Components of Food (Class VI)

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Which of the following food items is a good source of roughage or dietary fibres?

  1. Meat

  2. Paneer

  3. Fruits

  4. Milk

Correct Option: C

Roughage (dietary fibre) is provided by all plant products like fruits, pulses, vegetables, etc. It acts as food for animals, helps us in getting rid of the undigested food from the body and keeps our skin healthy. 

Although it does not provide nutrients, why is roughage essential?

  1. It can be used as a feed for beef cattle in the form of cotton grain trash.

  2. It helps in getting rid of undigested food.

  3. It keeps the skin healthy.

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Roughage (dietary fibers) is provided by all plant products like fruits, pulses, vegetables, etc. It acts as food for animals; helps us in getting rid of the undigested food from the body and keeps our skin healthy.

A student is provided with four different food components: a. Rice b. Cheese c. Milk d. Amla

Which among them is the best source of carbohydrates?

  1. a

  2. b

  3. c

  4. d

Correct Option: A

Wheat, rice, potato and sweet potato are sources of carbohydrates. But rice contains the highest level of starch and is the richest source of carbohydrates.

Which of the following statements is incorrect about food?

  1. It makes oxygen available for our body.

  2. It provides energy to our body.

  3. It has nutrients, which are vital for proper body functioning.

  4. It is necessary for the proper growth of our body.

Correct Option: A

Food is required by our body for its growth and proper functioning. It also provides us energy. Oxygen is not made from food.

Rajat is advised to take a diet containing all the essential nutrients in proper proportion so as to be healthy. What is such a diet called?

  1. Balanced diet

  2. Proper diet

  3. Complete diet

  4. Essential diet

Correct Option: A

The diet, which contains all the nutrients in proper proportion, is called a balanced diet. 

To maintain the nutrient content of the body for optimal growth, the doctor has advised Priya to take all the essential nutrients. Which of the following is/are not considered as a nutrient(s)?

  1. Water

  2. Carbohydrates

  3. Fats

  4. Proteins

Correct Option: A

To maintain the nutrient content of the body for optimal growth, one should eat a balanced diet. A balanced diet basically includes 5 major nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Also, water and dietary fibres make a part of our diet, but water is not included in nutrients.

Rahul has weak joints and bow-shaped legs. The deficiency of which vitamin has caused this?

  1. Vitamin K

  2. Vitamin D

  3. Vitamin C

  4. Vitamin A

Correct Option: B

Deficiency of any nutrient in the body causes malfunctioning. Example: Rickets is a disease caused by the deficiency of vitamin D in our body and results in bow-shaped legs. 

Manish is suffering from a disorder, which is caused by the deficiency of calcium. Which of the following disorders could it be?

  1. Bone and tooth decay

  2. Rickets

  3. Scurvy

  4. Beriberi

Correct Option: A

Our teeth and bones are basically formed from the compounds of calcium, the deficiency of which leads to their decay. 

Which of the following colours would you observe when iodine solution is added to starchy food?

  1. Violet

  2. Blue-black

  3. Pink

  4. Green

Correct Option: B

The presence of any nutrient can be tested and confirmed by particular tests. Example: The presence of proteins can be tested by using copper sulphate and caustic soda. Oily patch on paper when a food product is kept over it, confirms the presence of fats. The addition of iodine turns the starchy food to blue-black.

Parul wants to test the presence of proteins in a given food sample. Which of the following chemicals is/are used to test proteins in food?

  1. Copper sulphate and sodium chloride

  2. Iodine

  3. Potassium iodide

  4. Copper sulphate and caustic soda

Correct Option: D

To test the presence of proteins in any substance, 2 drops of copper sulphate followed by 10 drops of caustic soda are added. If the colour of the solution does not change, it means proteins are absent. If the colour changes from white to violet, it confirms the presence of proteins. Milk, egg and pulses give a positive test for proteins. So, the chemicals used are caustic soda and copper sulphate.

Why is it advised to avoid fat rich food?

  1. As it causes obesity

  2. As it causes malnutrition

  3. As it causes deficiency diseases

  4. As it causes over nutrition

Correct Option: A

The lack or the excess of anything is harmful, e.g. lack of fat lowers the body energy and intake of excess fat results in obesity.

It is advised to avoid excessive washing of vegetables and peeling of fruits as it results in the loss of

  1. proteins and minerals

  2. fats and vitamins

  3. proteins and carbohydrates

  4. minerals and vitamins

Correct Option: D

Fruits and vegetables are major source of vitamins and minerals. Washing and peeling more than required, results in the loss of these two nutrients from them. 

Which of the following nutrients gets easily destroyed by heat during cooking?

  1. Vitamin C

  2. Vitamin D

  3. Vitamin A

  4. Vitamin K

Correct Option: A

Vitamin C can not tolerate high temperature and gets destroyed on over heating. 

Piyush does not consume protein-rich food for a long time. Which of the following disorders can he face?

  1. Poor vision

  2. Swelling of face

  3. Weak teeth

  4. Bleeding gums

Correct Option: B

Deficiency of proteins in the diet for a long time results in swelling of the face, swollen neck, undergrowth of the body, etc. This is because proteins are the building blocks of the body and should be taken in sufficient amounts.

Preeti is complaining of diarrhoea. Deficiency of which of the following vitamins in our body can cause diarrhoea?

  1. Vitamin C

  2. Carbohydrates

  3. Calcium

  4. Proteins

Correct Option: D

Deficiency of proteins in the diet causes diarrhoea.

Avinash is living in the Himalayan region and his diet is deficient in iodine. Which of the following disorders could he suffer from?

