Indian History - 2

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In whose reign was the Peacock (Mayur) Throne constructed?

  1. Humayun

  2. Akbar

  3. Shahjahan

  4. Babur

Correct Option: C

Who was called Tarafdar?

  1. Revenue officer

  2. Commander of army

  3. Subedar of the Bahmani state

  4. Finance Minister

Correct Option: C

The new addition in the temple architecture introduced by the Vijaynagar rulers was

  1. Mandapa

  2. Garbha Griha

  3. Vimana

  4. Kalyana Mandapa

Correct Option: D

The new addition in the temple architecture introduced by the Vijaynagar rulers was Kalyana Mandapa.

Rudiments of Indian music are found in

  1. Rig Veda

  2. Sama Veda

  3. Yajur Veda

  4. Atharva Veda

Correct Option: B

Which of the following buildings was not built by Akbar?

  1. Panch Mahal

  2. Jodhabai Palace

  3. Moti Mosque

  4. Sultana Mahal

Correct Option: C

Moti Masjid in Red Fort was built by the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb from 1659-1660.The Moti Masjid in Agra was built by Shah Jahan. During the rule of Shah Jahan the Mughal emperor, numerous architectural wonders were built. Most famous of them being the Taj Mahal.

Slavery was an established institution during the __________ period.

  1. Gupta

  2. Nanda

  3. Mughal

  4. Mauryan

Correct Option: D

The Huna leader Mihirakula was defeated by

  1. Yashodharman

  2. Rajyavardhana

  3. Budhagupta

  4. Chandragupta

Correct Option: A

Ashokan inscriptions were first deciphered by

  1. A. Cunningham

  2. J. Prinsep

  3. V. A. Smith

  4. J. Fleet

Correct Option: B

Who was the founder of the Sunga dynasty, which succeeded the Imperial Mauryans?

  1. Agnimitra

  2. Divakaramitra

  3. Pushyamitra

  4. Vasumitra

Correct Option: C

The coins of which of the following dynasties reveal their love for music?

  1. Cholas

  2. Mauryas

  3. Guptas

  4. Cheras

Correct Option: C

The donee in the Gupta age

  1. had right to evict the peasant at the will of the community

  2. had no right to evict till the peasant paid tax perfectly

  3. had right to evict the peasant at his will

  4. had no right to evict the peasant from his land

Correct Option: B

The Hathigumpha inscription is related to

  1. Vakatakas

  2. Mahameghavahanas

  3. Pushyabhutis

  4. Kalachuris

Correct Option: B

Which is not a correct statement about the Chola Judicial system?

  1. The laws were declarations of local institutions

  2. The approval of king was necessary on the declaration

  3. The solution of disputes was done without any help of officers

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: B

What did the Cholas import mainly?

  1. Diestuff

  2. Horses

  3. Precious stones

  4. Wool

Correct Option: B

Which of the following sultans opposed the interference of the Ulema in state affairs?

  1. Firoz Shah Tughlaq

  2. Alauddin Khilji

  3. Bahlol Lodi

  4. Balban

Correct Option: B

Who among the following is famous for his market policy and fixation of prices?

  1. Jalal-ud-din Khilji

  2. Ala-ud-din Khilji

  3. Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq

  4. Ghiyas-ud-din-Tughlaq

Correct Option: B

Correct answer is (2). 

Ala-ud-din Khilji's military ambitions required a standing and strong army, especially after the Mongol siege of Delhi. Maintaining a large army at regular salaries, however, would be severe drain on the treasury. A system of price controls reduced the salary amount that needed to be paid. Three separate markets were set up in Delhi. The first one for food grains, the second for cloth and items such as ghee, oil and sugar and the third market was for horses, cattle and slaves. Regulations were laid out for the operations of these markets. He took various steps to control the prices. He exercised supervision over the markets. He fixed the prices of all the commodities from top to bottom. Market officers, called Shahna, were appointed to keep a check on the prices. 

