Recombinant DNA Technology (GATE)

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______ is the branch of genetics, which deals with heritable changes in gene activity that are not caused by changes in the DNA sequence.

  1. Molecular genetics

  2. Metagenics

  3. Archaeogenetics

  4. Epigenetics

  5. Functional genomics

Correct Option: D

Epigenetics is the study of how proteins and other molecules that bind to DNA and chromosomes can change gene expression without changing the DNA sequence.

Which of the following is a computational tool used to calculate theoretical polymerase chain reaction methods that can be used to directly quantify and clonally amplify nucleic acids including DNA, cDNA or RNA?

  1. Allele-specific PCR

  2. Hot start PCR

  3. Dial-out PCR

  4. Digital PCR

  5. In silico PCR

Correct Option: D

Digital PCR (dPCR) is a computational tool used to calculate theoretical polymerase chain reaction methods that can be used to directly quantify and clonally amplify nucleic acids including DNA, cDNA or RNA.

Which among the following is a genome where a short nucleotide sequence is organised as a tandem repeat?

  1. VNTR

  2. AFLP

  3. Minisatellite

  4. Telomere

  5. Microsatellite

Correct Option: A

A variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) is a location in a genome where a short nucleotide sequence is organised as a tandem repeat.

Random amplified polymorphic DNA is a technique for

  1. cross linkage of antigens by antibodies

  2. revealing intra-specific variation and diversity between species

  3. selection of somaclones that are resistant to herbicides

  4. reduction or elimination of the expression of individual genes

  5. transferring geometric shapes on a mask to the surface of a silicon wafer

Correct Option: B

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) is a method that reveals intra-specific variation and diversity between species.

Which of the following is associated with robust populations that can survive bouts of intense selection?

  1. Proteome

  2. Proteomics

  3. Functional genomics

  4. Genome

  5. Gene pool

Correct Option: E

Gene pool is associated with robust populations that can survive bouts of intense selection. Meanwhile, low genetic diversity (see inbreeding and population bottlenecks) can cause reduced biological fitness and an increased chance of extinction, although as explained by genetic drift, new genetic variants, which may cause an increase in the fitness of organisms, are more likely to fix in the population if it is rather small.

Which of the following pairs is incorrectly matched?

  1. Recombinant DNA technology - combining genes from different species

  2. Restriction fragments - pieces of DNA that have been cut into different lengths

  3. Genomic library - all the genes contained in one kind of organism

  4. Restriction enzymes - DNA cutting enzymes

  5. DNA fingerprinting - technique for identification of patterns that occur in DNA

Correct Option: C

A genomic library is a collection of cloned DNA pieces from a genome.

Which of the following bacteriophages was the first DNA-based genome to be sequenced?

  1. MS2 phage

  2. phi X 174 phage

  3. Lambda phage

  4. T4 phage

  5. P1 phage

Correct Option: B

The phi X 174 bacteriophage was the first DNA-based genome to be sequenced. This work was completed by Fred Sanger and his team in 1977.

Which of the following statements is/are true regarding genome?

  1. The term ‘genome’ was given by Hans Winkler.
  2. Genome size is the total number of DNA base pairs in one copy of a diploid genome.
  3. Bacteriophage MS2 was the first sequenced DNA-genome.
  1. Only 1

  2. Only 2

  3. Only 3

  4. 1 and 2

  5. 2 and 3

Correct Option: A

This option is correct because the term ‘genome’ was given by Hans Winkler, professor of botany at the University of Hamburg, Germany.

Which of the following is a technique of using very small metal particles coated with desired gene in the gene transfer?

  1. Biopiracy

  2. Bioethics

  3. Biopotency

  4. Biolistics

  5. Cryopreservation

Correct Option: D

Biolistics is a technique of using very small metal particles coated with desired gene in the gene transfer.

Which of the following pairs is incorrectly matched?

  1. Karl Ereky – coined the term biotechnology

  2. Haberlandt – father of plant tissue culture

  3. G. W. Carver – father of agricultural biotechnology

  4. Wilhelm Johannsen – coined the term gene

  5. G. J. Mendel – father of human genetics

Correct Option: E

This option is correct because G. J. Mendel is the father of genetics and the father of human genetics is Archibald Garrod.

