Human Anatomy

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Food is normally digested in the

  1. small intestines

  2. liver

  3. stomach

  4. large intestines

Correct Option: A

Digestion involves mixing food with digestive juices, moving it through the digestive tract, and breaking down large molecules of food into smaller molecules. Digestion begins in the mouth, when you chew and swallow, and is completed in the small intestine.

Heightened emotion is caused by

  1. thyroid gland

  2. adrenal gland

  3. salivary gland

  4. pituitary gland

Correct Option: B

The endocrine system is instrumental in regulating mood, growth and development, tissue function, metabolism, as well as sexual function and reproductive processes. This system consists of a network of ductless glands that regulate and balance the body's hormones, PH, temperature and assimilation of light. The endocrine glands include the pineal, pituitary, thyroid, thymus, pancreas, gonads (ovaries and testes) and adrenals.

The diaphragm assists in

  1. excretion of water

  2. circulation of blood

  3. digestion

  4. respiration

Correct Option: D

The diaphragm assists in respiration. When the scalenes and external intercostals contract while the diaphragm descends, your lungs inhale air. When your abdominal muscles contract and the diaphragm rises, you exhale.

When nitrogenous waste products accumulate in the blood, it is an indication that the

  1. heart is not functioning properly

  2. kidneys are not functioning properly

  3. lungs are not functioning properly

  4. liver is not functioning properly

Correct Option: B

Wastes in the blood come from the normal breakdown of active tissues, such as muscles, and from food. The body uses food for energy and self-repairs. After the body has taken what it needs from food, wastes are sent to the blood. If the kidneys did not remove them, these wastes would build up in the blood and damage the body. When nitrogenous waste products accumulate in the blood, it is an indication that the kidneys are not functioning properly.

The process by which the blood carries the absorbed food products to the tissue cells, where they are taken up, is called

  1. digestion

  2. ingestion

  3. assimilation

  4. absorption

Correct Option: C

The assimilation process of digested food in humans is very much complex as the digested food has to be utilized in a very proper way that can help human to live healthy life. The products of the digestion are finally absorbed through the lining of small intestine into the blood stream and become a part of the cell components, this is called assimilation. Blood carries these products to each and every part of the body. On reaching the cells they either take part in the synthesis of carbohydrates, proteins and fats of the human tissue or are metabolized to generate energy in the form of ATP which is used when required.

Normal human adult male has

  1. 10 gm of haemoglobin/100 gm of blood

  2. 08 gm of haemoglobin/100 gm of blood

  3. 18 gm of haemoglobin/100 gm of blood

  4. 14 gm of haemoglobin/100 gm of blood

Correct Option: D

The amount of hemoglobin in the blood averages between 12 and 16 grams/100 milliliters of blood in adult females, about 14 and 18 in males, and somewhat less in children.

Which of the following is regarded as the link between the living and the non-living?

  1. RNA

  2. Virus

  3. Amoeba

  4. Bacteria

Correct Option: B

A virus is non living and relies solely on the 'host' for survival. Viruses are so primitive that many scientists consider them to be both living and nonliving things. By itself, a virus is a lifeless particle that cannot reproduce. But inside a living cell, a virus becomes an active organism that can multiply hundreds of times.

The most abundant tissues of our body are

  1. muscular

  2. epithelial

  3. areolar

  4. connective

Correct Option: A

Skeletal muscle is the most abundant of the human body's tissues.

The normal Ph of the human blood is _____.

  1. 7.12

  2. 7.23

  3. 7.45

  4. 7.34

Correct Option: C

What is the average quantity of the daily saliva produced by a human being?

  1. 1 litre

  2. 1.5 litres

  3. 2 litres

  4. 2.5 litres

Correct Option: B

In the human body, Henle's loop is found in the

  1. ovary

  2. intestine

  3. kidney

  4. testis

Correct Option: C

A man weighing 96 kg has approximately ________ litres of water.

  1. 82 litres

  2. 50 litres

  3. 42 litres

  4. 66.5 litres

Correct Option: D

Which of the following are responsible for connecting your mass muscles to your bones?

  1. Tendons

  2. Ligaments

  3. Capillaries

  4. Cartilage

Correct Option: A

What is the main component of our bones and teeth?

