
Description: Nutrition
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: Nutrition Physical and Life Science
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Consider the following statements: (i) The diet of a pregnant lady should be rich in proteins. (ii) Individuals who are vegetarian may be lacking fats even after taking balanced diets.

Which of the given statements is/are correct?

  1. Only (i)

  2. Only (ii)

  3. Both (i) and (ii)

  4. Neither (i) nor (ii)

Correct Option: A

(1) Statement (i) is correct. The diet of a pregnant lady should be rich in proteins, because (i) it helps in the growth of the baby's brain (ii) it aids in muscle growth and repair (iii) it produces antioxidants to keep the immune system healthy (2) Statement (ii) is incorrect. The Individuals who take balanced vegetarian diet may lack amino acids, not fats. Milk products like cheese, butter, curd, etc. contain large amount of fats.

Which of the following are included in a diet rich in fibres?

(1) Fruits (2) Rice (3) Wheat (4) Groundnut

  1. Only (1), (2) and (3)

  2. Only (1) and (3)

  3. Only (1), (3) and (4)

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: B

Dietary fibre or roughage is the indigestible portion of food derived from plants, but it plays an important part in a healthy diet by adding bulk to the diet. It includes fruits and wheat grain. Rice contains a large amount of starch. Groundnut contains large amounts of fat. 

Match the following:

(1) Vitamin A (a) Rickets
(2) Vitamin C (b) Cataract
(3) Vitamin D (c) Anemia
(4) Vitamin B12 (d) Scurvy
  1. (1) - (b), (2) - (d), (3) - (a) and (4) - (c)

  2. (1) - (b), (2) - (d), (3) - (c) and (4) - (a)

  3. (1) - (c), (2) - (d), (3) - (a) and (4) - (b)

  4. (1) - (a), (2) - (b), (3) - (c) and (4) - (d)

Correct Option: A

(1) Vitamin A - (b) Cataract (2) Vitamin C - (d) Scurvy (3) Vitamin D - (a) Rickets (4) Vitamin B12 - (c) Anemia

Consider the following statements: (i) Parasites secrete digestive juices on the matter they live and convert it into a solution and then absorb it. (ii) Hydroponics is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions in water without soil.

Which of the given statements is/are correct?

  1. Only (i)

  2. Only (ii)

  3. Both (i) and (ii)

  4. Neither (i) nor (ii)

Correct Option: B

(I) Statement (1) is wrong. Those organisms which live in or on other organisms and depend on them for their nutrition are called parasites. (II) Statement (2) is correct. It is a method of hydroculture in which plants are grown using mineral nutrient solutions in water without soil.

Which of the following statements is/are correct?

(i) Eggs do not contain vitamin C. (ii) Increase in cholesterol level in blood can cause a heart attack.

  1. Only (i)

  2. Only (ii)

  3. Both (i) and (ii)

  4. Neither (i) nor (ii)

Correct Option: C

Statement (1) is correct. Eggs do not contain vitamin C. They are a rich source of protein. Statement (2) is also correct. Cholesterol hardens the arteries of heart and causes the risk of a heart attack. 

Match the following:

Column I
Column II
(1) Chlorophyll
(a) Bacteria
(2) Nitrogen
(b) Heterotrophs
(3) Mites
(c) Pitcher Plant
(4) Deer
(d) Leaf
(5) Insects
(e) Parasite
  1. (1) - (e), (2) - (a), (3) - (c), (4) - (b) and (5) - (d)

  2. (1) - (a), (2) - (b), (3) - (c), (4) - (e) and (5) - (d)

  3. (1) - (b), (2) - (c), (3) - (d), (4) - (a) and (5) - (e)

  4. (1) - (d), (2) - (a), (3) - (e), (4) - (b) and (5) - (c)

Correct Option: D

(1) Chlorophyll - (d) Leaf (2) Nitrogen - (a) Bacteria (3) Mites - (e) Parasite (4) Deer - (b) Heterotrophs (5) Insects - (c) Pitcher Plant

What were the objectives of launching a Mid Day Meal Scheme on 15th August, 1995? (i) To give a boost to universalisation of primary education. (ii) To maintain the attendance in schools. (iii) To improve nutritional status of children in primary classes.

  1. Only (i) and (iii)

  2. Only (ii) and (iii)

  3. Only (i) and (ii)

  4. All of these

Correct Option: D

The primary objective of launching a Mid Day Meal Scheme is to give a boost to universalisation of primary education by increasing enrolment, attendance and retention, and also improving nutritional status of children in primary classes.

Consider the following statements:

  1. The headquarters of the Nutrition Society of India (NSI) are located at Delhi.
  2. India is ranked 2nd in the world in the number of children suffering from malnutrition, after Bangladesh (in 2012-13).

