Metals and Non - Metals

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When a copper vessel is exposed to moist air, a green coating is formed on its surface. What chemical compounds are present in that coating?

  1. Magnesium oxide and magnesium hydroxide

  2. Copper oxide and copper hydroxide

  3. Copper hydroxide and copper carbonate

  4. Copper oxide and copper carbonate

  5. Magnesium oxide and copper oxide

Correct Option: C

It is the heavy, metallic and hard tin dioxide (SnO2). It is the major ore of tin. It is colourless when pure, but brown or black when iron impurities are present.

What is the positive ion formed by a metal called?

  1. Matrix

  2. Proton

  3. Zwitterion

  4. Cation

  5. Anion

Correct Option: D

A metalloid is a chemical element with properties that are in between a mixture or those of metals and non-metals. It is considered to be difficult to classify unambiguously as either a metal or a non metal. Iron is a metal. So, it does not have the properties of metalloids.

Name a metal that forms metal oxide and can be used in fireworks.

Metals will burn with oxygen to form metal oxides. This property makes a metal to be used in fireworks.

  1. Sodium

  2. Potassium

  3. Magnesium

  4. Zinc

  5. Lead

Correct Option: C

Magnesium burns brightly in oxygen to form a metal oxide called magnesium oxide with the chemical formula MgO. Magnesium is a chemical that burns with a white flame. The colours are produced by the redox reaction and depend on what kind of salt or metal is burning. To produce very bright light the creator of the fireworks will use magnesium, aluminium and titanium.

Which of the given compounds cannot be categorized as a matrix?

  1. Silica

  2. Limestone

  3. Iron sulphide

  4. Mica

  5. Cyanide

Correct Option: E

It is not a gangue, instead it is used to separate gangue material from ore. Cyanide (CN), a single carbon atom triple-bonded to a nitrogen atom has proved extremely useful in extracting gold from ore. Cyanide is used to extract gold from the surrounding rock through a process called gold cyanidation, cyanide process or cyanide leach mining. The ore is first finely ground and may be concentrated by flotation. It is then mixed with a dilute solution of sodium cyanide or potassium or calcium cyanide, while air is bubbled through it. Gold is oxidized and forms a soluble aurocyanide complex ion. The solution is separated from the ore by methods such as filtration and the gold is precipitated by adding powdered zinc.

What is the main application of the minerals pitchblende or uraninite?

  1. They are a source of cheap alkali.

  2. They act as insulators in electrical appliances.

  3. They are used in making jewellery.

  4. They are used as raw materials for cement.

  5. They are used as nuclear fuels in atomic reactors.

Correct Option: E

Pitchblende also known by the name uraninite is a mineral comprised mainly of oxides of the element uranium. It is the primary source of uranium. The basic fuel for a nuclear power reactor is uranium, a heavy metal able to release abundant concentrated energy. So, it can be used in atomic reactors to generate electricity. The nuclear power plants use the heat given off during fission as fuel. Fission takes place inside the reactor of a nuclear power plant. At the center of the reactor, the core is present, which contains the uranium fuel.

Name the evolved gas in the given experiment.

In an experiment, a wet rocksil wool is placed at the bottom of a boiling tube, then a magnesium ribbon is inseted into the tube and heated over a burner. We can notice that a colourless gas is given out, which burns with a pop sound.

  1. Sodium hydride

  2. Magnesium hydride

  3. Hydrogen sulphide

  4. Ammonia

  5. Hydrogen

Correct Option: E

All the metals are sonorous as they can produce sound. But mercury and lead are the metals, which are non ductile and non sonorous.

Which among the given properties makes metals more attractive for making jewellery and coins?

  1. Hardness

  2. Metallic lusture

  3. High tensile strength

  4. Malleability

  5. Ductility

Correct Option: B

Silicon is the seventh most abundant element in the universe and the second most abundant element in the Earth's crust. Silicon with carbon atoms forms silicon carbide that is next to diamond in hardness and is therefore used for making tools used in grinding.

Which of the following statements about a solid substance 'mineral' is not correct?

