Biology Test

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Alterations in which neurotransmitters in the brain by pharmacological agents has been shown to influence fatigue development?

  1. Dopamine and serotonin

  2. Acetyl choline and nor-adrenaline

  3. Amphetamines and acetyl choline

  4. Glutamate and serotonin

Correct Option: A

Many different factors are involved in the subjective sensation of fatigue and there is growing evidence that events occurring within the brain may be just as important. These involve a variety of neurotransmitters. Administration of drugs that affect dopamine and serotonin activity in the brain has been shown to affect exercise performance.

After doing high intensity exercises in gym, Raman suffered from fatigue. What is the reason of this fatigue?

  1. Decrease in the cell concentration of ADP.

  2. Restriction of ATP production

  3. Failure of ATP supply to fulfill the demand

  4. Decrease of triglyceride stores in the body

Correct Option: C

The hydrolysis of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) provides the energy required by cells for normal function and the intracellular ATP concentration must be maintained for normal function to continue. If the ATP concentration falls, the actin-myosin interactions that generate force within the muscle will not occur effectively. 

Which of the following statements does not characterise skeletal muscles in humans?

  1. It has the similar structure as that of cardiac muscle.

  2. Skeletal muscle cells contain myosin filaments.

  3. Skeletal muscle has a system of T-tubules.

  4. The myofibrils of skeletal muscle are enveloped by sarcoplasmic reticulum.

Correct Option: B

Skeletal muscle cells do not contain myosin filaments. Smooth muscle cells have no repeating sarcomeres, but a loose array of actin and myosin filaments.

Which of the following statements regarding action potential across the muscle fibre is correct?

  1. The action potential propagates by activating voltage gated potassium channels along the axons of the neuron.

  2. An action potential originates in the PNS.

  3. The Na+ influx leads to a vesicle containing the neurotransmitter acetylcholine to fuse with the plasma membrane.

  4. The action potential propagates by muscle fibre's plexus of T-tubules.

Correct Option: D

The above statement is true. The action potential propagates by muscle fibre's plexus of T-tubules, depolarizing the inner portion of the muscle fibre.

Which of the following does not characterise skeletal muscle contractions in humans?

  1. The alpha motor neuron generates action potential.

  2. The neurotransmitter noradrenaline diffuses across the synapse and binds to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on the myocyte.

  3. The end-plate potential spreads evenly across the myocyte's sarcolemma.

  4. The T-tubule system accomodates voltage-dependent calcium plexus.

Correct Option: B

This statement is incorrect. The neurotransmitter acetylcholine diffuses across the synapse and binds to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on the myocyte, opening them. An influx of Na+ and an efflux of K+ results, depolarising the cell and generating an end-plate potential.

In cardiac muscle, the excitation contraction coupling method is dependent on an anomaly famed as calcium-induced calcium release. Which of the following statements is true regarding excitation contraction coupling in cardiac muscles?

  1. Intracellular Ca+2 is drawn by endoplasmic reticulum ATPase pump.

  2. The cytoplasmic calcium binds to troponin T.

  3. The ryanodine receptors find out the increase in intracellular calcium ions.

  4. The action potential propogates across the T-tubules.

Correct Option: B

This statement is incorrect as cytoplasmic calcium binds to troponin C instead of troponin T making the troponin complex to move off the actin binding site allowing the myosin head to bind to the actin filament.

Which of the following statements concerning the role of Ca2+ in contraction of skeletal muscles is true?

  1. The SER acts as a reserve of Ca2+ for the contractile process.

  2. Ca2+ entry across the plasma membrane is significant in maintaing the contraction of skeletal muscle in the body.

  3. A rise in intracellular Ca2+ permits actin to interact with myosin.

  4. The tension of a skeletal muscle fibre is totally governed by G proteins.

Correct Option: C

The calcium for skeletal muscle contraction is derived from sarcoplasmic reticulum. The increase in intracellular calcium permits the interaction between actin and myosin head groups.

Which neural crest develops into neurons of some pharyngeal arches?

  1. Trunk neural crest

  2. Vagal and sacral neural crest

  3. Cranial neural crest

  4. Cardiac neural crest

Correct Option: D

It gets transformed into melanocytes, cartilage, connective tissue and neurons of some pharyngeal arches. It also leads to the formation of some regions of the heart such as musculoconnective tissue of the large arteries.

In cardiac muscles, which of the following events takes place?

  1. The force of contraction is enhanced by propogating epinephrine.

  2. Cardiac muscle contracts in reaction to action potentials generated in the autonomic nerve fibers.

  3. The action potential of cardiac muscle has the similar duration as that of skeletal muscle in the body.

  4. All of Ca2+ needed for contraction of cardiac muscles comes in a myocyte during the plateau phase of the action potential.

Correct Option: A

Epinephrine is a catecholamine hormone secreted by adrenal medulla. It is a potent stimulator of the sympathetic nervous system stimulating the heart muscle, accelerating the heart rate and increasing cardiac output. In a cardiac muscle, the force of contraction is enhanced by propogating epinephrine.

Which of the following statements regarding smooth muscle fibres is correct?

  1. These are innervated by autonomic nerves similar to the neuromuscular junction of skeletal muscle.

  2. All smooth muscles of the body act as a single motor unit.

  3. Some smooth muscles also get contracted in absence of an action potential.

  4. They never form the part of circulatory system.

Correct Option: C

Smooth muscle fibers have a fusiform shape and, like striated muscle, can tense and relax. Some smooth muscles have the ability to contract spontaneously, i.e., it contracts without any external stimulation.

The maximum power originated in a skeletal muscle fibre

  1. is independent of initial length of the muscle

  2. occurs with an isometric contraction

  3. confides in the load moved by the muscle

  4. is independent of the load moved by the muscle

Correct Option: C

As power = force x velocity, the maximum power depends on the load moved by the muscle. Too high a load and the muscle cannot shorten effectively; too light a load requires little power to move it.

The velocity of an action potential propagation

  1. is independent of an axon diameter

  2. depends on the compactness of the myelin sheath surrounding the axon

  3. remains unaffected if the axon of a nerve cell losses myelin

  4. is the fastest in unmyelinated axons

Correct Option: B

The above option is correct as the velocity of conduction action potential propagation is the fastest in large diameter myelinated axons.

Which of the following can be excluded from the characteristics of action potential of a nerve cell?

  1. There is an unequal distribution of ions on both sides of a neuron in a brain.

  2. Nerve action potentials can be summated one with another.

  3. May vary considerably in amplitude.

  4. Becomes larger as stimulus strength increases.

Correct Option: A

It is correct statement there is an unequal distribution of ions on the two sides of a nerve cell membrane and therefore, neurons can respond to stimuli and conduct impulses because a membrane potential is established across the cell membrane.

In central nervous system

  1. white matter accomodates numerous nerve cell bodies

  2. the myelin fibres are created by Schwann cells

  3. neurons are conserved from changes in plasma composition

  4. the cerebrospinal fluid is an ultrafiltrate of blood plasma

Correct Option: C

In the central nervous system, the neurons are conserved from changes in plasma composition. The blood-brain barrier isolates central neurons from alterations to plasma composition.

At the neuromuscular junction

  1. the muscle membrane possesses muscarinic receptors

  2. the motor nerve endings releases the norepinephrine

  3. curare initiates to prolongation of neuromuscular transmission

  4. the motor nerve endings releases acetylcholine

Correct Option: D

 The motor nerve endings secrete acetylcholine, which activates nicotinic receptors of the muscle fibre membrane.

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