
Description: ecology, gate
Number of Questions: 28
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Tags: Biology Ecology and Environment Abiotic Factors of Environment
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Which of the following attributes increases recent human population growth?

A. Agricultural revolution

B. Genetic drift

C. Industrial revolution

D. Medical advances

E. Altruistic behavior

  1. A, C, D and E

  2. B and E only

  3. A, B, C and D

  4. D and E only

Correct Option: A

Agricultural revolution has helped mankind with new varieties of plants and bio fertilizers. Industrial revolution has given us lot of job opportunities by increasing the per capita income. Medical advances have increased our life span. Man is helping the society through his altruistic approach (to help others).

Which of the following is incorrect?

  1. Biotic and abiotic factors are the segments of the ecosystem.

  2. Water is an important biotic component of the ecosystem.

  3. Herbivores are the primary consumers in the ecosystem.

  4. Energy and nutrients enter the ecosystem through primary producers.

Correct Option: B

Water is an important abiotic component of an ecosystem. Water is a climatic factor and is not living.

Consider the following statements, which of them is incorrect about hydrophytes? A. The stomata is sunken.

B. Stem is slender and flexible.

C. Emergent forms show heterophylly.

D. Root system is either absent or poorly developed.

E. Possess thick cuticle, well developed epidermis and hypodermis.

  1. A and B

  2. B and C

  3. C and D

  4. A and E

Correct Option: D

A and E are not the features of hydrophytes. In hydrophytes, the cuticle is thin, epidermis is not well developed whereas in land plants, hypodermis is absent. The stomata are few or absent.

Match the following and choose the correct option given below.

Column I Column II
A. Allopatric speciation i. Formed due to several ecotypes having different adaptations
B. Sympatric speciation ii. Formed due to genetic drift and natural selection
C. Adaptive radiation iii. Formed from new species from spatially isolated populations
D. Gradual speciation iv. Formed due to sudden appearance of reproductive isolation
  1. A – iv, B – iii, C – ii, D – i

  2. A – ii, B – iii, C – iv, D – i

  3. A – iii, B – ii, C – iv, D – i

  4. A – iii, B – iv, C – i, D – ii

Correct Option: D

Gradual speciation species are formed due to genetic drift and natural selection.

Which of the following are the immediate concerns regarding carbon cycle?

a. Output rate of carbon locked in deposits of coal, petroleum and natural gas.

b. Green house effect is caused by CO2.

c. Increase in CO2 on Earth’s atmosphere by 12 to 14%.

d. Increase in CO2 decreases primary productivity.

e. Increase in photorespiration.

  1. a, b and c

  2. b, c and d

  3. c, d and e

  4. a, d and e

Correct Option: A

All these are the immediate concerns regarding carbon cycle.

Which of the following is responsible for allopatric speciation?

  1. It occurs when genetically related populations inhabit a widely separated geographical area.

  2. It occurs when genetically unrelated populations inhabit a widely separated geographical area.

  3. It occurs when genetically related populations inhabit the same geographical area.

  4. It occurs when genetically mixed populations inhabit the geographical area.

Correct Option: A

During the course of allopatric speciation, a part of the population become geographically isolated from the main population.

Assertion(A): Nitrogen fixation is achieved industrially by the Haber Bosch process in which H2 and N2 are mixed together at high temperature and pressure in the presence of a catalyst to form NH3.

Reasoning(R): Fertilizers like ammonium nitrites are prepared by this process.

  1. Both Assertion and Reasoning are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

  2. Both Assertion and Reasoning are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.

  3. A is true and R is false.

  4. Both A and R are false.

Correct Option: B

Both Assertion and Reasoning are true and related. Fertilizers like ammonium nitrites are prepared by this process.

Match the following and choose the correct option given below.

Column I Column II
A. Aluminium i. Interferes with brain function
B. Arsenic ii. Anemia, mental retardation and affects CNS
C. Lead iii. Interferes with phosphate metabolism
D. Mercury iv. Loss of appetite and kidney damage
  1. A – iv, B – i, C – ii, D – iii

  2. A – ii, B – iii, C – iv, D – i

  3. A – iii, B – iv, C – ii, D – i

  4. A – iii, B – i, C – iv, D – ii

Correct Option: C

Mercury interferes with brain function.

A boy is suffering from blue-baby syndrome due to the formation of non-functional methaemoglobin. Which of the following is responsible for this?

