Coal and Petroleum

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Coal was formed over a long period of time under high pressure and temperature conditions by the decomposition of dead vegetation. This process is called as _________.

  1. evaporation

  2. carbonisation

  3. transpiration

  4. winnowing

  5. melting

Correct Option: B

Carbonisation is the term for the conversion of an organic substance into carbon or a carbon-containing residue through paralysis or destructive distillation.

Which fraction of petroleum is used as fuel in jet aircraft?

  1. CNG

  2. Petrol

  3. Kerosene oil

  4. Diesel oil

  5. Asphalt

Correct Option: C

Kerosene oil is used as fuel for stoves, lamps and for jet aircrafts.

Fossil fuels are the dead remains of living organisms that have been buried for a long time. Which of the following is not a fossil fuel?

  1. Coal

  2. Magnetite

  3. Natural gas

  4. Petroleum

  5. Diesel

Correct Option: B

Magnetite is an ore of iron. 

Naphthalene balls used to repel moths and other insects are also obtained from

  1. LPG

  2. Petroleum

  3. Coke

  4. Lubricating oil

  5. Coal tar

Correct Option: B

Naphthalene balls are obtained from petroleum by fractional distillation.

Which of the following pairs is correctly matched?

  1. Wildlife – inexhaustible

  2. Coal – exhaustible

  3. Sunlight – exhaustible

  4. Wind – exhaustible

  5. Petroleum – inexhaustible

Correct Option: C

Inexhaustible: The resources which are present in unlimited quantity in nature and are not likely to be exhausted by human activities. For example, wild life, sun and wind.

Which is an almost pure form of carbon?

  1. Peat

  2. Lignite

  3. Bituminous

  4. Anthracite

  5. Peat and lignite

Correct Option: D

Anthracite is the highest rank of coal. It has a carbon content of over 87% on a dry ash-free basis.

A natural gas that is stored under high pressure, and used for power generation and as a fuel for transport is

  1. liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)

  2. compressed natural gas CNG

  3. liquid-liquid petroleum (LLP)

  4. compressed carbon pressure (CCP)

  5. composite natural gas

Correct Option: B

Natural gas is stored under high pressure as compressed natural gas (CNG). CNG is used for power generation. It is now being used as a fuel for transport vehicles because it is less polluting. It is a cleaner fuel.

LPG is a mixture of

  1. methane and hydrogen

  2. ethane and carbon monoxide

  3. ethane and propane

  4. butane and propane

  5. pentane, butane, propane and ethane

Correct Option: D

LPG is a mixture of 60% propane and 40% butane for commercial uses. The higher grade propane mix is approximately 90% propane and 10% butane.

The gas obtained during the processing of coal to get coke is

  1. nitrogen

  2. oxygen

  3. coal gas

  4. fluorine gas

  5. sulphur dioxide

Correct Option: C

Coal gas is obtained during the processing of coal to get coke. It is used as a fuel in many industries situated near the coal processing plants.

Which of the following is not a product of petroleum?

  1. Diesel

  2. Paraffin wax

  3. Petrol

  4. Coal

  5. Lubricating oil

Correct Option: D

Coal is a combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock usually occurring in rock strata in layers or veins called coal beds or coal seams.

Coal is processed to get _________ a tough, porous and black substance used in the manufacturing of steel and in the extraction of many metals.

  1. diesel

  2. coke

  3. coal tar

  4. charcoal

  5. CNG

Correct Option: B

Coke is a tough, porous and black substance. It is almost pure form of carbon. Coke is used in the manufacture of steel and in the extraction of many metals.

PCRA stands for

  1. Pollution Control Research Association

  2. Petroleum Conservation Research Association

  3. Petroleum Control Research Association

  4. Petrol and Coal Reserve Association

  5. Pollution Control Researcher Associate

Correct Option: B

In India, Petroleum Conservation Research Association (PCRA) advises people how to save petrol/diesel while driving.

Burning of which of the following fuels produces the least amount of carbon dioxide per unit of energy?

  1. Coal

  2. Oil

  3. Wood

  4. Natural gas

  5. All of these produce the same amount of carbon dioxide

Correct Option: D

Natural gas is the purest fuel, which burns completely in air to produce large amount of energy and no smoke is produced.

