Food Resource - Sustainable Agriculture - 1 (Class -...

Description: Food Resource- Sustainable Agriculture - 1
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: Food Resource- Sustainable Agriculture - 1 Crop Variety Improvement Cropping Patterns Food Resources - Sustainable Agriculture Animal Husbandry
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Match the following: Name of revolution|Aim| |a. Yellow revolution|1. Its aim was to enhance the fish production.| |b. Blue revolution|2. Its aim was to increase the oil production.| |c. Green revolution|3. Its aim was to increase the production of food grains.|

  1. a - 2, b - 3, c - 1

  2. a - 2, b - 1, c - 3

  3. a - 1, b - 2, c - 3

  4. a - 3, b - 2, c - 1

  5. a - 3, b - 1, c - 2

Correct Option: B

This is the correct option. The aim of yellow revolution was to increase the oil production. The aim of blue revolution was to enhance the fish production. The aim of green revolution was to increase the production of food grains.

Mixed cropping is the practice of growing two or more crops simultaneously on the same piece of land. Which of the following mixed cropping combinations is not used by the Indian farmers?

  1. Maize and urad bean

  2. Wheat and sunflower

  3. Wheat and mustard

  4. Sorghum and pigeon pea

  5. Barley and chick pea

Correct Option: B

This is the correct option as this mixed cropping combination is not used by the Indian farmers.

Which of the following bio-agents is used in the preparation of fertilisers?

  1. Culture of blue-green algae

  2. Culture of mushrooms

  3. Culture of neem leaves

  4. Culture of earthworms

Correct Option: A

Bio-agents are organic agents used in fertilisers. For example, culture of blue-green algae. Cultures of neem leaves or turmeric are used in grain storage as bio–pesticides because grains, during storage, cannot be sprayed with pesticides. So, during that period, cultures of neem leaves are placed with them. Culture of earthworms, used in making compost (rich in organic matter and nutrients), hastens the process of decomposition of waste. Culture of mushrooms cannot be used as mushrooms themselves are capable of extracting the nutrients from fertilisers.

Match the following:

a. Mixed cropping 1. is the practice of growing two or more crops simultaneously in the same piece of land
b. Crop rotation 2. is a multiple cropping practice involving growing two or more crops in definite row patterns in proximity
c. Intercropping 3. is the practice of growing of different crops on a piece of land in a preplanned succession
  1. a - 1, b - 3, c - 2

  2. a - 1, b - 2, c - 3

  3. a - 2, b - 1, c - 3

  4. a - 3, b - 1, c - 2

  5. a - 2, b - 3, c - 1

Correct Option: A

This is the correct option. Mixed cropping is the practice of growing two or more crops simultaneously in the same piece of land. Crop rotation is the practice of growing different crops on a piece of land in a preplanned succession. Intercropping is a multiple cropping practice involving growing two or more crops in definite row patterns in proximity.

Which of the following is a hybrid variety of rice developed in India?

  1. Sonalika

  2. Pusa Swarnim

  3. Pusa Sadabahar

  4. Ratna

  5. Kalyan Sona

Correct Option: D

Ratna is a hybrid variety of rice which has been developed in India.

Which of the following is/are desirable agronomic characteristic(s) of fodder crops?

  1. Dwarfness

  2. Tallness

  3. Profuse branching

  4. Both (2) and (3)

Correct Option: D

Tallness and profuse branching are desirable characteristics of fodder crops.

Match the following: Group of fertilisers|Example| |a. Complex fertiliser|1. Urea ammonium phosphate| |b. Nitrogenous fertiliser|2. Dicalcium phosphate| |c. Phosphatic fertiliser|3. Urea|

  1. a - 2, b - 3, c - 1

  2. a - 3, b - 2, c - 1

  3. a - 3, b - 1, c - 2

  4. a - 1, b - 3, c - 2

  5. a - 1, b - 2, c - 3

Correct Option: D

This is the correct option. An example of complex fertiliser is urea ammonium phosphate. An example of nitrogenous fertiliser is urea. An example of phosphatic fertiliser is dicalcium phosphate.

Which of the following options is not a benefit of intercropping?