  1. It is a chemical element.

  2. It is a compound found in nature.

  3. It has definite chemical composition.

  4. It occurs in crystalline form.

  5. It is very hard and never soft.

Correct Option: E

There are both hard and soft minerals. Diamond is transparent and is the hardest substance known, whereas graphite is opaque and is nearly the softest substance known.

Which of the given processes will result in the loss of shine of some metals in the presence of air and water?

  1. Anodizing

  2. Precipitation

  3. Displacement

  4. Galvanization

  5. Corrosion

Correct Option: E

Corrosion is a gradual destruction of material usually metals by chemical reaction with its environment. This means the electrochemical oxidation of metals by reacting with an oxidant such as oxygen.

What are the reddish brown precipitates found at the bottom of the beaker, when a beaker containing copper sulphate solution and a few iron nails is left for sometime?

  1. Copper

  2. Iron

  3. Copper sulphate

  4. Iron sulphate

  5. Mixture of copper and iron

Correct Option: A

When iron nails are kept in a beaker containing copper sulphate solution, the displacement reaction takes place. As iron is more reactive than copper, it displaces copper from the copper sulphate solution. The iron nail becomes brownish in colour and the blue colour of copper sulphate solution fades. Thus, it becomes iron sulphate and copper. This copper is reddish brown in colour and precipitated at the bottom of the beaker.

Which of the following compounds does not react with water or steam to liberate hydrogen?

  1. Carbon

  2. Sodium

  3. Magnesium

  4. Lead

  5. Calcium

Correct Option: A

All non metals do not react with water to form either metal oxides or metal hydroxides. Whether water is in the form of cold water, hot water or steam, all the non metals will remain unresponsive to the action of water. The reason for this is the typical electronic configuration of non metals. Non metals are electronegative are unable to break the bond between H and O in water. Non metals cannot reduce hydrogen by donating electrons. As carbon is a non metal, it will not react with water or steam.

Which metal is the best conductor of heat and electricity?

  1. Lead

  2. Iron

  3. Mercury

  4. Sodium

  5. Silver

Correct Option: E

Pure silver is the best conductor of heat and electricity of all the known metals. So, it is sometimes used in making solder, electrical contacts and printed circuit boards. Silver actually conducts electricity more efficiently than copper.

Which of the following is the only non metallic liquid element that appears reddish brown in colour?

  1. Sodium

  2. Chlorine

  3. Iodine

  4. Bromine

  5. Graphite

Correct Option: D

It is a heavy, volatile, corrosive, reddish brown, non metallic liquid element having a highly irritating vapour. Bromine is the only non metallic element that is liquid under ordinary conditions. It evaporates easily at standard temperature and pressures in a red vapour that has a strong disagreeable odour resembling that of chlorine.

Which of the given minerals is used to neutralise the acidity of soil and to refine sugar?

  1. Lime

  2. Magnetite

  3. Quartz

  4. Mica

  5. Coal

Correct Option: A

Quartz is the most common non-metallic mineral present on the surface of the Earth. It is found in nearly every geological environment and is at least a component of almost every type of rock.

Which of the given properties of the aluminium metal is applied in making aluminium foils to wrap food items?

  1. Ductility

  2. Flexibility

  3. Toughness

  4. Softness

  5. Malleability

Correct Option: E

Aluminium foil is made from a big block of refined (pretty pure) aluminium. Aluminium foil is aluminium prepared in thin metal leaves with a thickness less than 0.2 millimetres.

Why pure gold is always alloyed with other metals?

  1. To increase its softness

  2. To decrease its reactivity

  3. To increase its shine

  4. To increase its hardness

  5. To make it malleable

Correct Option: D

Gold is a dense, soft, shiny, malleable and ductile metal. Gold readily creates alloys with many other metals. The extreme malleability, ductility and softness of pure gold make it practically useless for jewellery applications. The addition of alloying elements (other metals) to gold is used to increase the toughness and hardness of the metal. 

Which of the given metals is a good reflector of light?

