Oral Pathology

Description: Oral Pathology
Number of Questions: 25
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Tags: Oral Pathology MD / MS Entrance
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What is the condition related to taurodontism?

  1. Abnormal dentin

  2. Furcation near apex

  3. Large pulp chamber

  4. Rectangular crown

Correct Option: C

Taurodontism is also termed as 'bull-like tooth'. Most commonly affected teeth are usually molars. The condition is best identified on radiographs. Pulp chambers are large.

Lead poisoning is seen on gingiva as _______________.

  1. yellowish line

  2. bluish black line

  3. greenish line

  4. brownish line

Correct Option: B

This black line is termed as halo saturninus or Burtonian  line. This is similar to bismuth line, but the difference is that the lead line is more diffuse.

Auspitz sign is seen in ______________.

  1. psoriasis

  2. pemphigus

  3. herpes

  4. varicella

Correct Option: A

Psoriasis is characterized by the presence of small, sharply delineated dry papules covered by delicate silvery scales resembling thin layer of mica. If the deep scales are removed, tiny bleeding points known as Auspitz sign are disclosed.

What is the shape of the dentinal caries?

  1. It is always V-shaped with base towards DEJ.

  2. It is always V-shaped with base towards pulp.

  3. It is dependant on type of lesion.

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

Dentinal carries grossly tend to assume the shape of a triangle with the apex towards the pulp and the base toward the enamel.

Black hairy tongue appearance is due to _____________.

  1. filiform papillae

  2. fungiform papillae

  3. filiform and fungiform papillae

  4. circum vallate papillae

Correct Option: A

Other names for hairy tongue are: Lingua Nigra Lingua Villosa Lingua Villosa Nigra It occurs due to hypertrophy of filiform papillae on the dorsal surface of tongue, due to lack of mechanical stimulation and debridement.

The buffering capacity of saliva is against which kind of bacteria?

  1. Acidogenic

  2. Polymorphic

  3. Intercellular

  4. Anaerobic

Correct Option: A

Buffer capacity of saliva implies its acid-neutralizing power. Acidogenic organisms produce acids in the oral cavity, which leads to demineralization of tooth structure. These acids are neutralized with the help of buffers like bicarbonates and phosphates.

Which of the following sugars present in the human diet is considered the most as- caries promoting?

  1. Sucrose

  2. Fructose

  3. Lactose

  4. Glucose

Correct Option: A

Sucrose is considered as the most cariogenic of all the sugars. It is arch criminal for dental caries.

The noncariogenic substitute which is used to replace the cariogenic diet is __________.

  1. lactose

  2. glucose

  3. cooked starch

  4. saccharine

Correct Option: D

Sorbitol, xylitol, saccharine, accesulfame, etc. are the various sugar substitutes that can be used to replace the cariogenic diet.

A developmental anomaly in which two teeth are joined together only by cementum is ___________.

  1. fusion

  2. germination

  3. concrescence

  4. twinning

Correct Option: C

Concrescence of teeth is a actually a form of fusion that occurs after formation of the root. In this condition, teeth are united by cementum only.

Which of the following vitamins have been implicated in the etiology of enamel hypoplasia?

  1. Vitamins A and D

  2. Vitamins B and D

  3. Vitamins C and B

  4. Vitamins A and B

Correct Option: A

Enamel hypoplasia can be of two types: (a) hereditary and (b) environmental. Enamel hypoplasia due to nutritional deficiency occurs to due to deficiency of vitamins A, C and D.

Mandibular tori are commonly found to be present in which of the following?

  1. Molars

  2. Premolars

  3. Incisors

  4. None of these

Correct Option: B

Torus mandibularis is an exostosis or outgrowth of bone found on the lingual surface of mandible. It is seen above the mylohyoid line and opposite the bicuspid teeth. It is usually bilateral, and surgical removal of torus is advised sometimes due to the difficulty encountered in construction of a denture.

Which of the following factors interferes with the healing of wounds?

  1. Proteins

  2. Nutrition

  3. Vitamin C

  4. Cortisol

Correct Option: D

All the other options, viz. nutrition, protein and vitamin C, facilitate the healing of wound. Cortisol interferes with the healing of wounds as it inhibits the growth of granulation.