  1. Excess of arsenic concentration in drinking water.

  2. Excess of nitrates in drinking water.

  3. Deficiency of iron in food.

  4. Increased methane content in the atmosphere.

Correct Option: B

The environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set the Maximum Contamination Level (MCL) of nitrates for the safety of drinking water. Nitrate levels at or above this level have been known to cause a potentially fatal blood disorder in, infants under six months of age called methaemoglobinemia or blue-baby syndrome, in which there is a reduction in the oxygen carrying capacity of blood.

The structure of a protist that lives inside the gut of a termite is destroyed as the gut is affected by an antibiotic. Which of the following is responsible for the deformation of protist?

  1. Secretory organelles which secrete enzymes to digest wood.

  2. Ribosomes, which are associated with protein synthesis.

  3. Nucleus which controls and coordinates the cellular activities.

  4. Lysosome which contains the hydrolytic enzymes.

Correct Option: A

Secretory organelles, which secrete enzymes to digest wood. The Protists inside the termites are Trichoflagellates, which secrete a digestive enzyme, cellulose, to digest cellulose. When these enzymes are lost, the termites can not digest wood.

Through which of the following is the boundary or territory marked by animals in the forests?

  1. Pheromone

  2. Defecation

  3. Saliva

  4. Urination

Correct Option: D

Wild animals like tigers and lions mark their territory by their urine.

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

  1. The acid rain occurs due to the presence of H2SO4 and HNO3.

  2. CO2 released by fossil fuels, burnings of coal/wood, etc is a green house gas.

  3. NH3 reacts with water to form ammonium hydroxide.

  4. Excessive release of CO by incomplete combustion of carbonaceous fuels causes global warming.

Correct Option: D

This gas causes respiratory problem as it has a strong affinity for haemoglobin.

Which of the following is formed by the interbreeding organisms in a species showing continuous distribution?

  1. An endemic population

  2. A deme

  3. A cline

  4. An ecotone

Correct Option: A

Endemic population is the population confined to a particular area.

Which of the following correctly defines population dispersion?

  1. Spatial distribution of individuals

  2. Movement of immigration and emigration

  3. Migration from an original place

  4. Random movement of two populations

Correct Option: A

Spatial distribution of individuals in a particular place is called a population dispersion.

What is the succession on a secondary bare area called?

  1. Primosere

  2. Subsere

  3. Xerosere

  4. Serule

Correct Option: B

Subsere includes a secondary series of ecological communities, which begins after the interruption of succession by fire, grazing, agriculture, or any other destructive agent.

On which factor does the rate of increase in a population per unit time depend, according to the law of population growth?

  1. Initial family size in the population

  2. Innate capacity of population to increase

  3. Utilized opportunity for population growth

  4. Interdependency among the members

Correct Option: B

According to the law of population growth, given by P. F. Verhulst, the rate of increase in a population per unit time depends on the population size, the innate capacity to increase and the  unutilized opportunity for population growth. He defined it with a formula – dN/dt = rN where N is the number of individuals in a population, dN/dt is the rate of change of its numbers, over time and r is the intrinsic rate of natural increase in a population.

Which of the following is responsible for damaging the WBCs and bone marrow in the body?

  1. I - 131

  2. Sr - 90

  3. Ca - 40

  4. Cs - 137

Correct Option: A

I-131 damages WBC and bone marrow.

What is the vegetation found between the tree line and the snow line called?

  1. Savannah

  2. Meadow

  3. Alpine meadow

  4. Deciduous forest

Correct Option: C

Alpine meadows are seen where sediments, from the weathering of rocks, have produced soils, which are developed enough to support plants like grasses and sedges.

What is the historic convention on biological diversity held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 called?

  1. The Earth summit

  2. Montreal protocol

  3. Geneva convention

  4. Copenhagen summit

Correct Option: A

The United Nations conference on environment and development is also known as the Rio summit or the earth summit. This was a major United Nations conference held in Rio de Janeiro from June 3 to June 14, 1992. 172 governments participated, with 108 sending their heads of state or government.

Assertion(A): Farmenetal reported that from 1875 to 1985, a reduction of 40% to 50% of ozone content over Antartica occured, reaching Southern New Zealand, Australia and Southern America. Reasoning (R): Ozone layer thinning in the stratosphere directly influences the increase in global warming.

  1. Both Assertion and Reasoning are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

  2. Both Assertion and Reasoning are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.

  3. A is true and R is false.

  4. Both A and R are false.

Correct Option: A

Ozone layer thinning in the stratosphere increases global warming due to the penetration of UV rays through the ozone layer.

Which of the following energy productions is expected to have the highest value (gm/m2/yr) in a grassland ecosystem?

