Cellular Organelles (GATE)

Description: Plastids cell structure cell organelle cytology leucoplasts chromoplasts Cellular Organelles and Their Structure and Function
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Tags: Plastids cell structure cell organelle cytology leucoplasts chromoplasts Cellular Organelles and Their Structure and Function
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Plastids were discovered by

  1. Rhodin

  2. Haeckel

  3. Schimper

  4. Perner

  5. Koltzoff

Correct Option: B

This is the correct answer. Plastids were discovered by Haeckel in 1866.

Which one of the following structures takes part in the storage and synthesis of organic compounds?

  1. Microfilaments

  2. Plastids

  3. Centriole

  4. Nucleoplasm

  5. Glyoxysomes

Correct Option: B

Plastids are taking part in storage and synthesis of organic compounds. So, this answer is right.

Chloroplast cannot arise from

  1. pre existing chloroplast

  2. proplastids

  3. leucoplasts

  4. mitochondria

  5. both proplastids and leucoplasts

Correct Option: D

Chloroplast cannot arise from mitochondria. So, this is right answer.

Which of the following structures is surrounded by a double membrane?

  1. Plastids

  2. Spherosomes

  3. Microbodies

  4. Vacuoles

  5. Golgi bodies

Correct Option: A

Double membrane envelop surrounded structure is called plastids. So, this answer is right.

Plastids are of three main types. Which of the following is not a type of plastid?

  1. Leucoplast

  2. Chloroplast

  3. Chromoplast

  4. Proplastids

  5. Leucoplast and chloroplast

Correct Option: D

Correct answer. Plastids develop from colourless precursors called proplastids.

The plastids are green due to the presence of

  1. chlorophyll

  2. haemocyanin

  3. carotenoids

  4. haemoglobin

  5. both chlorophylls and haemocynin

Correct Option: C

The plastids are green due to the presence of carotenoids. So, this answer is right.

In which of the following are two chloroplasts present?

  1. Chlamydomonas

  2. Chlorella

  3. Spirogyra

  4. Zygnema

  5. Ulothrix

Correct Option: D

The two chloroplasts are present in zygnema. So, this is the right answer.

In embryophytesm, the second largest cell organelle is the

  1. nucleus

  2. chloroplast

  3. lysosomes

  4. mitochondria

  5. ribosomes

Correct Option: B

Chloroplast is the second largest cell organelle in embryophytes (only smaller to nucleus). So, this answer is right.

Which of the following is/are the structural element(s) of chloroplast?

  1. Leucoplast

  2. Chlorophyll

  3. Thylakoids

  4. Centriole

  5. Fret channels

Correct Option: C

The structural elements of chloroplast are thylakoids. So, this answer is right.

Which of the following statements is false?

  1. Each chloroplast is surrounded by a double membrane envelop.

  2. Chlorenchyma cells of leaves contain 20-40 chloroplasts.

  3. In many algae, chloroplast is the largest cell organelle.

  4. Chloroplasts were discovered by Briedenbach in 1883.

  5. Chromoplasts have various shapes due to the crystallisation of carotenoids.

Correct Option: D

False. Chloroplasts were not discovered by Briedenbach in 1883. It is discovered by Schimper in 1883. So, this option is right.

The space present in a granal thylakoid is called

  1. fret channels

  2. grana

  3. quantasome

  4. loculus

  5. aleuroplasts

Correct Option: D

The space present in a granal thylakoid is called loculus. So, this is a right answer.

Which of the following statements is false?

  1. Chloroplast can arise from leucoplast.

  2. Chromoplast can develop from leucoplast.

  3. All plastids possess naked DNA.

  4. Leucoplasts are formed from proplastids.

  5. Leucoplast can arise from golgi bodies.

Correct Option: E

False statement. Leucoplast cannot arise from golgi bodies. It can arise from proplastids and leucoplast. So, this option is right.

Amyloplasts are specialised into

  1. synthesis of fat

  2. storage of fat

  3. storage of protein

  4. synthesis of protein

  5. storage of starch

Correct Option: E

Amyloplasts are specialised into the storage of starch. So, this option is right.

What is the name of the plastids which take part in temporary or permanent storage of starch and photosynthesis?

  1. Chromoplasts

  2. Chloroplasts

  3. Amyloplasts

  4. Elaioplast

  5. Proteinoplast

Correct Option: B

Chloroplasts are the plastids which take part in temporary or permanent storage of starch. So, this is the correct answer.

Which of the following are plastids developed from?

  1. Leucoplast

  2. Chromoplast

  3. Proplastids

  4. Lysosomes

  5. Mitochondria

Correct Option: C

Plastids develop from colourless precursors called proplastids. So, this answer is right.

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