Agriculture - 1 (B.Sc. Agriculture)

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'Khaira disease of rice' is the consequence of deficiency of

  1. boron

  2. zinc

  3. magnesium

  4. copper

Correct Option: B

'Khaira' disease of rice is caused due to zinc deficiency.

In which of the following crops are vegetative parts used for growing crops?

  1. Tomato

  2. Rice

  3. Sugarcane

  4. Wheat

  5. Maize

Correct Option: C

In sugarcane production, seeds are not used, instead vegetative cuttings of sugarcane are used.

At which step does carbon dioxide come into play during photosynthesis?

  1. First step of the light reaction

  2. Last step of photosynthesis

  3. First step of photophosphorylation

  4. Dark phase

Correct Option: D

In this step, carbon dioxide enters and is reduced to form starch.

The botanical name of the cotton-yielding plant is

  1. Gossypium hirsutum

  2. Hibiscus rosa sinersis

  3. Cannabis sativa

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

 The botanical name of the cotton-yielding plant is Gossypium hirsutum.

Which of the following is a C4 plant?

  1. Pea

  2. Maize

  3. Papaya

  4. Potato

Correct Option: B

Maize is a c4 plant.

Chromosome number is

  1. fixed for a species

  2. fixed for a community

  3. fixed for a ecosystem

  4. fixed for a biosphere

Correct Option: A

Chromosome number is fixed for a species. The lowest number is seen in Haplopapas gracilis (Asteracease), i.e. 2n = 4 and maximum in some Ophiglosum species (pteridophyte), i.e. 2n = 1656. 

Soyabean is one of the richest sources of

  1. proteins

  2. vitamins

  3. minerals

  4. carbohydrates

Correct Option: A

Cotton is mostly composed of

  1. alcohols

  2. starch

  3. aldehydes

  4. cellulose

Correct Option: D

Apple scab is caused by

  1. Sclerotinia fruticola

  2. Uncinula necator

  3. Venturia inequalis

  4. Erysiphe polygoni

Correct Option: C

 Apple scab is caused by Venturia inequalis.The disease manifests as dull black or grey-brown lesions on the surface of tree leaves, buds or fruits.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of viruses?

  1. They exist as obligate intra-cellular parasites.

  2. Their outer shell is called capsid.

  3. They replicate, but do not grow.

  4. Capsid is mostly made of polysaccharides.

Correct Option: D

Ritesh wants to store his crops after harvesting. Which of the following options must he adopt before storing the crops?

  1. Polish the crops in order to remove dust.

  2. Wash the crops in order to prevent dryness.

  3. Dry the crops in sunlight.

  4. Put the crops in open mouth cloth bags.

Correct Option: C

If freshly harvested grains (seeds) are stored without drying, they may get spoilt or attacked by organisms, losing their germination capacity. Hence, before storing them, grains are properly dried in the sun to reduce moisture in them. This prevents the attack by pests, bacteria and fungi.

Which of the following is not a traditional method of irrigation?

  1. Moat

  2. Sprinkler system

  3. Dhekli

  4. Rahat

  5. Chain pump

Correct Option: B

Sprinkler system is a modern method of irrigation.

Which of the following is not a cash crop?

  1. Cotton

  2. Groundnut

  3. Jowar

  4. Jute

Correct Option: C

Match the following:

List I
List II
(Crop pests)
A. Rice 1. Aphid
B. Wheat 2. Gundhi bug
C. Sugarcane 3. Greasy cutworm
D. Gram 4. Top shoot borer moth
  1. A - 2, B - 3, C - 4, D - 5

  2. A - 3, B - 1, C - 2, D - 4

  3. A - 2, B - 1, C - 4, D - 3

  4. A - 5, B - 4, C - 1, D - 3

Correct Option: C

A fruit can be described as a ripened

  1. corolla

  2. androecium

  3. ovary

  4. calyx

Correct Option: C
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