
Description: Money
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: Maths Rupees and Paisa Nutrition and its Modes in Plants Heterotrophic Nutrition in Plants Photosynthesis Saprophytic Nutrition
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Trisha went with her mother to buy rice. Her mother bought 5 Kg rice for Rs. 85 per Kg. How much money will her mother give to the shopkeeper?

  1. Rs. 90

  2. Rs. 400

  3. Rs. 425

  4. Rs. 340

  5. Rs. 95

Correct Option: C


85 X 5 = 425.

Trisha's mother will pay Rs. 425 for the rice.

50 Rs = _____________ paise

  1. 500 paise

  2. 50 paise

  3. 5000 paise

  4. 50000 paise

  5. 2500 paise

Correct Option: C

Correct. 1 Rs. = 100 paise

Therefore 50 Rs. = 50 X 100 = 5000 paise.

Aneesh bought a CD of a new PS3 game for Rs. 435. He gave the shopkeeper 500 Rs. How much money will he get back?

  1. Rs. 55

  2. Rs. 65

  3. Rs. 75

  4. Rs. 85

  5. Rs. 95

Correct Option: B

He paid Rs. 500 and the CD was for Rs. 435.500 - 435 = 65

The shopkeeper will give him Rs. 65.

Kareena and Katrina go to buy skirts and together they pay Rs. 1800. They have paid equal amount, what is the amount that each of them has paid?

  1. Rs. 1800

  2. Rs. 3600

  3. Rs. 800

  4. Rs. 850

  5. Rs. 900

Correct Option: E

The correct amount paid by the both of them is : 1800 / 2 = 900.

Riya has Rs. 170. She wants to buy a Barbie doll that costs RS. 225. How much more money will Riya need to buy her doll?

  1. Rs. 395

  2. Rs. 300

  3. Rs. 50

  4. Rs. 55

  5. Rs. 30

Correct Option: D

The correct answer is Rs. 55.Because Riya already has 170.The total amount required for the doll is 225. 225 - 170 = 55.

How many five rupee coins does Shreya has, if her total amount in five rupee coins is Rs. 100?

  1. 25 coins

  2. 30 coins

  3. 20 coins

  4. 35 coins

  5. 10 coins

Correct Option: C

Shreya has 20 coins.100/5 = 20

Anand, Bansi and Charu start a shop and earn some money. They decide to divide it equally. They have earned Rs. 6000. How much money will they all get?

  1. Rs. 6000

  2. Rs. 5000

  3. Rs. 4000

  4. Rs. 3000

  5. Rs. 2000

Correct Option: E

The total amount is Rs. 6000 and has to be divided into three people. 6000/3 = Rs. 2000.

Which of the following represents the correct value?

  1. 5 Rs. + 5 Rs. + 1 Re = 12 Rs.

  2. 5 Rs. + 5 Rs. + 50 p + 50 p = 12 Rs.

  3. 5 RS. + 5 Rs. + 50 p + 50 p + 50 p = 12 Rs.

  4. 5 RS. + 5 Rs. + 50 p + 50 p + 50 p + 50 p = 12 Rs.

  5. 5 RS. + 5 Rs. + 50 p + 50 p + 50 p + 50 p + 50 p = 12 Rs.

Correct Option: D

Correct. Rs. 12

Manu has Rs. 48 and he goes to the confectioners shop with his sister. He bought one ice cream for himself and one cup cake for his sister. Then he buys two milky bars for each of them. How much money is left with him, after he pays the shopkeeper?

Ice Cream Rs. 15
Milky Bar Rs. 5
Burger Rs. 10
Patty Rs. 10
Cup Cake Rs. 7
Sandwich Rs. 15
  1. Rs. 15

  2. Rs. 25

  3. Rs. 30

  4. Rs. 16

  5. Rs. 40

Correct Option: D

The correct answer is:  Ice cream = 15 Cup cake = 7 2 Milky bars = 10 Therefore, 15 + 7 + 10 = 32He has Rs. 48,  so he is left with 48 - 32 = Rs. 16.

Rs. 60 and 50 paise is equal to:

  1. 650 paise

  2. 6050 paise

  3. 65000 paise

  4. 60050 paise

  5. 6500 paise

Correct Option: B

Correct.Rs. 60 = 6000 paise + 50 paise = 6050 paise.

If the cost of one eclair is Rs. 2, how much money does Tia need to buy 29 eclairs?

  1. Rs. 18

  2. Rs. 29

  3. Rs. 50

  4. Rs. 48

  5. Rs. 58

Correct Option: E

The amount Tia needs is 29 X 2 = Rs. 58.

Directions: Study the cost of items and answer the question that follows:

Necklace Rs. 464
Shoes Rs. 380
Dress Rs. 527
Handbag RS. 185
Belt Rs. 76

If Pooja buys the handbag and the necklace then how much does she spend?

  1. Rs. 549

  2. Rs. 649

  3. Rs. 639

  4. Rs. 539

  5. Rs. 400

Correct Option: B

The cost of the handbag and the necklace is 464 + 185 = 649

Anu has bought two pens for Rs. 20 each and a notebook for Rs. 10. How much money has Anu spent?

  1. Rs. 20

  2. Rs. 30

  3. Rs. 10

  4. Rs. 50

  5. Rs. 40

Correct Option: D

The total money spent by Anu is 20 + 20 + 10 = Rs. 50.

Directions: Study the cost of items and answer the question that follows:

Necklace Rs. 464
Shoes Rs. 380
Dress Rs. 527
Handbag RS. 185
Belt Rs. 76

How much more expensive is the dress from the shoes?

  1. Rs. 145

  2. Rs. 147

  3. Rs. 527

  4. Rs. 300

  5. Rs. 907

Correct Option: B

The difference between the dress and the shoes is 527 - 380 = 147

Directions: Study the cost of items and answer the question that follows:

Necklace Rs. 464
Shoes Rs. 380
Dress Rs. 527
Handbag RS. 185
Belt Rs. 76

If Hina spent Rs. 991 then what are the two items that she bought?

  1. Shoes and Dress

  2. Dress and Belt

  3. Necklace and Shoes

  4. Necklace and Belt

  5. Necklace and Dress

Correct Option: E

Necklace = Rs. 464, Dress = Rs. 527.Therefore,  464 + 527 = Rs. 991.Hence, correct.

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