  1. Secondary production (SP)

  2. Tertiary production (TP)

  3. Gross production (GP)

  4. Net production (NP)

Correct Option: C

The rate of total capture of energy or the rate of total production of organic material is gross primary productivity while the balance or biomass remaining after meeting the cost of respiration of producers is net primary productivity. Hence, gross productivity has the highest value in grass land ecosystem.

Match the following and choose the correct option given below ||| |---|---| |A. Cline|i. It is an assemblage of closely related interbreeding individuals of a species.| |B. Biotype|ii. Transient population between species having the same genotypes and species having different genotypes.| |C. Ecotype|iii. Group of individuals of a species having the same genotype.| |D. Deme|iv. Genetically different populations of a species colonizing different specific habitat.|

  1. A – iv, B – iii, C – ii, D – i

  2. A – ii, B – iii, C – iv, D – i

  3. A – iii, B – ii, C – iv, D – i

  4. A – iii, B – iv, C – i, D – ii

Correct Option: B

Cline – Transient population between species having same genotypes and species having different genotypes.  Biotype - Group of individuals of a species having same type of genotype.  Ecotype - Genetically different populations of a species colonizing different specific habitat. Deme - It is an assemblage of closely related interbreeding individuals of a species.

Match the following and choose the correct option given below.

Column I Column II
A. Euphotic zone i. Plankton and nekton
B. Pelagic zone ii. Bioluminescent organisms
C. Littoral zone iii. Autotrophs and fishes
D. Abyssal zone iv. Photosynthetic autotrophs and organisms seen in low and high tides
  1. A – iv, B – i, C – ii, D – iii

  2. A – ii, B – iii, C – iv, D – i

  3. A – iii, B – ii, C – iv, D – i

  4. A – iii, B – i, C – iv, D – ii

Correct Option: D

In Abyssal zone - Bioluminescent organisms are exist. 

Which of the following statements are true about elephants and humans?

A. Both are K strategists according to population ecologists.

B. Elephants and humans show a long gestatation period during pregnancy.

C. Elephants and humans have low basal metabolic rate (BMR).

D. Both show long fertile period in their life time.

E. Elephants and human show faster growth rate as compared to other animals.

  1. A, B and D

  2. B, C and D

  3. C, D and E

  4. A, B and E

Correct Option: A

A, B and D are true of elephants and humans.  Both are K strategists according to population ecologists, i.e.,  they produce limited offsprings during their life spans. Elephants and humans show a long gestatation period during pregnancy and also show long fertile period in their life time.

Consider the following statements and choose which of the following are incorrect about the nitrogen cycle?

A. Biological nitrogen fixation amounts to more than 60% of the annual total fixation.

B. Nitrogen fixation is achieved industrially by Haber Bosch process.

C. Nitrification involves the reduction of nitrogen compounds.

D. Decomposers carry out deamination resulting in the release of nitrogen.

E. Nitrosomonas reduces ammonia to nitrites.

  1. A and B

  2. B, C and E

  3. C, D and E

  4. D and E

Correct Option: C

Nitrification involves oxidation of nitrogen compounds.  The decomposers carry out a process called deamination which results in the release of ammonia. Ammonia undergoes oxidation to give nitrates.

Match the following and choose the correct option given below.

A. Steel industry i. Alkalis, ammonium compounds, fatty acids and sulphonated hydrocarbons
B. Detergent industry ii. Putrefied organic matter
C. Paper industry iii. Iron cyanide, cadmium, phenol, mercury, thiocyanide, etc.
D. Food industry iv. Bleaching substances, cellulose fibers, organic acids, etc.
  1. A – iv, B – i, C – ii, D – iii

  2. A – ii, B – iii, C – iv, D – i

  3. A – iii, B – iv, C – ii, D – i

  4. A – iii, B – i, C – iv, D – ii

Correct Option: D

Food industry produces putrefied organic matter.

Which of the following statements are true about planktons?

A. They are drifting organisms.

B. They have no locomotory organs.

C. They may be found on the surface or in deep waters.

D. They are mostly pelagic plants and animals.

E. They also include some small fishes.

  1. A, B and D

  2. B and E

  3. C, D and E

  4. A, B and E

Correct Option: A

These are the features of planktons. They are drifting organisms having no locomotory organs and they are mostly pelagic plants

Which of the following correctly defines secondary productivity?

  1. Conversion of physical energy to chemical energy at producer level

  2. Conversion of physical energy to chemical energy at consumer level

  3. Rate at which energy gets stored at consumer level

  4. Rate at which decomposition of organic matter takes place

Correct Option: C

The rate of energy storage at consumer level is the energy utilized by the consumer for the physiological activities (assimilation).

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