Soil (Class- VII)

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__________ soil retains very little water.

  1. Clay

  2. Silt

  3. Humid

  4. Sand

  5. Loamy

Correct Option: D

Sand soil particles are large in size. Hence, water retention capacity is very less. Thus, it provides good aeration.

Good fertile soil has pH ranging between _________.

  1. 5.5 - 6.5

  2. 1.5 - 3

  3. 7 - 8

  4. 9.5 - 10.5

  5. 6.5 - 7.5

Correct Option: A

Good fertile soil is neither too acidic nor basic. It is slightly acidic in nature.

Soil is the most important natural resource. In addition to water and air, which of the following is/are present in soil?

  1. Minerals, organic matter and rock

  2. Organic matter

  3. Minerals and plants

  4. Plants

  5. Minerals and organic matter

Correct Option: A

Soil contains water, air, rock, minerals and organic matter. Its vertical section shows all the layers in detail.

Ramesh is planning to start a garden. Which of the following soil layers should he spread before plantation?

  1. Sandy

  2. Loamy

  3. Clay

  4. Peaty

  5. Silt

Correct Option: B

Loamy soil is composed of sand, silt and clay soil to some extent. It is perfect soil for gardening. It retains water very easily, and the drainage is also good.

The highest water retention capacity is in __________ soil.

  1. silt

  2. sandy

  3. clayey

  4. loamy

  5. peaty

Correct Option: C

Clayey soil has the highest water holding capacity. This is because its particles are tightly packed and does not allow water to percolate through.

For good growth of lentils and pulses, ___________soil is required.

  1. clayey

  2. sandy

  3. loamy

  4. mixture of sand and clay

  5. mixture of peaty and clay

Correct Option: C

The upper most horizon is rich in humus, which makes the soil fertile.

Potters use _________ soil to make pots.

  1. loamy

  2. chalky

  3. clayey

  4. sandy

  5. peaty

Correct Option: C

It is because the particles of the soil are very tightly packed leaving little space for air.

What is a soil horizon?

  1. A technique used to map soil

  2. A vertical section showing all the layers of soil

  3. A layer of the soil

  4. The topmost surface of soil

  5. Total area of earth covered by soil

Correct Option: C

Soil profiles shows different layers of soil, and each layer is known as soil horizon.

A man was digging the soil and suddenly his spade got stuck and touched something very hard. He could not dig further. Which soil layer did his spade touch?

  1. Horizon C

  2. Bedrock

  3. Horizon B

  4. Horizon A

  5. Horizon O

Correct Option: B

This is a hard and rocky layer known as bedrock. It is below the third layer.

Loamy soil is a mixture of __________.

  1. sand and silt

  2. sand, silt and clay

  3. clay and silt

  4. silt, loam and clay

  5. clay and loam

Correct Option: B

The best top soil for growing plants is loam. It is a mixture of sand, clay and silt.

In a sample of soil, the proportion of sand, silt and clay tells us about _________.

  1. its fertility level

  2. its nutrient potential

  3. its colour

  4. its texture

  5. its structure

Correct Option: A

The relative proportion of different sizes of particles present in soil determines its texture.

Cotton is grown in ___________ soil.

  1. loam

  2. sand

  3. sandy loam

  4. clay

  5. clay and loam

Correct Option: C

The soil, which can drain water easily and hold air is best for cotton.

The vertical section shows different layers of soil. These layers are the horizons. Where is the horizon E found?

  1. Above A horizon

  2. Below B horizon

  3. Below bedrock layer

  4. Below C horizon

  5. Below A horizon

Correct Option: E

The humus and minerals present in the top soil gives it a dark colour as humus is dark brown black in colour.

__________ , an important element, is present in the top layer that determines soil fertility.

  1. Water

  2. Rock

  3. Humus

  4. Air

  5. Minerals

Correct Option: C

Humus is present in good amount in the top soil, which makes the soil fertile and provides nutrients to the growing plants.

The breaking down of rocks into mineral matter is referred to as___________.

  1. erosion

  2. pollution

  3. weathering

  4. percolation

  5. sedimentation

Correct Option: C

The breaking down of rocks by the action of wind, water and climate is called weathering.

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