Both Mahavira and Buddha preached during the reign of

  1. Bimbisara

  2. Ashoka

  3. Chandragupta

  4. Vikramaditya

Correct Option: A

According to Buddhist scriptures, King Bimbisara met Buddha for the first time prior to Buddha's enlightenment and later became an important disciple that featured prominently in certain Buddhist suttas. King Bimbisara is referred to as King Shrenika of Rajgir in Jain literature, who became a devotee of Jainism impressed by the calmness of Yamadhar (a Jain Muni). He frequently visited Samavasarana of Lord Mahavira seeking answers to his queries.

Who among the following is a contemporary of Gautam Buddha?

  1. Nagarjuna

  2. Kanishka

  3. Kautilya

  4. Mahavira

Correct Option: D

Mahavira 599 – 527 BC Buddha 563 - 483 BC  Kautilya (Chanakya) 340 - 293 BC Kanishka   127 – 163 AD Nagarjuna 150 - 250  BC 

Brick platforms used for granaries are seen in the excavation at

  1. Kalibangan

  2. Rojdi

  3. Lothal

  4. Rangpur

Correct Option: C

Brick platforms used for granaries are seen in the excavation at Lothal.

Which of the following statements about the Indus Valley Civilisation is correct?

  1. The authors of the Indus Valley Civilisation had no trade relations with countries outside India.

  2. The authors of the Indus Valley Civilisation did not worship Gods and Goddesses.

  3. The Indus Valley people knew how to construct carts.

  4. The Indus Valley people were not familiar with cotton.

Correct Option: C

Which of the following statements is/are incorrect?

  1. An important characteristic of Vedic mythology is the pre-dominance of the male element.
  2. Sacrifices occupied a prominent place in Vedic rituals.
  1. Only 1

  2. Only 2

  3. Both of these

  4. Neither of these

Correct Option: D

An important characteristic of Vedic mythology is the pre-dominance of the male element. Thus, Vedic civilisation presents a contrast to the prehistoric culture of Indus Valley, where the mother goddess is coequal with her male partner. Sacrifices occupied a prominent place in Vedic rituals. These included offerings of milk, grain, ghee and juice of the Soma plant.

Which of the following factors instigated the third Anglo-Maratha War?

  1. Cause of Raghunath Rao for Peshwaship

  2. Policy of Subsidiary Alliance

  3. Doctrine of Lapse Policy

  4. British war against the Pindaris

Correct Option: D

Lord Hastings was determined to proclaim British paramountary in India. His moves against the Pindaris transgressed the sovereignty of the Maratha chief and the third Anglo-Maratha war began in 1817.

When was the second Anglo-Maratha War fought?

  1. 1775-82

  2. 1780-84

  3. 1803-05

  4. 1817-18

Correct Option: C

The three jewels of Buddhism are

  1. Meditation, Sangha and Dharma

  2. Buddha, Meditation and Prayers

  3. Buddha, Sangha and Dharma

  4. Dharma, Sangha and Prayers

Correct Option: C

There are similarities between the seals found at Mohenjodaro and those at

  1. Afghanistan

  2. Egypt

  3. China

  4. Sumeria

Correct Option: D

Who among the following were associated with the Indus Valley Civilisation?

  1. Egyptians

  2. Mesopotamians

  3. Chinese

  4. Sumerians

Correct Option: B

Correct Answer: Mesopotamians

Among the following, who was celebrated with the title of 'Gangai-Konda'?

  1. Rajaraja-I

  2. Rajendra-I

  3. Kulottunga

  4. Mahendravarman

Correct Option: B

After the decline of the Guptas, a large part of North India was reunited by

  1. Chalukyas

  2. Rajputs

  3. Saka Satraps

  4. Harshavardhana

Correct Option: D

Correct answer is (4). 

The Moroccan traveller Ibn Battuta was a contemporary of

  1. Gyasuddin Balban

  2. Mohammad–bin-Tughlak

  3. Sultan Mahmud

  4. Aladuddin Khilji

Correct Option: B

With which of the following is the term 'Nirgrantha' associated?

  1. Ajivikas

  2. Charvakas

  3. Jainas

  4. Pasupatas

Correct Option: C
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