Indian History - 3

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Which of the following forts was not built in Akbar's time?

  1. Agra Fort

  2. Lahore Fort

  3. Purana Qila

  4. Allahabad Fort

Correct Option: C

Thousands of women were employed in the empire of Vijayanagar as

  1. accountants

  2. royal bodyguards

  3. palace guards

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Correct answer is (4). 

The 'Asvamedha' and 'Rajasuya' sacrifices were performed by the

  1. Harappans

  2. Sumerians

  3. Aryans

  4. Dravidians

Correct Option: C

Which Mughal emperor sent Raja Ram Mohan Roy to England, to plead for an increase in the pension of the Mughal emperor?

  1. Shah Alam II

  2. Alamgir II

  3. Bahadur Shah Zafar

  4. Akbar II

Correct Option: D

Bimbisara acquired Anga and placed it under the viceroyalty of

  1. Prasenjit

  2. Ajatashatru

  3. Chandragupta

  4. Udayin

Correct Option: B

Bimbisara acquried Anga and placed it under the viceroyalty of Ajatashatru at Champa.

Which of the following Magadhan monarchs committed patricide?

  1. Kakavarnin

  2. Ajatasatru

  3. Udayin

  4. Dhana Nanda

Correct Option: B

Correct Answer: Ajatasatru

Kanishka held the fourth Buddhist Council mainly to

  1. honour Ashvaghosha

  2. conciliate the Brahmanas

  3. recognise Mahayana form of Buddhism

  4. settle disputes between the different schools of Buddhist sects

Correct Option: D

The Mauryan ruler, known as 'Amitraghata', was

  1. Chandragupta Maurya

  2. Bindusara

  3. Kunala

  4. Ashoka

Correct Option: B

Who was the head of the University of Nalanda when Hiuen Tsang visited India?

  1. Nagarjuna

  2. Basubandhu

  3. Shilabhadra

  4. Shreejnan Atisha

Correct Option: C

The temples at ‘Khajuraho’ were built by the

  1. Cholas

  2. Chandellas

  3. Hoysalas

  4. Guptas

Correct Option: B

Option (2) is the correct answer. 

Who was the Chola ruler to marry his daughter with Sinhalese prince?

  1. Kulotung I

  2. Rajendra II

  3. Rajraja I

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

Which of the following is known as the 'Bible of the Tamil Land'?

  1. Tirukkural

  2. Manimegalai

  3. Tolkappiyam

  4. Purananuru

Correct Option: A

Who was the Chola ruler to defeat the Chera ruler and he destroyed his navy too?

  1. Parantak I

  2. Aditya

  3. Rajraja I

  4. Rajendra I

Correct Option: C

The king who did not allow anybody to laugh in his court was

  1. Iltutmish

  2. Alauddin Khalji

  3. Balban

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

The largest standing army of the Sultanate, directly paid by the State, was created by

  1. Mohammad-bin-Tughlaq

  2. Alauddin Khilji

  3. Firuz Tughlaq

  4. Ibrahim Lodhi

Correct Option: A

Gautam Buddha was born as Prince Siddhartha to

  1. Devdatta and Prajapati Gautami

  2. Siddhartha and Trishala

  3. Suddhodana and Maya

  4. Suddhodana and Gopa

Correct Option: C

Gautam Buddha was born as Prince Siddhartha to King Śuddhodana and Queen Maha Maya. 

Who converted the Mauryan ruler Samprati to Jainism?

  1. Bhadrabahu

  2. Suhastin

  3. Shambhu Tavijaya

  4. Hemachandra

Correct Option: B

The earliest evidence of man in India was found in the

  1. Nilgiris

  2. Nallamala Hills

  3. Siwalik Hills

  4. Narmada Valley

Correct Option: D

Correct answer is (4). 

Remains of horse were discovered from which Harappan city?

  1. Surkotada

  2. Mohenjodaro

  3. Rakhigarhi

  4. Kalibangan

Correct Option: A

Which of the following crops is known as 'Vrihi' in the Vedic texts?

  1. Cotton

  2. Wheat

  3. Barley

  4. Rice

Correct Option: D

During the Vedic period, rice and wheat became chief crops. Other agricultural products were barley, cotton and various pulses. In Vedic texts, rice is also called as Vrihi.

Who among the following Marathas is credited with the revival of Maratha domination following their defeat at Panipat in 1761?

  1. Baji Rao

  2. Balaji Baji Rao

  3. Balaji Vishwanath

  4. Madhavrao

Correct Option: D

Correct Answer: Madhavrao

Shivaji was born at Shivner in

  1. 1627 AD

  2. 1640 AD

  3. 1650 AD

  4. 1776 AD

Correct Option: A

The Doctrine of ‘Vyuhavada' is associated with

  1. Shaivism

  2. Saktism

  3. Tantric cult

  4. Bhagavatism

Correct Option: D

Mohammad Tughlaq succeeded to the Delhi throne in the year

  1. 1341

  2. 1325

  3. 1301

  4. 1316

Correct Option: B

Correct answer is (2). 

The script of the Harappan people consisted of

  1. a family of geometrical shapes

  2. a combination of both pictures and geometrical shapes

  3. a family of quasi-pictographic writings

  4. None of these

Correct Option: C

Correct answwer is (3). 

Name two metals that were successful in North and South India after the stone age.

  1. Bronze and iron

  2. Copper and iron

  3. Silver and iron

  4. Copper and bronze

Correct Option: A

Correct Answer: Bronze and iron

Which of the following Southern states was annexed by Alauddin Khilji in his empire?

  1. Golkunda

  2. Warangal

  3. Devagiri

  4. Nellore

Correct Option: C

Correct answer is (3). 

During the Gupta era, the officer responsible for land records was called

  1. Dhruvadhikarana

  2. Saulika

  3. Karanika

  4. Jihatra

Correct Option: C

Banabhatta was the court poet of

  1. Chandragupta Maurya

  2. Harshavardhana

  3. Ashoka

  4. Chandragupta II

Correct Option: B

Banabhatta was the court poet of Harshavardhana.

The Bodhisattvas are worshipped by

  1. Theravadins

  2. Mahayanists

  3. Vaishnavites

  4. Sarvastivadins

Correct Option: B
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