
Description: its about viruses.
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Tags: virus Viral Diseases
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AIDS virus consists of a protein sheath and genetic material. The genetic material is _________.

  1. single stranded RNA filament

  2. double stranded RNA filament

  3. double stranded DNA filament

  4. single stranded DNA filment

  5. sometimes DNA sometimes RNA

Correct Option: A

The genetic material of AIDS virus is single stranded RNA molecule.

The influenza virus contains ________.

  1. DNA

  2. RNA

  3. both DNA and RNA

  4. either DNA or RNA

  5. proteins

Correct Option: B

Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is an infectious disease of birds and mammals caused by RNA viruses of the family Orthomyxoviridae.

TMV genes are _________.

  1. double stranded RNA

  2. single stranded DNA

  3. double stranded DNA

  4. proteinaceous

  5. polyribonucleotides

Correct Option: E

Tobacco mosaic virus is made up of polyribonucleotides, i.e. single stranded RNA molecule.

If interferon is being produced in the body of a person, the person is most likely to be suffering from _________.

  1. measles

  2. typhoid

  3. malaria

  4. tetanus

  5. whooping cough

Correct Option: A

Measles being a viral disease results in the production of interferons, which are only produced during viral infections to fight them.

Small proteins produced by vertebrate cells naturally and in response to viral infections inhibiting viral multiplication are called as _________.

  1. lipoproteins

  2. immunoglobulins

  3. antibodies

  4. interferons

  5. antitoxins

Correct Option: D

Interferons (IFNs) are proteins made and released by host cells in response to the presence of pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, parasites or tumor cells.

Retroviruses are implicated as a cause of cancer in man because they _____.

  1. carry genes for reverse transcriptase

  2. carry single stranded RNA in their genomes

  3. carry cellular protooncogenes in their genomes

  4. may carry viral oncogenes in their genomes

  5. carry double stranded DNA

Correct Option: D

Retroviruses carry oncogenes, which are cancer causing genes in their genomes.

Which of these viruses contains a single stranded RNA molecule?

  1. Herpes

  2. Bacteriophage

  3. HIV

  4. Smallpox

  5. TMV

Correct Option: C

It contains single stranded RNA molecule.

Lytic enzyme found in the virus is _________.

  1. ribonuclease

  2. reverse transcriptase

  3. lysozyme

  4. neuraminidase

  5. acetylcholinesterase

Correct Option: D

Any group of enzymes that cleave sialic acid, a carbohydrate occurring on the surfaces of cells in humans, other animals and in plants is called neuraminidase. These are found in the viruses also.

The enzyme called lysozyme is synthesised by __________.

  1. host cell of a virus under the control of its genome

  2. host cell of a virus under the control of viral genome

  3. virus under the control of its own genome

  4. virus under the control of the host genome

  5. both virus and host

Correct Option: B

Lysozyme is synthesised by host cell under the control of viral genome. These are glycoside hydrolases.

Virus can be considered living because it __________.

  1. exhibits growth

  2. reproduces in host cell

  3. causes disease

  4. possesess enzymes

  5. responds to touch

Correct Option: B

These enter the living cell where they take over the metabolism of the host cell and it seems that they are living.

'Contagium virus fluidum' refers to __________.

  1. polluted drinking water

  2. a fluid containing virus

  3. an infected drug

  4. a virus

  5. a disease

Correct Option: D

Contagium vivum fluidum was a phrase first used to describe a virus and underlined its ability to slip through the finest-mesh filters then available, giving it almost liquid properties.

Which of the following diseases is caused by a virus?

  1. Typhoid

  2. Diptheria

  3. Cholera

  4. Herpes

  5. Malaria

Correct Option: D

It is caused by Herpes simplex virus.

Which statement is not true for viruses?

  1. Viruses are made of proteins and nucleic acids.

  2. Virus can multiply only in living cells.

  3. Viruses cannot use oxygen.

  4. Virus can grow in dilute sugar syrups in warm weather.

  5. Viruses are inert in nature.

Correct Option: D

This is not true as they cannot grow in sugar solution. They can grow only inside the living cell.

Which of the following statements is true for virus?

  1. They invariably contain DNA.

  2. They multiply only in the host cells.

  3. They occur only inside bacteria.

  4. They are bigger than bacteria.

  5. Their genetic material is RNA not DNA.

Correct Option: B

This is true as they multiply only in the host cells.

Which of the following statements is correct for viruses?

  1. These have their own metabolic machinery.

  2. These are not obligate parasites.

  3. These possess DNA or RNA.

  4. These are killed by antibiotics.

  5. These are not destroyed by naturally occurring immunoglobulins.

Correct Option: C

It is true that the genetic material of virus is either DNA or RNA.

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