  1. Iron

  2. Silver

  3. Copper

  4. Sodium

  5. Potassium

Correct Option: B

Of all the metals, untarnished silver is the best reflector of light. As a result it was used in ancient times to make mirrors. Unfortunately, silver tarnishes very easily and quickly.

Which of the given non metals cannot be categorized to the group insulators?

  1. Sulphur

  2. Phosphorus

  3. Silicon

  4. Germanium

  5. Graphite

Correct Option: E

An insulator is a non conducting material that does not carry any charge. Electricity does not flow through insulators, which are usually non metallic. Graphite is a version of carbon and hence, is a conductor and not an insulator.

Which of the given metals is not required for transmitting electrical impulses along nerves and for muscle contraction?

  1. Copper

  2. Sodium

  3. Calcium

  4. Potassium

  5. Magnesium

Correct Option: A

Potassium and sodium are two essential minerals used to regulate and maintain the cardiovascular system. Sodium is required for the nervous system to effectively communicate with and coordinate various parts of the body. If sodium levels are inadequate for neuronal function, then a muscle cell will fail to function properly.

Which gas is liberated during the vigorous reaction of sodium metal with water at room temperature?

  1. Oxygen

  2. Hydrogen

  3. Chlorine

  4. Hydrogen sulphide

  5. Nitrogen

Correct Option: B

When sodium is placed in water, it reacts with water and begins to melt. As a result of this reaction, sodium hydroxide and hydrogen are produced. The hydrogen produced self ignites and burns with a bright flame.

Which of the given non metals has an important activity in the vulcanization process of rubber?

  1. Sulphur

  2. Silicon

  3. Nitrogen

  4. Oxygen

  5. Zinc

Correct Option: A

Sulphur plays an important role in the rubber industry during the process of hardening of rubber called vulcanization. Vulcanization of rubber is a process of improvement its elasticity and strength by heating it in the presence of sulphur, which results in three dimensional cross linking of the chain rubber molecules bonded to each other by sulphur atoms.

What is the process of dipping an iron article in molten zinc to form a protective coating of zinc called?

  1. Cyanide process

  2. Gold plating

  3. Corrosion

  4. Tinning

  5. Galvanization

Correct Option: E

Galvanization is the process of applying a protective zinc coating to steel or iron, in order to prevent rusting. Although galvanization can be done with electrochemical and electrodeposition processes, the most common method in current use is hot dip galvanization, in which steel parts are submerged in a bath of molten zinc.

Which of the following polymers are prepared from the second most abundant substance in the Earth's crust?

  1. Silica

  2. Silicon

  3. Silicones

  4. Silicon dioxide

Correct Option: C

Silicon is the second most abundant element in Earth's crust after oxygen and the eighth most abundant in the universe. Silicones are polymers that include silicon together with carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and sometimes other elements. Some common forms include silicone oil, silicone grease, silicone rubber, silicone resin and silicone caulk. Silicones have excellent resistance to oxygen, ozone and ultraviolet light. This property has led to widespread use of silicones in the construction industry and the automotive industry.

Which of the following is a compound of silicon and carbide used for manufacturing tools for grinding purpose?

  1. Carborundum

  2. Bronze

  3. Titanium

  4. Tungsten

  5. Tin

Correct Option: A

Silicon carbide also known as carborundum is a compound of silicon and carbon with chemical formula SiC. In manufacturing, it is used for its hardness in abrasive machining processes, such as grinding, honing, water jet cutting and sandblasting.

Which of the given metals is used in making pigments, such as red chrome and yellow chrome?

  1. Titanium

  2. Tin

  3. Zinc

  4. Lead

  5. Iron

Correct Option: D

Chrome orange also known as chrome red is an orange pigment, which consists of lead (II) chromate and lead (II) oxide. Chrome orange can be made by precipitating lead (II) together with chromate in a basic solution or by treating chrome yellow with dye. Chrome yellow is a kind of yellow powder and is the isomorphous crystal mixture of lead chromate and lead sulphate.

Why is sodium metal stored under kerosene?

