English Usage Test 33

Description: English Usage Test - Free english verbal ability test for entrance examinations like mba entrance, gre, sat, gmat, toefl preparation and practice tests
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Directions: The following question contains six statements. Choose the option in which the three statements are logically related i.e. the third can be logically deduced from the first two.

A. Idleness is always worth enjoying for fools. B. Idleness is the holiday of fools. C. Fools are worth their idleness. D. Any holiday is always worth enjoying. E. Fools enjoy themselves. F. Nobody idle should enjoy.

  1. BDA

  2. CEF

  3. ECB

  4. DFE

Correct Option: A


Directions: The following question contains six statements. Choose the option in which the three statements are logically related i.e. the third can be logically deduced from the first two.
A. Harmful things should be done.
B. Women shall never be dated.
C. Dating is harmful.
D. Music should be dated.
E. Dating music is harmful.
F. Music is the enemy of everything else.

  1. BCF

  2. EAD

  3. ACF

  4. FEA

Correct Option: B

EAD E à Music should be dated. A à Harmful things should be done.
In sentence E, speaker advices to date music and in sentence A, he advices to do harmful things, so logical conclusion of the two is that dating music should be harmful which has been stated in statement D, hence, EAD is the answer.

Directions: In the following question, five statements are provided. These statements form a coherent paragraph when properly arranged. Select the alternative representing the proper and logical sequencing of these statements.
A. So, at least one of the basic assumptions must be wrong.
B. Olber's Paradox simple assumptions lead inevitably to the conclusion that the sky should be bright, but in fact the sky is dark.
C. You can't get around it by acknowledging that the Milky Way Galaxy is just an island in space, so that we run out of stars to count at the edge of our galaxy.
D. There is a technique of argument called reduction ad absurdum, which depends on starting out from some basic assumption and reaching a clearly ridiculous conclusion.
E. That establishes beyond doubt that the initial assumption was wrong.

  1. CEDBA

  2. BDAEC

  3. CBDAE

  4. DEBAC

Correct Option: D

D begins the sequence as it highlights one technique of argument. E follows D as 'that' in E refers to the reaching of a ridiculous conclusion. B explains the assumption, thus, B follows E. Out of A and C, A follows B as both the statements are connected by the word 'assumptions'. Hence, DEBAC is the correct option.

Directions: In the following question, four statements are provided between an opening statement 1 and a closing statement 6. The four statements are jumbled up and form a coherent paragraph when properly arranged. Select the alternative representing the proper and logical sequencing of these six statements.

1 Darwin himself was a liberal but his theories had consequences in some degree inimical to traditional liberalism.

A. If, as Lamarck held, acquired characteristic were inherited, the opposition to Helvetius's views would be softened.

B. The doctrine that all men are equal and education was responsible for difference in opinion was incompatible with his theory of congenital differences.

C. And these differences arose between members of same species.

D. Apart from certain exception, it has appeared that only congenital characteristics are inherited.

6 Thus, congenital differences between men acquire fundamental importance.

  1. ABDC

  2. BCAD

  3. CDAB

  4. DACB

Correct Option: B

Sentence 1 describes the contradiction theories of Darwin and traditional liberalism. So, following sentence should be in same essence as given in first sentence. Only sentence B goes with the flow of first sentence because rest of the sentence discusses ideas which haven't been explained in sentence 1. Thus, BCAD is the correct option.

Directions: Find the statement where the given word hasn't been used correctly.

  1. The wood used to make the cabinet is ash.

  2. His illness had given his face an ashen look.

  3. He wanted us to scatter his ashes over the sea.

  4. The shed was burnt in ashes.

Correct Option: D

Option (1) doesn't seem to make sense, and some might be prompted to mark it incorrect usage of term ash. But the word 'ash' here refers to a variety of tree of genus fraxinus. So, it is perfectly correct. Options (2) and (3) can easily be marked as correct options. Option (4) is marked incorrect because of word 'in' instead of 'to'.

