Nutrition in Plants

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Nucleus in a cell is surrounded by a jelly-like substance called

  1. chlorophyll

  2. vacuole

  3. cytoplasm

  4. mitochondrion

  5. plastid

Correct Option: C

Cytoplasm is a jelly-like substance in the cell.

Which of the following is not needed for photosynthesis?

  1. Light

  2. Oxygen

  3. Water

  4. Chlorophyll

  5. Carbon dioxide

Correct Option: B

Oxygen is not needed for photosynthesis. It is released during this process.

Which of the following is not a heterotroph organism?

  1. Human being

  2. Cow

  3. Tiger

  4. Whale

  5. Phytoplankton

Correct Option: E

Phytoplankton is an autotroph and it can make its own food.

Reserve food materials in plants is stored as

  1. glucose

  2. starch

  3. glycogen

  4. fats

  5. proteins

Correct Option: B

Starch is the reserve food in plants.

Which of the following is correct for stomata?

  1. Pores on leaf surface

  2. Membrane around the cell

  3. Pigment to help in photosynthesis

  4. Central dark area in a cell

  5. Membrane around the nucleus

Correct Option: A

The pores on leaf surface are called stomata, which help in gas exchange and transpiration.

The leaves of _____________ are reduced into spines.

  1. mango tree

  2. pitcher plant

  3. mahogany

  4. cactus

  5. orchids

Correct Option: D

Cactus has spines (modified leaves) to reduce water loss.

Which of the following is not an insectivorous plant?

  1. Sundew

  2. Mango tree

  3. Utricularia

  4. Pitcher plant

  5. Drosera

Correct Option: B

Mango tree does not employ mechanisms for trapping insects.

While travelling in a bus, a boy noticed green patches in almost all the ponds and areas with stagnant water. What does this green colour indicate?

  1. Fungi

  2. Parasites

  3. Algae

  4. Tiny animals

  5. Dead and decaying organic matter

Correct Option: C

Algae have green colour as they contain chlorophyll.

Which of the following does not belong to Kingdom 'Fungi'?

  1. Bread mould

  2. Mushroom

  3. Cuscuta

  4. Yeast

  5. Penicillium

Correct Option: C

Cuscuta is a parasitic plant.

Solar energy is stored in plants by the leaves with the help of

  1. Nucleus

  2. Chlorophyll

  3. Mitochondrion

  4. Ribosome

  5. DNA

Correct Option: B

The green pigment called chlorophyll helps to trap light energy.

_________ is a relationship in which both partners are mutually benefitted.

  1. Symbiosis

  2. Parasitism

  3. Ammensalism

  4. Predation

  5. Competition

Correct Option: A

In symbiosis, both partners are mutually benefitted.

The term 'lichen' means

  1. green algae living inside fungi

  2. decomposition of dead matter

  3. absorption of nutrients by roots from the soil

  4. animals living as endo-parasites inside a host

  5. trapping of light energy for photosynthesis

Correct Option: A

Green algae living inside fungi is termed lichen. The relationship is called symbiosis.

'Iodine test' indicates the presence of

  1. Sugar

  2. Fat

  3. Protein

  4. Starch

  5. RNA

Correct Option: D

Presence of starch is shown by iodine test. It is positive for starch, and is confirmed by a blue-black colour.

Which of the following does not contain chlorophyll?

  1. Rose plant

  2. Orchid

  3. Hibiscus

  4. Potato plant

  5. Amarbel

Correct Option: E

Amarbel or cuscuta is a yellow coloured parasitic plant.

A child and his father were doing gardening. When the child accidently pulled out a plant, he noticed that there were some swellings in the roots. He asked his father about it. The father explained that the swelling is called a nodule and some bacteria like ________ live inside it.

  1. Streptococcus

  2. Yeast

  3. Rhizobium

  4. HIV

  5. Lactobacillus

Correct Option: C

Rhizobium is a symbiotic bacterium, which can do nitrogen fixation.

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