Placenta and Uterus

Description: Fetal membrane, Parturition and Placenta
Number of Questions: 16
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Tags: pregnancy and parturition Sexual Reproduction Reproduction in Organisms
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Which of the following structures develops from the maternal uterine tissue?

  1. Chorion frondosum

  2. Decidua basalis

  3. Trophoblast

  4. Intervillous space

  5. Cytotrophoblast

Correct Option: B

Decidua basalis (maternal placenta) develops from the maternal uterine tissue.

Which one of the following is the outer layer of trophoblast?

  1. Cytotrophoblast

  2. Blastocyst

  3. Syncytiotrophoblast

  4. Intermediate trophoblast

  5. Endometrium

Correct Option: C

Thick outer layer that lacks cell boundaries and grows into the endometrial stroma.

Which one of the following causes vasoconstriction in placental arteries?

  1. Nitric oxide

  2. Histamine

  3. Catecholamines

  4. Endothelin

  5. Neural vascular regulation

Correct Option: D

Endothelin and prostanoids cause vasoconstriction in placental arteries.

Which of the following hormones ensure that the corpus luteum continues to secrete progesterone and estrogen?

  1. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin

  2. Human Placental Lactogen

  3. Estrogen

  4. Progesterone

  5. Relaxin

Correct Option: A

The first placental hormone produced is hCG, which can be found in maternal blood and urine as early as the first missed menstrual period. hCG ensures that the corpus luteum continues to secrete progesterone and estrogen.

Which of the following phases is not of a typical vertex delivery?

  1. Engagement of the fetal head in the transverse position

  2. Internal rotation

  3. Delivery by extension

  4. Restitution

  5. Lateral rotation

Correct Option: E

There is no such phase in the head-first-presentation delivery.

In which of the following abnormalities, the placenta implants too deeply into the actual muscle of the uterine wall?

  1. Placentitis

  2. Chorioamnionitis

  3. Abruptio placentae

  4. Placenta praevia

  5. Placenta accreta

Correct Option: E

Placenta accreta is the condition when the placenta implants too deeply, into the actual muscle of the uterine wall.

Zonary type of placenta is found in which of the following species?

  1. Pig

  2. Horse

  3. Dog

  4. Cow

  5. Human

Correct Option: C

Zonary type of placenta is found in bitches. The placenta takes the form of a complete or incomplete band of tissue surrounding the fetus.

Abnormal and persistent fear of childbirth is known as

  1. foetophobia

  2. claustrophobia

  3. tokophobia

  4. entomophobia

  5. placentophobia

Correct Option: C

Abnormal and persistent fear of childbirth is known as tokophobia.

Cavitation begins to occur at which of the following stages of embryogenesis?

  1. 8-celled

  2. 16-celled

  3. 32-celled

  4. 64-celled

  5. 150-celled

Correct Option: C

After compactation, the embryo is in the morula stage (32 cells). Cavitation occurs next in which the outermost layer of cells secrete fluid into the morula.

Which of the following scientists postulated ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny?

  1. Herbert Spencer

  2. G. Stanley Hall

  3. Ernst Haeckel

  4. Jean Piaget

  5. Richard Owen

Correct Option: C

The theory of recapitulation, often expressed in Ernst Haeckel's phrase as ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, is a largely discredited biological hypothesis that in developing from embryo to adult, animals go through stages resembling or representing successive stages in the evolution of their remote ancestors.

Placental tumor with no embryo development is referred to as

  1. chronic intervillositis

  2. abruptio placenta

  3. vasa previa

  4. placenta percreta

  5. hydatidiform mole

Correct Option: E

Placental tumor with no embryo development is known as hydatidiform mole. Several forms of hydatidiform mole: partial mole, complete mole and persistent gestational trophoblastic tumor.

Duplex form of uterus is found in ______.

  1. pig

  2. humans

  3. kangaroo

  4. deer

  5. whale

Correct Option: C

Duplex form of uterus has a wholly separate uteri, with one fallopian tube each. Found in marsupials e.g. kangaroo.

Which of the following ligaments extends from the side of cervix to ischial spines?

  1. Uterosacral ligament

  2. Broad ligament

  3. Round ligament

  4. Cardinal ligaments

  5. Pubocervical ligament

Correct Option: D

Cardinal ligaments extend from the side of the cervix to ischial spines.

Intrauterine adhesions, that occur when the basal layer of the endometrium is damaged by instrumentation or infection, are seen in which of the following diseased conditions?

  1. Fibroids

  2. Pyometra

  3. Adenomyosis

  4. Asherman's syndrome

  5. Rokitansky syndrome

Correct Option: D

Asherman's syndrome occurs when the basal layer of the endometrium is damaged by instrumentation or infection resulting in endometrial scarring followed by adhesion formation which partially or completely obliterates the uterine cavity.

Which one of the following is defined as complete removal of the uterus and cervix?

  1. Subtotal hysterectomy

  2. Total hysterectomy

  3. Oophorectomy

  4. Radical hysterectomy

  5. Ssalpingo-oophorectomy

Correct Option: B

Total hysterectomy is the complete removal of the uterus and cervix, with or without oophorectomy.

Prolapse of urinary bladder into vagina is referred to as which of the following terms?

  1. Enterocele

  2. Vaginal vault prolapse

  3. Cystocele

  4. Urethrocele

  5. Rectocele

Correct Option: C

Cystocele is the prolapse of urinary bladder into vagina.

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