Our Friends : Animals

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Where do terrestial animals live?

  1. They live in water.

  2. They live on land.

  3. They live in air.

  4. They live on trees.

  5. They live both on land and in water.

Correct Option: B

The animals that live on land are called terrestrial animals.

I am a beautiful bird. I have a long beak. I suck the nectar of flowers. You might have seen me flying backwards. What is my name?

  1. Eagle

  2. Kite

  3. Ostrich

  4. Penguin

  5. Humming bird

Correct Option: E

Humming bird can fly backward too.           

Which of the following statements is incorrect about birds?

  1. Birds are ariel animals.

  2. Their front limbs are modified as wings.

  3. They move their wings up and down and push themselves through the air.

  4. They use their legs and claws to sit on a tree and hop on the ground.

  5. The bones of birds are solid and heavy which help them to fly high with ease.

Correct Option: E

The bones of birds are hollow and are light. This characteristic of their body helps them to fly high in the air.          

Fish is _______ animal.

  1. an arboreal

  2. an aerial

  3. an aquatic

  4. an amphibian

  5. a terrestrial

Correct Option: C

The fish is an aquatic animals.  

Who among the following are known to make the soil fertile?

  1. Snails

  2. Centipedes

  3. Millipedes

  4. Leeches

  5. Earthworms

Correct Option: E

Yes, earthworms make the soil fertile.        

I am the largest and the strongest crawler on the earth. I can swallow my prey whole. I have legs and a strong tail. I can live in water as well as on land but prefer to live in water most of time. Guess who am I?

  1. Cobra

  2. Viper

  3. Lizard

  4. Crocodile

  5. Turtle

Correct Option: D

Crocodile is the largest and the strongest crawler on the earth. It can swallow its prey whole. It has four legs and a strong tail. It can live in water as well as on land but prefers to live in water.

Choose the odd one among the following. 1) Elephants 2) Monkeys 3) Squirrels 4) Apes 5)Rabbits

  1. Elephants

  2. Monkeys

  3. Squirrels

  4. Apes

  5. Rabbits

Correct Option: E

Rabbits live in a special home named burrow. All the other animals given above do not have their homes.           

Choose the odd one among the following. 1) Ant 2) Honey bee 3) Centipede 4) Housefly 5) Butterfly

  1. Ant

  2. Honey bee

  3. Housefly

  4. Centipede

  5. Butterfly

Correct Option: D

In the given options all the animals are insects having three pairs of legs but centipede has more legs than these insects.

Which of the following pairs of animals make burrow to live in?

  1. Rabbit and spider

  2. Ant and termite

  3. Spider and termite

  4. Rabbit and rat

  5. Rat and spider

Correct Option: D

Both rabbit and rat make burrow for themselves to live in.

The ant is _______.

  1. a carnivore

  2. a herbivore

  3. an omnivore

  4. a predator

  5. a decomposer

Correct Option: C

The ant is an omnivore because it eats both plant and animal product.

Domestic : Camel : : Wild : ?

  1. Horse

  2. Kangaroo

  3. Donkey

  4. Dog

  5. Buffalo

Correct Option: B

Kangaroo is a wild animal.

Match the following format and choose a correct option. Column A Column B (a) Giraffe i. Largest animal on land (b) Cheetah ii. Largest living animal on the earth (c) Elephant iii. Fastest animal on the land (d) Whale iv. Tallest animal

  1. (a) - iv, (b) - iii, (c) - ii, (d) - i

  2. (a) - ii, (b) - iii, (c) - i, (d) - iv

  3. (a) - i, (b) - ii, (c) - iii, (d) - iv

  4. (a) - iv, (b) - iii, (c) - i, (d) - ii

  5. (a) - iv, (b) - i, (c) - iii, (d) - ii

Correct Option: D

Giraffe is the tallest animal, Cheetah is the fastest on the land, The elephant is the largest animal on the land while whale is the largest living animal on the earth.

Which of the following is not an arboreal animal?

  1. Baboon

  2. Monkey

  3. Opossum

  4. Yak

  5. Flying squirrel

Correct Option: D

Yak is an animal which lives in polar regions. It does not live on trees.

Match the following and choose a correct option. Column A Column B (a) Tiger i. Crawl (b) Frog ii. Run (c) Kangaroo iii. Jump (d) Snake iv. Hop

  1. (a) - ii, (b) - iii, (c) - iv, (d) - i

  2. (a) - i, (b) - iii, (c) - iv, (d) - ii

  3. (a) - i, (b) - ii, (c) - iii, (d) - iv

  4. (a) - ii, (b) - iv, (c) - iii, (d) - i

  5. (a) - iv, (b) - iii, (c) - ii, (d) - i

Correct Option: A

In this matching format animals are to be matched with the way of their movements. Here a tiger runs, a frog jumps, a kangaroo hops and a snake crawls.

I creep and crawl. I use my body to move. Insects and some amphibians are my prey. I do not make my home but rest in a burrow made by other animals. Guess who am I?

  1. Turtle

  2. Tortoise

  3. Snake

  4. Crocodile

  5. Lizard

Correct Option: C

Snake creeps and  crawls for movement. It preys are insects and frogs. It does not make home for itself but lives in the burrows made by other animals.

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