  1. To prevent its reaction with oxygen

  2. To liberate hydrogen

  3. To prevent its reaction with nitrogen

  4. Because its density is higher than water

  5. To prevent its reaction with hydrogen

Correct Option: A

Sodium metal reacts with oxygen at room temperature to form sodium oxide. Sodium also reacts violently with water. It is so active that it is normally stored under a liquid with which it does not react. Kerosene or naphtha liquids are commonly used for this purpose. Hence, sodium is stored under kerosene to prevent its reaction with oxygen, moisture and carbon dioxide.

Which of the given metals do not burn in air but can form a deposit of oxide layer on its surface?

  1. Copper

  2. Potassium

  3. Sodium

  4. Silver

  5. Magnesium

Correct Option: A

The metals Iike iron, lead and copper do not burn in air. Instead they get covered with an oxide layer that is insoluble in water. When copper oxidizes it forms a very thin layer of copper oxide on the outer surface of the copper that further protects the surface from oxidation. This layer is greenish in colour and is called patina.

Which of the given metals can form verdigris in reaction with oxygen and carbon dioxide present in air?

  1. Copper

  2. Iron

  3. Lead

  4. Zinc

  5. Manganese

Correct Option: A

Copper turns green, when exposed to air due to the formation of a protective layer of copper carbonate. This protective green coating is called verdigris.

Which of the given non metals can act as an explosive material in coal mining, when mixed with carbon dust in liquid state?

  1. Silicone

  2. Sulphur

  3. Lead

  4. Oxygen

  5. Hydrogen

Correct Option: D

The activity series is a chart of metals listed in order of declining relative reactivity. The top metals are more reactive than the metals at the bottom. Titanium is a transition element and is placed above zirconium and next to scandium.

What is the reason for this?

Lead can float on the surface of mercury.

  1. Mercury is very reactive.

  2. Lead is very reactive.

  3. Lead is more denser than mercury.

  4. Mercury is more denser than lead.

  5. Mercury is lighter than lead.

Correct Option: D

It is because lead is less denser than mercury. Mercury is very heavy weighing 13.6 times to that of volume of water. Stone, iron, and even lead can float on its surface.

Which of the following is the only non-sonorous metal occurring in solid state?

  1. Aluminium

  2. Copper

  3. Iron

  4. Zinc

  5. Lead

Correct Option: E

All metals are sonorous except mercury and lead. Mercury occurs in liquid state so lead is the only non sonorous metal occurring in solid state and thus exhibiting the properties of non metals.

Which of the following compounds is present in the green coating verdigris?

  1. Aluminium

  2. Tin

  3. Copper

  4. Copper carbonate

  5. Iron oxide

Correct Option: D

Copper turns green when exposed to air due to the formation of a protective layer of copper carbonate called verdigris. Verdigris is a green coating or patina formed, when an alloy of copper, bronze or brass is weathered and exposed to the atmosphere or water over a long period of time. The colour of verdigris varies from shades of blue to shades of green. The simple composition of verdigris is copper carbonate and copper hydroxide,  but if verdigris is being formed at the seashore or somewhere near the sea it consists of copper chloride.

Which of the following is the alloy of aluminium, nickel, cobalt, which is used for making magnets?

  1. Alnico

  2. Magnalium

  3. Duralumin

  4. Bronze

  5. Invar

Correct Option: A

Alnico is a powerful permanent magnet alloy containing iron, nickel and aluminium. Aluminium nickel cobalt (AlNiCo) magnet alloy exhibits excellent temperature stability.

What is the reason for this?

When a magnesium ribbon and a copper wire are wound around iron nails in two test tubes named A and B respectively, then  the tubes are left exposed to air for a few days, we notice that the iron nail in tube A does not rust but it rusts in the tube B.

  1. Copper prevents corrosion in tube A

  2. Reaction occurs between magnesium and copper

  3. Copper prevents corrosion in tube B

  4. Magnesium is more electropositive than iron

Correct Option: D

Invar also known as FeNi36 is a nickel iron alloy notable for its uniquely low coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE or ل). The name comes from the word invariable referring to its lack of expansion or contraction with temperature changes.

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