Human Reproduction

Description: This topic includes 25 mcq on human reproduction an important topic for MBBS/BDS
Number of Questions: 23
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Tags: Human reproduction AIPMT Structure of Reproductive System Female Reproductive System Male Reproductive System Oogenesis Hormonal Control Menstrual Cycle Reproduction in Animals Reproduction
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Where is discus proligerus present?

  1. In the mass of follicular cells, around sperm

  2. In the mass of follicular cells, around ovum

  3. In the mass of yellow cells of ovarian cortex

  4. In the white body of ovarian cortex

  5. None of the above

Correct Option: B

Discus proligerous is also known as cumulus oophorus or follicular granulosa. It surrounds ovarian follicle which carries centrally placed ovum.

Which is the future alimentary canal?

  1. Blastopore

  2. Archenteron

  3. Delamination

  4. Epiboly

  5. Involution

Correct Option: B

Archenteron is the cavity, which occurs inside gastrula and is the future alimentary canal. It opens to the outside through blastopore, which later on closes.

Which egg is found in humans?

  1. Alecithal egg

  2. Microlecithal egg

  3. Mesolecithal egg

  4. Macrolecithal egg

  5. None of the above

Correct Option: A

It is almost free of yolk.

The blastula with blastocoel is known as _____________.

  1. discoblastula

  2. superficial blastula

  3. stereoblastula

  4. coeloblastula

  5. none of these

Correct Option: D

It is blastula with blastocoel.

Allantois consists of ___________.

  1. mesoderm inside and ectoderm outside

  2. mesoderm outside and ectoderm inside

  3. mesoderm inside and endoderm outside

  4. mesoderm outside and endoderm inside

  5. ectoderm outside and endoderm inside

Correct Option: D

Allantois consists of mesoderm on outside and endoderm internally.

What is a vitelline membrane?

  1. Tertiary egg membrane

  2. Secondary egg membrane

  3. Primary egg membrane

  4. All of these

  5. None of these

Correct Option: C

It is formed around the plasma membrane of egg secerted by ovum itself.

Which of the following explains tunica serotina correctly?

  1. It is a part of decidua that lines uterus at a place other than the site of attachment of embryo.

  2. It lies between embryo and lumen of uterus.

  3. It is a part of decidua underlying chronic villi and overlying myometrium.

  4. It is the uterine wall of uterus during pregnancy.

  5. It is decidua reflexa.

Correct Option: C

Tunica serotina also known as Basal deciduas or Decidua basalis is a part of deciduas underlying chorionic villi and overlying myometrium.

Germinal disc differentiate into two layers. Which of the options names it correctly?

  1. Outer epiblast of larger columnar cells and inner hypoblast of smaller cuboidal cells.

  2. Outer epiblast of larger cuboidal cells and inner hypoblast of smaller columnar cells.

  3. Outer epiblast of smaller cuboidal cells and inner hypoblast of larger columnar cells.

  4. Outer epiblast of smaller columnar cells and inner hypoblast of larger cuboidal cells.

  5. Outer hypoblast and inner epiblast.

Correct Option: A

Cells of inner cell mass or embryonal knob get rearranged to form a flat embryonic disc or germinal disc. The latter differentiate into two layers, outer epiblast of large columnar cells and inner hypoblast of smaller cuboidal cells.

Which is the source of all the germ layers in the embryo?

  1. The hypoblast

  2. The epiblast

  3. Both hypoblast and epiblast

  4. Osteoblast

  5. Osteoclast

Correct Option: B

The first epiblast cell moves inward and displaces the hypoblast to create endoderm. Once endoderm is formed, inwardly moving epiblast forms mesoderm. Cells remaining in the epiblast form ectoderm. Thus, the epiblast is source of all germ layers.

Ootid is formed as a result of

  1. meiosis-II

  2. meiosis-I

  3. mitosis

  4. amitosis

  5. None of these

Correct Option: A

Secondary oocyte undergoes meiosis-II to form ootid.

The growth, maintenance and function of secondary male sex organs are promoted by which hormone?

