
Description: Bioinformatics
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: Bioinformatics
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Which step of DNA sequencing is skipped during shot-gun sequencing?

  1. Computer analysis

  2. Cloning of DNA fragment

  3. Primer reaction

  4. Mapping step

Correct Option: D

Which of the following is/are the Heirarchical cluster-based method(s)?

  1. UPGMA method

  2. Maximum Likelihood method

  3. Both (1) and (2)

  4. Neighbour–joining method

Correct Option: A

What is Readseq?

  1. Tool which helps to read and translate nucleotide sequence

  2. Tool which converts sequence in one format to another

  3. Database which helps to download nucleotide sequence

  4. Tool which reads the nucleotide sequences

Correct Option: B

These are various formats of sequence file. Each tool is designed to accept the input sequence in the specific formats. Readseq tool is used to convert sequence from one format to another.

A database that classifies protein 3D structures in a hierarchical scheme of structural classes is

  1. CATH

  2. PDB


  4. SCOP

Correct Option: B

SCOP is the structural database. The level of hierarchical classifications of structures in SCOP are class, fold, superfamily and family.

One of the methods for finding common regulatory motifs present in a set of co–regulated genes is

  1. Prosite

  2. MEME

  3. Mat Inspector

  4. PSSM

Correct Option: D

Which of the following databases is automatically generated?

  1. SOCP

  2. CATH

  3. FSSP


Correct Option: C

Which matrix is best suited for phylogenetic analysis?

  1. BLOSUM 80 and PAM 60

  2. BLOSUM 45 and PAM 80

  3. BLOSUM 65 and PAM 250

  4. BLOSUM 30 and PAM 40

Correct Option: C

Microarray gene chips will eventually be used to

  1. screen for mutations leading to cancer

  2. identify carriers of genetic diseases

  3. identify probable behavioural traits

  4. both 1 and 2

Correct Option: D

For prediction of three-dimensional structure of protein, P. homology modeling tries many possible alignments Q. threading first identifies homologues R. threading evaluates many rough models S. homology modelling optimises one model

  1. Q, S

  2. P, Q

  3. R, S

  4. Q, R

Correct Option: B

Which of the following statements is incorrect for SCOP?

  1. It stands for Structural Classification of Proteins.

  2. It is semi-automatic and hierachical classification of protein domains.

  3. It is a database which has manual classification of protein structural domains based on similarities of their amino acid sequences and three-dimensional structures.

  4. It utilises four levels of hierachical structural classification.

Correct Option: B

Match the following:

Column I Column II
A. UPGMA 1. Protein sequence database
B. CLUSTAL 2. Phylogenetic analysis
C. SWISS-PROT 3. 3D structure visualisation
D. Ras Mol 4. Multiple sequence alignment
  1. A - 2, B - 4, C - 1, D - 3

  2. A - 1, B - 4, C - 2, D - 3

  3. A - 4, B - 2, C - 1, D - 3

  4. A - 3, B - 2, C - 4, D - 1

Correct Option: A

Which of the following statements is incorrect for PDB?

  1. PDB archive contains information about experimentally determined structures of proteins, nucleic acids and complex assemblies.

  2. In this, users can perform simple and advanced searches based on annotations relating to sequence, structure and function.

  3. In this, the molecules can be visualised and analysed and can be downloaded.

  4. Data files contained in the PDB archive (ftp:// ftp.wwpodb.org) have copyright restrictions.

Correct Option: D

By using a proteomics approach to find the cause of a muscle disorder, which of the following techniques one may be using?

  1. Creating a genomic library

  2. Sequencing the gene responsible for the disorder

  3. Developing physical maps from genomic clones

  4. Determining which environmental factors influence the expression of your gene of interest

Correct Option: D

Match the following and choose the correct combination.

Group I Group II
A. BLOSUM 1. Margaret Dayhoff
B. Point accepted mutation 2. Samul Karim and Steven Altshul
C. FASTA 3. Henikoff and Henikoff
D. BLAST’s statistical theory 4. David J Lipman and William R. Pearson
  1. A - 3, B - 1, C - 2, D - 4

  2. A - 3, B - 1, C - 4, D - 2

  3. A - 1, B - 3, C - 4, D - 2

  4. A - 2, B - 4, C - 1, D - 2

Correct Option: B

Match the following and choose the correct combination.

Group I Group II
A. blastx 1. Search protein database using translated nucleotide query
B. tblastn 2. Finding primers specific to your PCR template
C. tblastx 3. Search translated nucleotide database using a protein query
D. primer – BLAST 4. Search translated nucleotide database using a translated nucleotide query
  1. A - 3, B - 1, C - 2, D - 4

  2. A - 3, B - 1, C - 4, D - 2

  3. A - 1, B - 3, C - 4, D - 2

  4. A - 3, B - 4, C - 1, D - 2

Correct Option: C
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