Dens in dente is most commonly seen in ____________.

  1. premolars

  2. lateral incisors

  3. paramolars

  4. maxillary canines

Correct Option: B

Dens in dente is also called dens invaginatus or dilated composite odontome . This condition arises due to invagination of inner enamel epithelium in the surface of tooth, before the calcification has occurred. This term was coined due to the appearance of a tooth within a tooth.

Blanching of the oral mucosa is associated with ____________.

  1. scleroderma

  2. riboflavin deficiency

  3. oral submucous fibrosis

  4. thiamine deficiency

Correct Option: C

Fibroelastic changes occurring in the propria lead to blanching of oral mucosa.

What is the white patch on the buccal mucosa which disappears on stretching?

  1. Leukoplakia

  2. White sponge nevus

  3. Scleroderma

  4. Lekoedema

Correct Option: D

Leukoedema, clinically, can be seen as a white filmy opalaescent hue to definite grayish white area. It disappears on stretching and this is a characteristic feature of leukoedema. No treatment is required. It is a normal variation of oral mucosa.

Which of the following is true about xerostomia?

  1. Ph of saliva increases

  2. Ph of saliva decreases

  3. Ph of saliva increases in morning and decreases in evening

  4. Ph of saliva remains unchanged

Correct Option: D

Xerostomia is not a disease by itself, but the result of certain other disease. Only the quantity of saliva secreted is decreased in xerotomia, but the quality remains unchanged.

Which of the following causes dental caries?

  1. S.mitis

  2. S.rattos

  3. S.salivarius

  4. S.sanguis

Correct Option: D

S.sanguis is the next most common organism implicated in dental caries after S.mutans.

Which of the following shows 'moth-eaten' radiographic appearance?

  1. Chronic osteomyelitis

  2. Ostosarcoma

  3. Ewing's sarcoma

  4. Paget's disease

Correct Option: A

Moth-eaten appearance is usually seen in chronic osteomyelitis.

Floating teeth is a characteristic of __________.

  1. cherubism

  2. osteopetrosis

  3. chronic periodontitis

  4. fibrous dysplasia

Correct Option: A

The destruction of the alveolar bone may displace the teeth producing 'floating tooth' appearance.

'Hair on end' appearance is seen in _________.

  1. thalassemia

  2. sickle cell anaemia

  3. aplastic anaemia

  4. megaloblastic anaemia

Correct Option: A

The trabeculae between the plates become elongated, producing a bristle - like 'crew cut' or 'hair on end' appearance.

Radicular cyst is always associated with _________.

  1. vital teeth

  2. nonvital teeth

  3. periapical infection

  4. deep carious lesion

Correct Option: B

Products of the necrosed pulp enter the periapical tissue. Thereby stimulating the proliferation of cell rests of malassez. The central cells of this proliferation mass of cells undergo degeneration to form a cystic cavity.

The most common benign tumour occurring in oral cavity is _________.

  1. papilloma

  2. fibroma

  3. adenoma

  4. epulis

Correct Option: B

Question asked here is about benign tumour, and all epuli need not be tumours. So, the answer is fibroma and not epulis.

Which of the following factors is not responsible for endogenous staining of teeth during developments?

  1. Tetracycline

  2. Rh incompatibility

  3. Neonatal liver diseases

  4. Vitamin C deficiency

Correct Option: D

Tetracycline causes yellowish or brownish - grey diffuse bands of discoloration that are located within the tooth structure and are not on the surface.

Which of the following option is true about Vitamin A?

  1. It Is water - soluble

  2. Its deficiency causes impaired vision

  3. It maintains normal plasma calcium levels

  4. It is required for formation of clotting factors

Correct Option: B

Deficiency of vitamin A leads to night blindness.

The important microorganism for dentinal caries is __________.

  1. Actinomysis actinobacillus

  2. Borrelia vincentil

  3. Streptococcus mutans

  4. Streptococcus viridians

Correct Option: C

Several organisms have been found capable of including carious lesions; these include mutans group of streptococcus.

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