  1. Calcium phosphate

  2. Calcium carbonate

  3. Calcium nitrate

  4. Calcium sulphate

Correct Option: A

The majority of phosphorus found in the body is bound up with calcium in the bones as calcium phosphate, accounting for around 80% of the bodily total. The main component of bones and teeth is Calcium phosphate.

Enzyme, which converts glucose to ethyl alcohol is

  1. zymase

  2. diastase

  3. invertase

  4. maltase

Correct Option: A

Zymase is a complex enzyme, which catalyzes sugar into alcohol and carbon di-oxide.

According to WHO, the bird flu virus cannot be transmitted through food cooked beyond

  1. 60 degree Celsius

  2. 70 Degree Celsius

  3. 90 Degree Celsius

  4. 100 Degree Celsius

Correct Option: D

Which of the following organisms is involved in the synthesis of vinegar from alcohol?

  1. Acetobacter

  2. Lactobacillus

  3. Saccharomyces

  4. Clostridium

Correct Option: A

Acetobacter has the ability to convert sugar into acetic acid in the presence of oxygen.

The main function of the kidney is

  1. to remove waste products from the body

  2. to control blood pressure

  3. to help in digestion of food

  4. to control body temperature

Correct Option: A

Functions of kidneys are:

(a) Filtering out wastes to be excreted in the urine.
(b) Regulating blood pressure via both urinary excretion of wastes and initiating the rennin- angiotensen hormone regulatory system.
(c) Regulating an acid-base balance via the bicarbonate system. (d) Stimulating red blood cell production via the release of the hormone erythropoietin.

Blood does not coagulate inside the body due to the presence of

  1. fibrin

  2. hemoglobin

  3. plasma

  4. heparin

Correct Option: D

Blood does not clot inside the body because if a person containing antigen 'a', then serum must contain anybody 'b', serum could not contain antibody 'a' or your own blood will agglutinate.

The seat of memory in the human brain is located in the

  1. cerebellum

  2. medulla oblongata

  3. cortex

  4. cerebrum

Correct Option: C

For respiration, deep sea divers use a mixture of

  1. oxygen and helium

  2. oxygen and carbon dioxide

  3. oxygen and hydrogen

  4. oxygen and nitrogen/helium

Correct Option: D

To breathe underwater a diver must be supplied air at a pressure equal to that of the water surrounding the diver. Air of course is a suitable breathing mixture for a diver based primarily on nitrogen as the oxygen diluent. Beyond this depth helium is preferred as the diluent and is in fact particularly well suited to the depth. Helium does not cause narcosis at these pressures, is relatively inexpensive and is readily available.

Doctors recommend that we should cook our food in oil rather than in vanaspati ghee. Why?

  1. Oil makes food tasty

  2. Oil contains unsaturated fats

  3. Vanaspati ghee is difficult to digest

  4. Oil contains saturated fats

Correct Option: B

Cooking oil is a plant, animal or synthetic fat used in frying, baking and other types of cooking. It is also used in food preparation and flavoring that doesn't involve heat, such as salad dressings and bread dips, and in this sense might be more accurately termed edible oil. When vanaspati is made, trans fatty acids are also produced; these increase the risk of heart disease when consumed in excess and are best avoided.

Sleeping on the left side is useful because

  1. the heart is found in the left side of our body cavity

  2. the left side is pressed and gives relaxation to the right side

  3. it gives maximum relaxation to the muscles of the right side and keeps the liver warm and relaxed, and improves bile secretion

  4. the organs of left side are smaller than those on the right side

Correct Option: C

Sleeping on the left side is useful because it gives maximum relaxation to the muscles of the right side and keeps the liver warm and relaxed, and improves bile secretion.

Which of the two given statements is/are correct?

I. It is easier to stop bleeding from a vein than from an artery. II. This is because veins carry deoxygenated blood.

  1. Only I

  2. Both I and II

  3. Only II

  4. Neither I nor II

Correct Option: A

Correct Answer: Only I

Which of the following statements is wrong about 'Rhesus' (Rh) factor?

  1. This system of blood factors is inherited along with that of the ABO.

  2. Rh system is different from ABO blood group system.

  3. We inherit some factors from each parent and it may occur that an Rh-positive baby is born of an Rh-negative mother.

  4. Everybody is either Rh positive or Rh negative.

Correct Option: A

 The second major blood grouping system is the Rhesus (Rh) system. Like the ABO blood types, the Rh factor is an inherited blood protein, or antigen, on red blood cells.

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