Directions: In the following question, four statements are provided between an opening statement 1 and a closing statement 6. The four statements are jumbled up and form a coherent paragraph when properly arranged. Select the alternative representing the proper and logical sequencing of these six statements.

1 An explanation for this almost unbelievable growth is provided by what Sagan calls the secret of Persian chessboard.

A. The shrewd vizier said that he was a humble man, and his request of a reward for the invention was a small one.

B. He, wanted the king to give him a single grain of wheat on the first square and twice on second and so on for all 64 squares.

C. According to his version, the Grand vizier of Persia invented a war game (known today as chess).

D. The king was amazed at the non demand of jewels or places.

6 And by the end, the doubling process resulted in 75 billion metric tons.

  1. DBAC

  2. ACDB

  3. DBCA

  4. CABD

Correct Option: D

The sentences are given in a story, attached with the invention of chess. So, the appropriate sentence to follow 1 should be sentence C, which describes the invention of chess by Grand vizier of Persia. Thus, CABD is the correct option.

Directions: Find the statement where the given word hasn't been used correctly.


  1. The demonstrators punched the air with their fists.

  2. Proudly, he waved a fist of money cut the waiter.

  3. Now, boys, no fisticuffs if you please.

  4. The knuckles showed white on his clenched fist.

Correct Option: B

Directions: In the following question, four statements are provided between an opening statement 1 and a closing statement 6. The four statements are jumbled up and form a coherent paragraph when properly arranged. Select the alternative representing the proper and logical sequencing of these six statements.

1 Depression is the most common psychology disorder. A. For instance, employees with low self-esteem and attribute to negative life events to stable internal pauses. B. In contrast to most people, depressed individuals tend to adopt an opposite pattern.
C. Although many factors play a role in depression, one that has received much attention is termed self defeating pattern of attributions. D. Indeed, it is estimated more than 10% of all people are suffering from it to some degree. 6 But for positive life events, they are attributed to temporary external causes (like lucky breaks).

  1. ACDB

  2. CADB

  3. DCBA

  4. ABDC

Correct Option: C

Sentence 1 introduces depression as most common psychological disorder. Sentence D describes more than 10% of all people suffering from 'it' becomes attributed to depression. So, DCBA is the correct option.

Directions: The following question is based on VERBAL ANALOGIES. Select the alternative that exhibits a similar relationship as shown by the QUESTION PAIR.


  1. sin : expiate

  2. question : receive

  3. beauty : ugly

  4. feedback : venture

Correct Option: A

Obstacle is an obstruction in a path while surmount is to overcome or conquer. So, the bridge that can be built here is to defeat or win over obstacles. Applying the bridge formed to option (2), we tend to receive to defeat question. It doesn't sound convincing. Similar reasoning can be used to reject options (3) and (4). For option (1), to expiate (make amends, atone for) is to overcome, conquer sin. It sounds convincing, hence,it is the required answer for this question.

Directions: In the following question, four statements are provided between an opening statement 1 and a closing statement 6. The four statements are jumbled up and form a coherent paragraph when properly arranged. Select the alternative representing the proper and logical sequencing of these six statements.

  1. The Hindu view of life in the Vedic thought is that man is altogether and throughout composed of desires.

A. As are his desires, so is his discretion/insight (kratu), as is his discretion, so are his deeds and as is his deed, so is his destiny.

B. Its other feature is that it believes in unity.

C. Under the circumstances, one must eradicate discretion (kratu) in order to destroy his desires.

D. Hence, if a man has left any desires in him while he lives, he takes birth again, but if no desires are left in him, he becomes one with Brahma (God).

  1. It is desire that binds a man to this world and makes him liable to birth and death.
  1. CDBA

  2. ADCB

  3. BDAC

  4. ABCD

Correct Option: C

On Hindu Philosophy. Statement 1 is followed by B as it talks of other feature. There is only one option that begins with B, D would follow A as 'desires' is common in both the sentences, followed by C, as 'destroy his desires' in C is a link to AD. Hence,  BDAC  is the correct answer.

