Law (UGC/NET Paper II & III)

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Saitis Po,niIi Suprema Lex means:

  1. The welfare of the people is the supreme law

  2. Law is more important than the people

  3. The supremacy of law can never be questioned

  4. Public opinion is superior to law

Correct Option: A

Which of the following do not relate to “industrial dispute”?

  1. Dispute or difference connected with employment of

  2. Dispute or difference connected with non- employment of

  3. Dispute or difference connected with the terms of employment or with the conditions of labour.

  4. Dispute or difference connected with the election of a trade union.

Correct Option: D

The verdict of the labour court in industrial dispute is described as:

  1. Judgement

  2. Decree

  3. Award

  4. Relief

Correct Option: C

Under which one of the following sections of the Indian Contract Act. 1872, remedies for breach of contract are available?

  1. Section 72

  2. Section 73

  3. Section 74

  4. Section 32

Correct Option: B

The World Court refused to give its advisory opinion in:

  1. The Genocide convention case

  2. The legality of the use by a state of Nuclear Weapons in Armed conflict

  3. Interpretation of Peace Treaties case

  4. Legality of the threat or use of Nuclear Weapons case

Correct Option: B

“Jurisprudance is lawyer's extraversion', who is the exponent of this thesis?

  1. Jermy Bentham

  2. Stuart MiII

  3. Julius Stone

  4. Roscol Pound

Correct Option: C

In India, the Railways:

  1. Have direct statutory duty to erect gates and employ gatemen at the level crossings

  2. Have no duty until the central government so requires by a requisition under Section, 13 of the Railways Act.

  3. Being engaged in an inherently dangerous activity are bound by the common law duty on the principle of neighborhood

  4. Both 2 and 3 are correct

Correct Option: A

Mere possibility of abuse or misuse of POTA cannot be a ground to declare it unconstitutiona. Need of POTA is a matter of policy of the government and it cannot be examined by the court. The supreme court of India SO held in

  1. People's union for Civil liberties Vs. Union of India

  2. Narendra Kumar Vs. Union of India

  3. K.S. Bhoir Vs. State of Maharashtra

  4. A.K. Sen Vs. Union of India

Correct Option: A

The characteristic feature of a Tort is:

  1. Tort is a civil Wrong

  2. Tort is both civil and criminal wrong

  3. Ion is only criminal wrong

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A

In which of the following cases the jurisprudential basis of the principle to award compensation for violating Human Rights has been laid down by Supreme Court?

  1. Konda Reddy Vs. State

  2. Ratlam Municipality Vs. Verdhichand

  3. Visakha Vs. State of Rajasthan

  4. Nilabhati Behra Vs. State of Orissa

Correct Option: D

Directions : The following items consist of two statements one labelled the 'Assertion (A)' and other labelled the Reason (R) You are to examine these statements and decide if the 'Assertion (A)' and the 'Reason R)' are individually true and if so, whether the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion. Select your answer to these items using the codes given below: Assertion (A): The Supreme Court is a Court of Record. Reason (R): Once a court is made a Court of Record, its power to punish for its contempt necessarily follows from that position.

  1. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)

  2. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not a correct explanation of (A)

  3. (A) is true but (R) is false

  4. (A) is false but (R) is true

Correct Option: A

Consider the following statements: (i) Joinder is an ingredient of conspiracy and unlawfulness is implied in it for causing injury, Joinder is a cause of action (ii) Where the fact of joinder is absent the cause of action becomes irrelevant (iii) For serving his own legal interest Joinder will not create a cause of action Which of the statement is true in the above statements?

  1. (i) and (ii)

  2. (ii) and (iii)

  3. (i) and (iii)

  4. (i), (ii) and (iii)

Correct Option: B

The era of law making treaties began with:

  1. Treaty of Vienna

  2. Treaty of Versailles

  3. Kellogg Briard Act

  4. Treaty of Westphalia

Correct Option: D

Who of the following jurists said that law is a Command of Sovereign?

  1. Salmond

  2. Julius Stone

  3. Hans Kelson

  4. Austin

Correct Option: D

Some. all or none of the following statements are right. Answer using the code. (i) A minor is liable fir breach of a contract to which he is a party. (ii) A minor is liable to pay for necessaries br his spouse. (iii) Supply ot necessaries to a minor is a contract. (iv) Necessaries supplied to a minor need not be according to his station in life, for the supplier to claim damages.

  1. All statements are right

  2. All statements are wrong

  3. Only statement (ii) is right

  4. Only statement (ii) is wrong

Correct Option: C

Who has first coined the term 'Legal theory'?

  1. Kelsen

  2. W. Friedman

  3. Bentham

  4. Roscoe Pound

Correct Option: A

An agreement will be void, if mistake is:

  1. of facts as well as of law

  2. of law

  3. of facts

  4. neither of facts or nor of law

Correct Option: A

The theme of the 60th Anniversary celebrations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 1948 is:

  1. human Rights for all

  2. All Human Rights for all

  3. Justice and dignity for all

  4. Human Rights for Human Dignity

Correct Option: C

X, a girl of 16 years old was sleeping on her cot in the evening. Y seeing here alone falls upon her and pulls her lower clothes Y is liable:

  1. U/S 375/511 of the Indian Penal Code

  2. U/S 354 of the Indian Penal Code

  3. U/S 509 of the Indian Penal Code

  4. U/S 352 of the Indian Penal Code

Correct Option: B

Contract becomes impossible of performance if:

  1. The goods are not available in the market

  2. Workers are on strike.

  3. Subject matter of the contract was destroyed at the time of contract

  4. Money is not available

Correct Option: C

Under Section 2(00) of the Industrial Disputes Act 1947, the word 'Retrenchment doesn't include:

  1. Termination of the Service of a workman

  2. Termination of the Service of a workman as punishment inflicted by way of disciplinary action

  3. Retirement of the woman

  4. Both 1 and 2 are correct

Correct Option: D

Sexual harassment of Women at working place was recognised as violation of human right to human dignity in:

  1. Sarla Mudgal Vs. State of T.N

  2. Vishakha Vs. State of Rajasthan

  3. Nargesh Mirza Vs. Air India

  4. Maneka Gandhi Vs. Union of India

Correct Option: B

University of Petroleum. Energy, Gas and Oil has been created by a statute of a State on self-financing scheme. It:

  1. Shall not be “the State” under Article 12

  2. Shall be “the State” having the trappings of the State under Article 12

  3. Shall not be “the State” with no liability and obligations to the public under Article 12

  4. Shall not be “the State” because of its governing relationship with other people under Article 12

Correct Option: D

The Arrantzazu Mendi case deals with:

  1. Human Rights

  2. Recognition

  3. Nature of International Law

  4. Peaceful settlement of disputes

Correct Option: B

A instigates B to kidnap son of Z. B instigates C to do so and C kidnaps son of Z.

  1. Only B is guilty of abetting C.

  2. Only A is guilty of abetment.

  3. Both 1 and 2 are guilty of abetment.

  4. None of these

Correct Option: A
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