  1. FSH

  2. ICSH

  3. Testosterone

  4. Progesterone

  5. None of these

Correct Option: C

The growth, maintenance and functions of secondary male sex organs are regulated by testosterone.

Which of the following hormones inhibit(s) the actual secretion of milk?

  1. Estrogen

  2. Progesterone

  3. Estrogen and progesterone

  4. Oxytocin

  5. All of these

Correct Option: C

Although estrogen and progesterone are essential for physical development of the breast during pregnancy, a specific effect of both these hormone is to inhibit the actual secretion of milk.

Which of the following events is/are correctly matched with time period of a normal menstrual cycle?

  1. Release of ovum : 5th day

  2. Endometrium regenerates : 5 - 10 days

  3. Endometrium secretes nutrients for implantation : 11 - 18 days

  4. Rise in progesterone level : 1 - 15 days

  5. All of the above

Correct Option: B

Endometrium regenerates within 5 - 6 days of the cycle.

Sperms are decapacitated in ____________.

  1. epididymis

  2. vaginal fluid

  3. uterus

  4. both vaginal fluid and uterus

  5. both epididymis and uterus

Correct Option: A

Sperms are decapacitated in epididymis where they mature.

Skene’s gland is homologous to

  1. Cowper gland

  2. Bartholin gland

  3. prostate gland

  4. glans penis

  5. scrotum

Correct Option: C

Skene's gland, (also known as paraurethral gland) found in females, is homologous ( similar in structure, but different in function) to prostate gland found in males.

Which of the following STD's cannot be treated with antibiotics?

  1. Gonorrhoea

  2. Syphilis

  3. Chlamydia

  4. Genital Herpes

  5. None of these

Correct Option: D

It cannot be treated with antibiotics.

Prepuce and fourchette are formed by

  1. anterior and posterior fusion of labia minora

  2. anterior and posterior fusion of labia majora

  3. posterior and anterior fusion of labia majora

  4. posterior and anterior fusion of labia minora

  5. clitoris

Correct Option: A

Labia minora fuses anteriorly to form a skin fold called perpuce in front of small erectile organ, the clitoris. Labia minora also fuse posteriorly to form a membranous fold, called fourchette.

Which of the following is the placenta with only three barriers between fetal and maternal blood?

  1. Epitheliochorial

  2. Syndesmochorial

  3. Endotheliochorial

  4. Haemochorial

  5. Haemoendothelial

Correct Option: D

It is the placenta with only three barriers.

Which hormone helps in converting Graafian follicle into Corpus luteum?

  1. FSH

  2. GnRH

  3. LH

  4. HCG

  5. Progesterone

Correct Option: C

LH (Luteinizing hormone) from pituitary helps in converting ruptured Graafian follicle into Corpus luteum.

Which type of placenta is seen in humans?

  1. Diffuse placenta

  2. Intermediate placenta

  3. Zonary placenta

  4. Cotyledonary placenta

  5. Metadiscoidal placenta

Correct Option: E

Metadiscoidal placenta – The placenta in which the villi are initially distributed uniformly all over the surface but later on get confined to a disc – like area fitting into corresponding depression on the uterine wall, for example  humans and apes.

Which of the following STDs is not caused by virus?

  1. Genital herpes

  2. AIDS

  3. Gonorrhea

  4. Genital warts

  5. None of these

Correct Option: C

It is caused by bacteria neisseria gonorrhoeae.

In oogenesis after arrival of spermatozoa, completion of meiosis takes place by ____________.

  1. restarting the cell cycle by breaking down MPF and turning on APC

  2. restarting the cell cycle by breaking down APC and turning on MPF

  3. formation of first polar body

  4. formation of second polar body

  5. none of these

Correct Option: A

Secondary oocyte starts meiosis II and proceeds upto metaphase II, further development starts only after the arrival of spermatozoa. Entery of sperm restarts the cell cycle by breaking down MPF(M-phase promoting factor) and turning on APC(Anaphase promoting complex).

Acrosome is formed from ______________.

  1. mitochondria

  2. cytoplasm

  3. golgi complex

  4. centriole

  5. all of the above

Correct Option: C

Acrosome is formed from golgi complex.

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