Directions: Find the statement where the given word hasn't been used correctly. NEST
  1. The tree was full of nesting weavers.

  2. Over the years, she built up a nest egg for her retirement.

  3. We have a nest of three tables of different sizes, which fit one on top of another.

  4. The neighbours said that the shelter for the homeless was a nesting for the thieves.

Correct Option: D

The usage as implied in option (1) refers to a structure in which a bird lays its eggs and rears its chicks. In option (2), the term 'nest egg' is used to refer to money saved for future use. In option (3), 'nest' denotes group of objects, which are designed in such a way to fit in each other. In option (4), either the expression should have been 'nesting ground for the thieves' or 'nest of thieves', which implies a secret, protected place, especially one used by criminals.

Directions: An assertion is a point of view. An argument is a statement meant to convince another about a certain point of view. A counter-argument contains logic opposed to assertion. Based on these, classify the four sentences in question below.

(A) Concluding assertion (B) Supporting reason (C) Statement irrelevant to the argument
(D) Counter - argument

A. Diversity in political views is extremely beneficial as it creates competitiveness in the polity. B. The possibility of a hung parliament in an unmanageable nation like India is frightening. C. When chaos reigns supreme everywhere, the need for a strong government is genuinely felt. D. If there are different political parties vying for the top slots and no one gets a clear majority, it can only augur well for the whole nation.

  1. DABC

  2. DACC

  3. DABD

  4. DABB

Correct Option: C

Option (1) DABD Sentence marked as assertion is ' the possibility of a hung parliament in an unmanageable nation like Indian is frightening; easily the sentence 1 as well as beneficial and well for nation are against the idea proposed in the about assertion. Only sentence 3 supports the assertion. Thus given classification is perfectly valid and therefore, option (3) is correct answer.

Directions: The following question is based on VERBAL ANALOGIES. Select the alternative that exhibits a similar relationship as shown by the QUESTION PAIR.


  1. restrict : supplies

  2. rob : money

  3. inhibit : drives

  4. starve : food

Correct Option: D

The bridge between suffocate: oxygen (a person suffocates without oxygen) can only be applied correctly to option (4) starve: food and also most appropriately because 'we starve without food'. Therefore, option (4) is the answer.

Directions: The following question is based on VERBAL ANALOGIES. Select the alternative that exhibits a similar relationship as shown by the QUESTION PAIR.


  1. rotund : obese

  2. large : small

  3. speed : acceleration

  4. buxom : stout

Correct Option: A

Terms plump and fat are synonyms used for terming overweight, fleshy people or things. So, a likely pair of terms for answer should contain synonyms. Option (3), speed: acceleration are not synonyms as speed refers to rate of change of distance of a body and acceleration refers to the time rate of change of speed of a body. Option (D4), buxom is used to term a healthy or comely person but stout is used especially to term a fat person. Thereby, these two terms cannot be related together. Only option (1) rotund meaning round, spherical or plump and obese meaning potbellied, fat or stout can be considered as synonyms and thereby, forms the answer.

Directions: An assertion is a point of view. An argument is a statement meant to convince another about a certain point of view. A counter-argument contains logic opposed to assertion. Based on these, classify the four sentences in question given below.
(A) Concluding assertion
(B) Supporting reason
(C) Statement irrelevant to the argument
(D) Counter - argument
A. The motivated speaker, hence, is genuine.
B. A motivated speaker 'feels' for the subject and can genuinely think in an unbiased manner.
C. The motivated speaker can thus present his ideas in an original way, without fear or favour.
D. You may pretend and temporarily fool the public about your intentions while delivering a speech.

  1. BDBA

  2. CCCA

  3. BCBA

  4. BABD

Correct Option: D

Option (4) BABD Sentence marked as assertion is 'A motivated speaker 'feels' for the subject and can genuinely think in an unbiased manner'. Sentences A and C can appropriately be marked as supporting reasons on account they confirm and support the above given sentence. Last sentence 'you may pretend and temporarily fool the public about your intention while delivering in a speech' implies bringing a bias in speech and still convince the people as motivated speakers, is inherently incorrect statement and therefore, it can be marked as counter argument. This marks option (4) as correct answer.

