Fundamental Unit of Life: The Cell - 2 (Class IX)

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The largest structure in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells that primarily serves as the site of ribosome synthesis and assembly is

  1. nucleoid

  2. nucleolus

  3. vesicle

  4. cisterna

Correct Option: B

Nucleolus is a non-membrane-bound structure that is composed of proteins and nucleic acids. It is the largest structure in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells, where it primarily serves as the site of ribosome synthesis and assembly.

Cell wall is a rigid wall that lies outside the plasma membrane. Which of the following is not a function of a cell wall?

  1. It regulates the cell cycle.

  2. It has narrow pores through which fine strands of cytoplasm are able to pass.

  3. It permits the plant to become turgid.

  4. It provides mechanical strength and support to the cell.

  5. It is freely permeable to water and substances in solution.

Correct Option: A

This is the correct answer as this is not a function of a cell wall. The nucleus regulates the cell cycle.

Which of the following organelles is located near the nucleus and contains a stack of flattened cisternae structures?

  1. Chloroplast

  2. Golgi body

  3. Centrosome

  4. Centriole

Correct Option: B

Golgi bodies are located near the nucleus and contain a stack of flattened cisternae structures. They help in the packaging and transport of lipids and proteins.

Which of the following is not a function of nuclear membrane?

  1. It separates the nucleus from cytoplasm.

  2. It provides flexibility to the cell.

  3. It allows the movement of material between the nucleus and cytoplasm.

  4. It contains the genetic material present inside the chromosomes.

Correct Option: B

Nuclear membrane is the outer membrane of the nucleus that allows the movement of materials between the nucleus and cytoplasm. It does not provide flexibility to the cell.

In the nucleus of each cell, each chromosome is made up of

  1. DNA and histone

  2. RNA and histone

  3. DNA and glycoprotein

  4. RNA and glycoprotein

  5. None of these

Correct Option: A

Yes, it is correct. Each chromosome is made up of DNA. It is tightly coiled many times around proteins and histones, which support its structure.

Which of the following is not a function of endoplasmic reticulum?

  1. It transports materials.

  2. It provides surface for some biochemical activities.

  3. It detoxifies poisons and drugs.

  4. It stores the waste material of a cell.

Correct Option: D

Endoplasmic reticulum helps in the transportation of material being synthesised and provides surface for some biochemical activities. It detoxifies poisons and drugs. However, the waste material of a cell is stored in vacuoles and lysosomes.

A student has kept a plant cell in a sugar solution for 30 minutes. What change will the student observe in the cell?

  1. It will burst.

  2. It will bulge.

  3. It will plasmolyse.

  4. It will remain the same.

Correct Option: C

The plant cell will plasmolyze as sugar solution is a hypertonic solution.

A cell is kept in a hypotonic solution and after sometime it is observed that the cell volume has increased due to movement of water into it and the cell bursts. Which among the following cells could it be?

  1. Human cell

  2. Plant cell

  3. Fungal cell

  4. Bacterial cell

Correct Option: A

A human cell has no cell wall.

Which polysaccharide is the major constituent of fungal cell wall?

  1. Lignin

  2. Cellulose

  3. Pectin

  4. Chitin

  5. Hemicellulose

Correct Option: D

Fungi possess cell walls made of the glucosamine polymer 'chitin'. It is a polymer of nitrogen-containing polysaccharide rendering a tough protective covering or structural support in certain organisms.

Which of the following organelles regulates the entry of certain solutes and ions in the cell?

  1. Plasma membrane

  2. Cell wall

  3. Nuclear membrane

  4. Cytoplasm

Correct Option: A

Plasma membrane regulates the entry of certain solutes and ions in the cell.

In humans, the structure of cells varies from one organ to another. Which of the following cells in the human body have elongated and branched structures?

  1. Muscle cells

  2. Red blood cells

  3. White blood cells

  4. Nerve cells

Correct Option: D

Nerve cells have elongated and branched structures. These are specialised cells that are designed to stimulate other cells in the body in order to communicate. Neurons are excitable, which means they function by using electrical stimulation. Through this electrical message, known as an action potential, neurons are able to initiate action in the cells they target.

Golgi bodies are often called

  1. dictyosomes

  2. cisternae

  3. matrix

  4. cristae

Correct Option: A

Golgi bodies are often called as dictyosomes.

Who said, “All cells arise from pre-existing cells”?

  1. Schwann

  2. Schleiden

  3. Purkinje

  4. Virchow

Correct Option: D

Virchow said, “All cells arise from pre-existing cells”. He is known as 'the father of modern pathology'.

Lysosomes are called as the suicidal bags of a cell because they

  1. digest foreign materials entering the cell

  2. contain powerful digestive enzymes

  3. burst and their enzymes digest their own cells

  4. digest the old organelles of their own cells

Correct Option: C

Lysosomes are called the suicidal bags of a cell because during accidental injuries, if their own cell gets ruptured or injured, these lysosomes burst out and release their hydrolytic enzymes into the cell. These enzymes digest the worn out cell.

The in-foldings of the inner mitochondrial membrane are called

  1. cristae

  2. oxysomes

  3. grana

  4. cisterns

Correct Option: A

Cristae are the folded structures that are formed by the in-foldings of inner mitochondrial membrane.

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