  1. Goitre

  2. Scurvy

  3. Rickets

  4. Night blindness

Correct Option: A

Goiter is a disease in which the thyroid gland in our body doesn’t work properly. This happens due to low intake of iodine in the diet.

If the diet of a 5 years old child is deficient in both proteins and carbohydrates. Which of the following symptoms can he face? (a) He may become lean and thin. (b) His growth may stop completely. (c) He may become unable to walk.

  1. Both (a) and (b)

  2. Both (b) and (c)

  3. Both (a) and (c)

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

A person who does not take proteins and carbohydrates in his diet for long may become so lean and thin that he will not be able to walk properly and his growth may also stop completely. This is because these two are the major nutrients for our body.

After examining Rahul, the doctor told him that his body is deficient in vitamin A. Which of the following disorders is he suffering from?

  1. Goitre

  2. Scurvy

  3. Rickets

  4. Night blindness

Correct Option: D

Generally, eye diseases are caused by the deficiency of vitamin A in the diet. Night blindness is also an eye/vision disease. So, it is also caused by the deficiency of vitamin A.

A patient is suffering from scurvy and he is complaining of bleeding gums. Which of the following food items is recommended for him to consume?

  1. Radish

  2. Orange

  3. Spinach

  4. Wheat

Correct Option: B

Lack of any nutrient in the body causes one or another disease in the body. Scurvy is the disease which is prevented by the intake of citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, etc.

A patient is reported positive in a test for scurvy. Which of the following is/are not a symptom scurvy?

  1. Soft bones

  2. Swollen neck

  3. Weakness

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

Scurvy results due to the lack of vitamin C and is basically symptomised when our gums start bleeding. 

The deficiency of which of the following in the body causes bones and teeth decay?

  1. Carbohydrates and proteins

  2. Vitamin D and calcium

  3. Proteins and fats

  4. Iron and calcium

Correct Option: B

Carbohydrates and fats are the energy-providing foods and proteins are the basic building blocks of the body. Vitamin D also helps in maintaining the calcium requirements of the body. So, the deficiency of vitamin D and calcium in the body causes bones and tooth decay.

In a blood test, it is found that Rahul is suffering from anaemia. Which of the following causes anaemia?

  1. Excess intake of iron

  2. Deficiency of iron

  3. Excess intake of vitamin

  4. Deficiency of vitamin

Correct Option: B

Anaemia refers to low hemoglobin/blood level in the body, which occurs when we do not take enough iron in our diet as iron forms haemoglobin, which is a major component of our blood. 

Which of the following vitamins is required for the healing of wounds?

  1. Vitamin C

  2. Vitamin D

  3. Vitamin A

  4. Vitamin E

Correct Option: A

Vitamin C helps body in fighting against infection and also in healing wounds. 

Geeta is suffering from goitre for the past 2 years. Which of the following symptoms is a characteristic of the disease?

  1. Wrinkling of face

  2. Swelling of neck glands

  3. Bending of legs

  4. Bulging of eyes

Correct Option: B

Goitre is characterised by swollen neck. It is caused due to the deficiency of iodine in the diet.

Which of the following diseases causes weakness of muscles and laziness in the body?

  1. Beriberi

  2. Rickets

  3. Scurvy

  4. Goitre

Correct Option: A

Goitre – Swollen neck glands Scurvy – Bleeding gums Rickets – Bow-shaped legs Beriberi – Weak muscles and laziness 

Why is it advised to use least amount of water while cooking?

  1. To prevent the loss of proteins and carbohydrates

  2. To prevent the loss of fats and starch

  3. To prevent the loss of proteins and minerals

  4. To prevent the loss of fats and carbohydrates

Correct Option: C

High temperature cooking for longer duration results in the destruction of vitamin C, protein and mineral content in the food. Use of less water and cooking for shorter duration will result in preserving the protein and mineral content of the food. 

Ram has decided to grow a mustard plant in his field as it has two edible parts and it is of great economic value. What are the edible parts of a mustard plant?

  1. Leaves

  2. Stems

  3. Roots

  4. Flowers

Correct Option: A

The leaves of mustard are used as vegetable. So, it is the leaves which are the edible parts of mustard plant. 

Match the following and choose the correct option ||| |---|---| | Vitamins| Deficiency disorder| | 1. Vitamin D| i. Night blindness| | 2. Vitamin C| ii. Beri-beri| | 3. Vitamin B| iii. Scurvy| | 4. Vitamin A| iv. Rickets|

  1. 1 - (i), 2 - (ii), 3 - (iii), 4 - (iv)

  2. 1 - (ii), 2 - (i), 3 - (iv), 4 - (iii)

  3. 1 - (iii), 2 - (iv), 3 - (i), 4 - (ii)

  4. 1 - (iv), 2 - (iii), 3 - (ii), 4 - (i)

Correct Option: D

Deficiency of vitamin D – Rickets Deficiency of vitamin C – Scurvy Deficiency of vitamin B – Beri-beri Deficiency of vitamin A – Nightblindness

Roots of which of the following plants are edible?

  1. Turnip

  2. Cucumber

  3. Tomato

  4. Brinjal

Correct Option: A

Cucumber, tomato and brinjal are fruits, used as food, whereas it is the roots of the turnip plant which are used as food product. 

A farmer has grown sugarcane as we can extract tasty juice from it and can prepare sugar from the juice. From which part of the sugarcane plant is juice extracted to prepare sugar?

  1. Seed

  2. Stem

  3. Root

  4. Fruit

Correct Option: B

Different parts of different plants are used to obtain food products. Such as seeds of mustard give oil, stem of sugarcane is processed to get sugar, leaves of mint and spinach are used directly.

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