Directions: In the following question, a related pair of words is followed by four pairs of words. Choose the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.


  1. interest : vigorish

  2. stealing : embezzlement

  3. cash : deceit

  4. swindle : hoax

Correct Option: A

(Definition) Wring means charging a very high price and vigorish means charging a very high rate of interest.

Directions: In the following question, four statements with blanks are given. Choose the option which fills in the blanks, the maximum number of times.

A. The manager was ________ with the task of placating the warring factions of the trade union. B. Soon after the debacle, he was ________ of all his powers and was forced to go on a prolonged leave. C. The government has ________ its equity stake in several PSUs. D. ________ of his authority, he was useless.

  1. assigned

  2. stripped off

  3. put

  4. given

Correct Option: B

While the term suited to fill in the first blank is 'assigned', rest of the blanks can only be filled using term 'stripped off' to make sense. This marks term 'stripped off' given in option (2) as most valid of the given choices.

Directions: In the following question, a related pair of words is followed by four pairs of words. Choose the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.


  1. room : soiled

  2. lips : chapped

  3. suitor : jilt

  4. blemish: mark

Correct Option: A

(Definition) A tenement (an apartment house) that is bedraggled is dirty looking and a room that is soiled is dirty looking.

Directions: In the following question, four statements with blanks are given. Choose the option which fills in the blanks, the maximum number of times.

A. He behaves as if he is an exceptionally ________ person incapable of understanding even basic Maths. B. The room had a very ________ appearance due to the strange colours used. C. Your ________ replies were music to the professor’s ears. D. In a cosmopolitan society, you cannot afford to be ________ and witless.

  1. dumb

  2. mournful

  3. intelligent

  4. drab

Correct Option: A

The word suitable to fit in sentence A is ‘dumb’. The word suitable for sentence B is ‘drab’. The word required to replace blank in sentence C is ‘intelligent’. The last sentence is appropriately filled in by term ‘dumb’. This marks ‘dumb’, option (1) as word used in most of the blanks.

Directions: In the following question, four statements are provided between an opening statement 1 and a closing statement 6. The statements are jumbled up and form a coherent paragraph when properly arranged. Select the alternative representing the proper and logical sequencing of these six taken together.
1. Figure skating is primarily a sport of amateurs.
A. For years the singles competitions was judged according to two categories.
B. The compulsory-figures category required each skater to perform 3 or 6 repetitions of 3 figures drawn from a possible 41 patterns.
C. Contests are held for singles and for pairs.
D. The free-skating category judged a skater's ability to perform jumps, spins, spirals, and skating coordinated with music.
6. All figures are based on a figure-8 pattern or variations thereof.

  1. CADB

  2. BCAD

  3. ADCB

  4. ABCD

Correct Option: A

It is an easy question. Sentence 1 introduces to us the sport called figure skating and sentences A, B, D describe various types of figure skating competitions. Only sentence C is quite general to suit in with sentence 1 and also it is sentence C, which introduces the different types of competitions. Therefore, 3 should begin the order of sentences. This choice of order is available only in option (1), therefore, the correct answer is 1.

Directions: The following question contains six statements. Choose the option in which the three statements are logically related i.e. the third can be logically deduced from the first two.

A. Some accusers never plead guilty. B. Anybody guilty can become an accuser. C. The voice of conscience must be heard. D. Any supreme voice must be heard. E. Some accusers are themselves guilty. F. Conscience is the supreme voice.

  1. ABC

  2. FDC

  3. BED

  4. FAE

Correct Option: B


Directions: The following question consists of certain statements. Select the option representing the most logical sequence of the given statements.

A. Someone wise is full of craft. B. Some people are always short of words. C. A word is enough for the wise. D. Explanation ruins the very basic concept. E. No wise man is short of words. F. Crafty people don't require much explanation.