Which of the given statements is/are correct?

  1. Only (1)

  2. Only (2)

  3. Both (1) and (2)

  4. Neither (1) nor (2)

Correct Option: B

Statement (1) is incorrect. The headquarters of the Nutrition Society of India (NSI) are located at Hyderabad. Statement (2) is correct. According to World Bank estimates, India is ranked 2nd in the world of the number of children suffering from malnutrition, after Bangladesh.

Consider the following statements:

  1. Yakult, a probiotic drink is a product made by mixing skimmed milk with a special strain of the bacterium.
  2. An adult body has approx. 89% of water.

Which of the given statements is/are correct?

  1. Only 1

  2. Only 2

  3. Both 1 and 2

  4. Neither 1 nor 2

Correct Option: A

Statement (1) is correct. Yakult is a milk-like product made by fermenting a mixture of skimmed milk with a special strain of the bacterium named Lactobacillus casei Shirota. Statement (2) is incorrect. An adult body has approx. 70% of water.

Consider the following statements:

  1. Carbohydrates are needed to build and maintain the structural components of the body.
  2. Excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks causes damage to lungs.

Which of the given statements is/are correct?

  1. Only (1)

  2. Only (2)

  3. Both (1) and (2)

  4. Neither (1) nor (2)

Correct Option: D

(I) Statement (1) is wrong. Carbohydrates split to produce glucose and provide energy.

Proteins are needed to build and maintain the structural components of the body. (II) Statement (2) is also incorrect. Excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks causes damage to liver.

Consider the following statements:

  1. The pasteurization of milk decreases its nutritional value.
  2. 'Olericulture' is related to plants being used as vegetable.

Which of the given statements is/are correct?

  1. Only (1)

  2. Only (2)

  3. Both (1) and (2)

  4. Neither (1) nor (2)

Correct Option: B

Statement (1) is incorrect. The pasteurization of milk does not affect its nutritional value. It is the process of the heating of milk at 600C temperature for 30 minutes to kill all the microorganisms. Statement (2) is correct. Olericulture is the science of vegetable growing, dealing with the culture of non-woody (herbaceous) plants for food.

Consider the following statements:(1) UNICEF sponsors the advertisement 'Kuposhan - Bharat Choro', which is enacted by Amir Khan. (2) The Central Government has made it compulsory for the packaged foods industry to list the nutritional facts per 1000 gm or 1000 ml or per serving of the products on their labels.

Which of the given statements is/are correct?

  1. Only (1)

  2. Only (2)

  3. Both (1) and (2)

  4. Neither (1) nor (2)

Correct Option: A

(1) is correct. Amir Khan is the brand ambassador of UNICEF. He enacted in the UNICEF sponsored advertisement 'Kuposhan - Bharat Choro' to make the people aware about the symptoms of malnutrition. Statement (2) is incorrect. The Central Government has made it compulsory for the packaged foods industry to list the nutritional facts per 100 gm or 100 ml or per serving of the products on their labels.

Consider the following statements:

  1. Kwashiorkor (a malnutrition disease) is a deficiency disease of proteins.
  2. In prolonged fasting, energy is obtained from glycogen present in liver and muscle cells.

Which of the given statements is/are correct?

  1. Only (1)

  2. Only (2)

  3. Both (1) and (2)

  4. Neither (1) nor (2)

Correct Option: C

Statement (1) is correct. Kwashiorkor (a malnutrition disease) occurs between the ages of 1-5 years due to the deficiency of proteins in children's diet. The defining sign of kwashiorkor in a malnourished child is pedal edema (swelling under the skin). Statement (2) is also correct. In prolonged fasting, the glycogen stored in liver and muscle cells breaks down into glucose and provides energy to the body.

Consider the following statements:

  1. The normal cholesterol level in human blood is 180-200 mg.
  2. The abnormal level of cholesterol is associated with the formation of kidney stone.

Which of the given statements is/are correct?

  1. Only (1)

  2. Only (2)

  3. Both (1) and (2)

  4. Neither (1) nor (2)

Correct Option: A

Statement (1) is correct. The normal level of cholesterol in human blood is 180-200 mg. Statement (2) is incorrect. The abnormal level of cholesterol is associated with hardening of arteries.

Consider the following statements:

  1. Vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium in the gut.
  2. Liver oil is rich in vitamin A.

Which of the given statements is/are incorrect?

  1. Only 1

  2. Only 2

  3. Both 1 and 2

  4. Neither 1 nor 2

Correct Option: D

Statement 1 is correct. Vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium in the gut. Statement 2 is also correct. Liver oil is rich in vitamin A, which plays a role in maintaining normal vision, reproductive functions and a healthy immune system.

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