Which of the following statements are incorrect?

P. Histones are rich in the acidic amino acid residues. Q. A typical nucleosome contains 200 bp of DNA helix. R. The chromatin that is more densely packed and stains dark is called as euchromatin. S. Euchromatin is transcriptionally active chromatin.

  1. P and Q

  2. P and R

  3. P and S

  4. Q and R

  5. Q and S

Correct Option: B

This option is correct because in eukaryotes, there is a set of positively charged, basic proteins called histones. Histones are rich in the basic amino acid residues, lysines and arginines, and in a typical nucleus, some region of chromatin is loosely packed (and stains light) and is referred to as euchromatin. The chromatin that is more densely packed and stains dark is called as heterochromatin.

Match the following:

RNA polymerase type Responsible for transcription
A. RNA polymerase I 1. hnRNA
B. RNA polymerase II 2. rRNA
C. RNA polymerase III 3. snRNA
  1. A - 1, B - 2, C - 3

  2. A - 2, B - 1, C - 3

  3. A - 2, B - 3, C - 1

  4. A - 3, B - 2, C - 1

  5. A - 3, B - 1, C - 2

Correct Option: B

This option is correct because all are correctly matched. RNA polymerase I transcribes rRNAs (28S, 18S and 5.8S). RNA polymerase II transcribes precursor of mRNA, the heterogeneous nuclear RNA (hnRNA). RNA polymerase III is responsible for transcription of tRNA, 5srRNA and snRNAs (small nuclear RNAs).

Match the column – I with column – II and select the correct option.

Column – I Column – II
A. Explant 1. Molecular stitchers
B. Probe 2. Fragment of DNA or RNA
C. Restriction endonucleases 3. Plant part for tissue culture
D. Ligases 4. Molecular scissors
  1. A - 4, B - 3, C - 2, D - 1

  2. A - 2, B - 1, C - 4, D - 3

  3. A - 2, B - 1, C - 3, D - 4

  4. A - 3, B - 2, C - 4, D - 1

  5. A - 1, B - 2, C - 3, D - 4

Correct Option: D

This option is correct because explant is any portion taken from a plant that will be used to initiate a culture; probe is a fragment of DNA or RNA, which is used for hybridization; restriction endonucleases are molecular scissors that recognise short DNA sequences, usually 4–8 bp in length and cut the phosphodiester bond within or close to their target sites to generate a double-stranded break; and ligases are called 'molecular stitchers' because of their ability to catalyse the joining of two large molecules by forming a new chemical bond.

Assertion (A): The normal role of restriction endonucleases in bacterial cells is to degrade the bacterial chromosome into small pieces during replication. Reason (R): Bacterial cells protect their own DNA from degradation by restriction endonucleases by deleting all recognition sites from the genome.

Directions: In the following question, there are two statements, Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Consider both the statements independently and mark your answer as under:

1. A and R both are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
2. A and R both are correct and R is not the correct explanation of A.
3. A is correct and R is incorrect.
4. A is incorrect and R is correct.
5. A and R both are incorrect.

  1. (1)

  2. (2)

  3. (3)

  4. (4)

  5. (5)

Correct Option: E

This option is correct because the normal role of restriction endonucleases in bacterial cells is to degrade invading phage DNA. Bacterial cells protect their own DNA from degradation by restriction endonucleases by methylating the DNA at the sites that the enzyme recognises.  

Assertion: In capping, methyl guanosine triphosphate is added to the 3'-end of hnRNA. Reason: In tailing, adenylate residues are added at 5'-end in a template independent manner.

Directions: In the following question, there are two statements, Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Consider both the statements independently and mark your answer as under:

1. A and R both are correct and R is the correct explanation of A.
2. A and R both are correct and R is not the correct explanation of A.
3. A is correct and R is incorrect.
4. A is incorrect and R is correct.
5. A and R both are incorrect.

  1. (1)

  2. (2)

  3. (3)

  4. (4)

  5. (5)

Correct Option: E

This option is correct because in capping, methyl guanosine triphosphate is added to the 5'-end of hnRNA. In tailing, adenylate residues are added at 3'-end in a template independent manner. It is the fully processed hnRNA, now called mRNA, that is transported out of the nucleus for translation.

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