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

  1. Anthracite has a carbon content of over 87% on a dry ash-free basis.

  2. Substances obtained from coal are termed as ‘Petrochemicals’.

  3. Bitumen has a carbon content of between 77% and 87% on a dry ash-free basis.

  4. Petroleum gas in form of liquid is used as fuel for home and industry.

  5. In India, oil is found in Assam, Gujarat, Mumbai High and in the river basins of Godavari and Krishna.

Correct Option: B

 Petrochemicals are substances obtained from petroleum. 

Petrol and diesel can be obtained from

  1. Coal tar

  2. Coal

  3. Petroleum

  4. Coal gas

  5. CNG

Correct Option: C

Petrol and diesel are obtained from petroleum by the fractional distillation process.

Petroleum is formed from

  1. domestic animals

  2. organisms in sea

  3. wild animals

  4. insects

  5. birds

Correct Option: B

Crude oil or petroleum is found deposited under the sea. It is fossil fuel.  As these organisms died, their bodies settled at the bottom of the sea and got covered with layers of sand and clay. Over millions of years, absence of air, high temperature and high pressure transformed the dead organisms into petroleum and natural gas.

The dead organisms are transformed into petroleum and natural gas in

  1. presence of light

  2. absence of air

  3. presence of sunlight

  4. presence of nitrogen

  5. presence of sulphur

Correct Option: B

As coal contains mainly carbon, the slow process of conversion of dead vegetation into coal in presence of air is called carbonisation.

The fibre manufactured by petrochemicals is

  1. wool

  2. silk

  3. nylon

  4. cotton

  5. jute

Correct Option: C

Many useful substances are obtained from petroleum and natural gas. These are termed as ‘petrochemicals’. These are used in the manufacture of detergents, fibres (polyester, nylon, acrylic etc.)

Which of the following is used as solvent for dry cleaning?

  1. Diesel

  2. Paraffin wax

  3. Kerosene

  4. Water

  5. Petrol

Correct Option: E

Petrol is used as motor fuel, aviation fuel, solvent for dry cleaning, etc. It is obtained from fractions of petroleum by refining.

Petroleum is mainly a mixture of

  1. carbohydrates

  2. carbogens

  3. hydrocarbons

  4. alcohols

  5. carbohydrates and hydrocarbon

Correct Option: C

Petroleum is a mixture of hydrocarbon with  hetro-atom such as oxygen , nitrogen , sulphur, etc. 

Petroleum is a mixture of

  1. petrol

  2. diesel

  3. petroleum gas

  4. lubricant oil

  5. all of the above

Correct Option: E

Petroleum gas, petrol, diesel and lubricating oil are products of petroleum.

A black liquid is important for a country’s economy. It is also known as black gold. Identify the liquid.

  1. Natural gas

  2. Iron

  3. Copper

  4. Silver

  5. Petroleum

Correct Option: E

Petroleum is used in the manufacture of detergents, fibres (polyester, nylon, acrylic, etc.), polythene and other man-made plastics. Due to its great commercial importance, petroleum is also called ‘black gold’.

Hydrogen gas obtained from natural gas is used in

  1. motor fuel

  2. fertilizers

  3. paints

  4. stoves

  5. dyes

Correct Option: B

Hydrogen gas obtained from natural gas is used in the production of fertilizers (urea).

Which of the following is a petrochemical?

  1. Ammonia

  2. Coke

  3. Coal tar

  4. Acetone

  5. Paraffin wax

Correct Option: E

Paraffin wax is a heavy hydrocarbon that is extracted from crude oil (petrochemical).  Paraffin waxes are produced by refining or separating the waxes out of crude mineral oils.

Products obtained by the process of destructive distillation are

  1. petrol, diesel, kerosene

  2. coke, coal tar, coal gas

  3. paraffin wax, bitumen

  4. compressed natural gas

  5. all of the above

Correct Option: B

In destructive distillation, coal is heated strongly in absence of air. It changes and forms coke. The gas released in the process is passed through water. On doing this, some of the compounds get condensed and settle down at the bottom of container and coal tar is obtained.

Which of the following is not a product of coal?

  1. Peat

  2. Lignite

  3. Anthracite

  4. Bituminous

  5. Diamond

Correct Option: E

Diamond is an allotrope of carbon.

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