  1. Minimum utilisation of the nutrients supplied

  2. Preventing pests and diseases from spreading to all the plants in a field

  3. Better returns from both the crops

  4. Reducing the risk of damaging both crops

Correct Option: A

Options (2), (3) and (4) are benefits of intercropping as in this technique, we grow two crops. Out of the two, one crop is resistant to pests and diseases and is laid in a fixed pattern. It stops pests and diseases from spreading. Therefore, (2) is a benefit of intercropping system. Moreover, returns from both the crops will be better as both of these have different nutrient requirements and do not have to compete for survival. Therefore, (3) is also an advantage. Restriction in spreading of disease (4) will also reduce the risk of damaging the crops. Minimum utilisation of the nutrients supplied is not an advantage as it would lead to the accumulation of mineral ions in the soil. Intercropping ensures maximum utilisation of nutrients because both the crops have different nutrient requirements. If the nutrients are not completely utilised, they are accumulated in the soil and result in the pollution of water resources, destruction of microorganisms and friendly insects, crop susceptibility to disease attack, and acidification or alkalisation of the soil.

Kharif and rabi are the two main seasons of crop growth in India. Which of the following is not a rabi crop?

  1. Wheat

  2. Millet

  3. Linseed

  4. Cauliflower

  5. Turnip

Correct Option: B

This is the correct option. Millet is not a rabi crop. It is a kharif crop.

In mixed farming, crop raising is combined with

  1. livestock

  2. other crops

  3. fertilizers

  4. organic matter

Correct Option: A

 In mixed farming, crop raising is combined with livestock. When on a farm having crop production, some other agriculture based practices like poultry, dairy farming or bee keeping etc. are also adopted, then this system of farming is known as mixed farming. It is the dominant system in Europe and now in parts of India, where most farms have a mixture of fields and pastures.

Which of the following is a symptom of sick animal?

  1. Gain of appetite

  2. Loss of appetite

  3. Normal posture

  4. Improved milk output

Correct Option: B

Unhealthy condition of the body or the mind is referred to as the ‘sick’ state. Loss of appetite is one of the common symptoms of a sick animal.

Which of the following is an indigenous breed of cow?

  1. Red Sindhi

  2. Brown Swiss

  3. Jersey

  4. Rohu

Correct Option: A

Red Sindhi is an indigenous breed of cow. Indigenous breed is an Indian breed, i.e. native of a place, for example Red Sindhi and Sahiwal. This cow is medium in size and red in colour with dark and light shades. Brown Swiss and Jersey are the foreign or exotic breeds of cows, e.g. Brown Swiss is from Switzerland and Jersey is from the island of Jersey, USARohu is a fish commonly found in rivers and freshwater lakes. 

What is the practice of growing four to five fish species in a single fish pond called?

  1. Combined fish culture

  2. Composite fish culture

  3. Capture fish culture

  4. Continued fish culture

Correct Option: B

The practice of growing four to five fish species in a single fish pond is known as composite fish culture. These species are selected so that they do not compete for food among them due to different types of food habitats. 

Internal parasites thrive in the ________ of a cow's body.

  1. skin

  2. eyes

  3. intestine

  4. hair

Correct Option: C

Internal parasites thrive in the intestine of a cow's body. Parasites are organisms that live on other organisms and feed on them. Parasites can be internal as well as external. They can enter into the intestine by going through the mouth when these organisms are swallowed. They move into the intestine where they can reproduce. The environment of intestine facilitates parasite reproduction and growth. External parasites live on the skin, eyes and hairs and cause skin diseases, while internal parasites like worms affect stomach and intestine. 

All of the following cause poultry diseases, except

  1. bacteria

  2. algae

  3. fungi

  4. virus

Correct Option: B

Reason: There are a number of diseases prevalent in poultry. The diseases are caused by organisms like virus, bacteria, fungi, parasites as well as other nutritional deficiencies (i.e. lack of some important component in the feed given to them; may be proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins or minerals). Algae are a group of simple autotrophic organisms (auto - self; trophic - nutrition, i.e. they make their own food from CO2 + H2O in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll). These autotrophic organisms do not cause any disease in the poultry fowl.

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