Classification of Organisms (AIPVT)

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Which kingdom was absent from 4-kingdom classification of 1938?

  1. Protista

  2. Monera

  3. Fungi

  4. Plantae

Correct Option: C

Kingdom Fungi was absent from 4-kingdom classification.

Which organism has the largest genome among all known viruses?

  1. Megavirus

  2. Mimivirus

  3. Pandoravirus

  4. Pithovirus

Correct Option: C

Pandoravirus has the largest genome of any known viral genus.

What does kingdom Regnum lepideum contain according to the classification system given by Linnaeus?

  1. Plants

  2. Animals

  3. Minerals

  4. Fungi

Correct Option: C

The kingdom Regnum lepideum contains minerals.

What does Archezoa hypothesis indicate?

  1. Difference between eubacteria and archaebacteria

  2. Eukaryotic endosymbiosis

  3. Chlorophyll c presence in Chromists

  4. Presence of domain archea

Correct Option: B

Archezoa hypothesis proves eukaryotic endosymbiosis, i.e kingdom Diplomadida and kingdom Parabasala originally had mitochondria, but lost them before mitochondria became symbionts of protists.

Which of the following organisms is included in kingdom Excavata?

  1. Amblyospora

  2. Cyclospora

  3. Euglena

  4. Chromera

Correct Option: C

Euglena is an organism of kingdom Excavata. 

What is the basic unit of classification?

  1. Genus

  2. Species

  3. Phylum

  4. Kingdom

Correct Option: B

The basic unit of classification is species.  

The classification of organisms based on overall similarity, usually in morphology or other observable traits, is called

  1. Cladistics

  2. Phenetics

  3. Phonetics

  4. Bayesian inference

Correct Option: B

Phenetics, also known as taximetrics, is an attempt to classify organisms based on overall similarity.

Which of the following were included in kingdom Plantae of Whittaker's 5-kingdom classification?

  1. Only land plants

  2. Plants + Some algae

  3. Plants + photosynthetic protists

  4. All plants

Correct Option: B

Whittaker's  5-kingdom classification included some algae and plants in kingdom Plantae.

What is a trait shared by 2 or more taxa and their most recent common ancestor called?

  1. Symplesiomorphy

  2. Synapomorphy

  3. Apomorphy

  4. Plesiomorphy

Correct Option: B

Synapomorphy is a trait shared by 2 or more taxa and their most recent common ancestor.

Who was the first person to give classification of organisms (Taxonomy)?

  1. Aristotle

  2. Carl Linnaeus

  3. Earnst Haeckel

  4. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek

Correct Option: B

Carl Linnaeus was the first person to give biological classification.

What is the basis of phylogenetic classification?

  1. Developmental history

  2. Biochemical characteristics

  3. Morphological characteristics

  4. Increasing complexity

Correct Option: A

The basis of phylogenetic classification is developmental history.

In which kingdom(s) were members of Archezoa reclassified in 6-kingdom classification?

  1. Fungi

  2. Protozoa

  3. Chromista

  4. Fungi and protozoa

Correct Option: D

In 6-kingdom classification, members of Archezoa were reclassified in kingdoms Fungi and Protozoa.

Which order is assigned to human beings?

  1. Mammalia

  2. Hominidae

  3. Primates

  4. Eutheria

Correct Option: C

Primates is the order assigned to human beings. 

In which domain did Stefan Luketa include acellular and without nucleic acid organisms in 2012?

  1. Virusobiota

  2. Prionobiota

  3. Eukarya

  4. Archaea

Correct Option: B

Stefan included acellular and without nucleic acid organisms in domain Prionobiota in 2012.

According to 6-kingdom classification, which of the following organisms is included in kingdom Chromista?

  1. Unibacteria

  2. Rhizarians

  3. Archezons

  4. Archaebacteria

Correct Option: B

According to 6-kingdom classification, Rhizarians were included in kingdom Chromista. 

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