatitis B
    3. Hepeviridae d. Hepatitis E
    4. Subviral satellite a. Hepatitis C
  2. 1. Dane particle c. Hepatitis B
    2. NS2 protein a. Hepatitis C
    3. Hepeviridae d. Hepatitis E
    4. Subviral satellite b. Hepatitis D
  3. 1. Dane particle d. Hepatitis E
    2. NS2 protein b. Hepatitis D
    3. Hepeviridae a. Hepatitis C
    4. Subviral satellite c. Hepatitis B
  4. 1. Dane particle c. Hepatitis B
    2. NS2 protein d. Hepatitis E
    3. Hepeviridae b. Hepatitis D
    4. Subviral satellite a. Hepatitis C

Correct Option: B

Correct Answer ||| |---|---| |1. Dane particle|c. Hepatitis B| |2. NS2 protein|a. Hepatitis C| |3. Hepeviridae|d. Hepatitis E| |4. Subviral satellite|b. Hepatitis D|

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