  1. AFC

  2. BDF

  3. ECA

  4. AEF

Correct Option: A


Directions: In the following question, five statements are provided. These statements form a coherent paragraph when properly arranged. Select the alternative representing the proper and logical sequencing of these statements.
A. The new group took up rather a militant attitude against other castes, especially those which were popularly regarded as immediately higher or lower than the caste which it represented.
B. The sub-castes that joined together to create a big group retained their internal feelings of exclusiveness with undiminishing vigour.
C. Taking another point of view that castes should be slowly abolished by consolidation of the sub-castes into larger castes, scholars have said that to propose this point is to miss the real problem.
D. Thus, scholars claimed that the spirit of caste patriotism or casteism is created, and diminishing of casteism would be very difficult and it would create an unhealthy atmosphere for the full growth of national consciousness.
E. This method, they claim, was tried in Bombay for a number of decades but the results were disastrous.

  1. BECAD

  2. CEBAD

  3. AEBCD

  4. CDBEA

Correct Option: B

Statement C begins the sequence as it highlights the view point expressed in this para jumble. 'This method' in E refers to the view point discussed in C, therefore, E follows C. 'New group' in A is a direct link to B as B talks of 'sub-castes that joined together'. Statement D finally concludes the sequence. Hence, CEBAD is the correct option.

Directions: In the following question, four statements are provided between an opening statement 1 and a closing statement 6. The statements are jumbled up and form a coherent paragraph when properly arranged. Select the alternative representing the proper and logical sequencing of these six taken together.
1. Ice forms in lakes and rivers whenever the surface water super cools to 0°C (32° F) or a fraction of a degree lower.
A. This ice cover continues to thicken downward as a result of transfer of heat from ice to air.
B. The first appearance of ice in a lake usually takes the form of spicule or platelike crystals.
C. Continuous ice covers may also form on rivers that have flow velocities less than about 0.5 m/sec (1.6ft/sec).
D. These grow into a network of dendrites that ultimately freeze together to form a continuous ice cover called skim ice.
6. Ice formations in more turbulent supper cooled water tend to be dominated by a copious crystallization of small particles of ice called frazil.

  1. BCDA

  2. BDAC

  3. DABC

  4. DBAC

Correct Option: B

The sentence that is required to follow after sentence 1 should be either B or D, according to given answer choices. One can easily see that 4 makes reference to a thing but it hasn't been described in sentence 1. Therefore, sentence B is much better option to be used to follow sentence 1. Look at sentence 6 and C, both of these two talk about formation of ice covers over rivers, so these two can easily be grouped together. Therefore, our order should begin with sentence B and end with sentence C. This marks option (2) as correct answer.

Directions: In the following question, four statements are provided between an opening statement 1 and a closing statement 6. The statements are jumbled up and form a coherent paragraph when properly arranged. Select the alternative representing the proper and logical sequencing of these six taken together.
1. The four- act drama 'The Iceman Cometh', written by American playwright Eugence O' Neil in 1939 and first produced in 1946 (film 1973) is one of the greatest plays.
A. The play observes the inhabitants of a seedy saloon-hotel in New York City.
B. The barflies in turn reveal the 'pipe dreams' sustaining them in their defeated lives, goaded by a 'reformed' salesman, Theodore Hickman (“Hickey”) whose arrival they had been awaiting.
C. Hickey at last reveals that his own 'conversion' is illusory, and policemen lead him away for his wife's murder, to which he has confessed.
D. It is based on a short story from 1917.
6. The barflies return to their pipe dreams.

  1. CABD

  2. DABC

  3. ACBD

  4. ACDB

Correct Option: B

Both the sentences D and A talk about the play and C, B along with 6 talk about its characters. Therefore, D, A should come before B, C. As A introduces the 'inhabitants of seedy saloon-hotel' therefore, after this sentence B and C should come. Thus, among given answer choices, only option (2) is suitable enough to provide us with the correct answer.

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