Diversity in Living Organisms - II (Classification o...

Description: Diversity in Living Organisms - II (Classification of Animals) - 2
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Tags: Diversity in Living Organisms - II (Classification of Animals) - 2 Classes of Animals - Invertebrates Diversity in Living Organisms - I (Classification of Plants) Classes of Animals - Vertebrates
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Which of the following is/are a characteristic feature of mammals?

  1. Three-chambered heart

  2. Mucus glands in the skin

  3. Cold-bloodedness

  4. Viviparity

Correct Option: D

Mammals give birth to young ones and are called viviparous.

Which of the following organisms possess tentacles?

  1. Annelids

  2. Molluscs

  3. Cnidarians

  4. Arthropods

Correct Option: C

Cnidarians possess tentacles.

Which of the following possesses true body cavity?

  1. Wuchereria

  2. Liverfluke

  3. Leech

  4. Sea anemone

Correct Option: C

In Leeches, body cavity is a true coelom, often divided by internal septa.

Which of the following words means 'organisms with holes'?

  1. Porifera

  2. Coelenterata

  3. Nematoda

  4. Arthropoda

Correct Option: A

Porifera – (Pori - holes) - This group includes organisms with holes. These are non-motile animals attached to some solid support under water. There have holes or ‘pores’, all over the body. These lead to a canal system that helps in circulating water throughout the body to bring in food and is helpful in respiration and removal of waste material. 

Which of the following organisms has mucus glands in the skin?

  1. Scoliodon

  2. Frog

  3. Anabas

  4. Seahorse

Correct Option: B

Amphibians have a three-chambered heart and not four. All other options are correct.

Which animal was the first one to have three layers of cells (triploblastic)?

  1. Hydra

  2. Liverfluke

  3. Sycon

  4. Euplectella

Correct Option: B

Liver fluke - Belongs to group platyhelminthes. Platyhelminthes is a group of triploblastic animals.

Which of the following organisms possesses pseudocoelom?

  1. Liverfluke

  2. Tapeworm

  3. Nereis

  4. Ascaris

Correct Option: D

 Elephantiasis refers to a parasitic infection that causes extreme swelling in arms and legs. This disease is caused by filarial worm.

Which of the following organisms possess jointed legs?

  1. Annelids

  2. Arthropods

  3. Molluscs

  4. Platyhelminthes

Correct Option: B

Arthropods possess jointed legs.

The peculiar water-driven tube system is found in

  1. poriferans

  2. coelenterates

  3. echinoderms

  4. molluscs

Correct Option: C

Echinodermata - In Greek, ‘echinos’ means 'hedgehog' (skin is not smooth, but is rough with spines) and ‘derma’ means 'skin'. Thus, these are organisms with spines on the skin. These are free-living marine animals. They have peculiar water-driven tube system, which they use for moving around in water, capture and transport of food and respiration (exchange of gases). For example, starfish and sea urchins. 

How many chambers are present in a Piscean heart?

  1. 1

  2. 2

  3. 3

  4. 4

Correct Option: B

The number of chambers in the heart depends on the complexity of the body organization. For example, mammals are more complex and therefore, they possess maximum number of chambers in the heart  (four-chambered heart) and fishes have less complex body organization than mammals, so they possess less number of chambers in the heart than found in case of mammals. Piscean - These are fishes. They are exclusively water animals. Their skin is covered with scales/plates. They obtain oxygen dissolved in water by using gills. They are cold-blooded and have two-chambered heart.  

Whale belongs to which of the following classes?

  1. Reptilia

  2. Mammalia

  3. Aves

  4. Pisces

Correct Option: B

 Whale, the largest mammal, lives in water. Mammals are warm-blooded animals with four-chambered hearts. They have mammary glands for the production of milk to nourish their young ones. Their skin has hair as well as sweat and oil glands. 

To which of the following phyla does salamander belong?

  1. Pisces

  2. Reptilia

  3. Amphibia

  4. Aves

Correct Option: C

Salamander belongs to the phylum Amphibia.

Forelimbs are modified for flight in _______.

  1. pisces

  2. reptiles

  3. amphibia

  4. aves

Correct Option: D

Aves (birds) have outside covering of feathers, and two forelimbs (either of the two front limbs of four-limbed vertebrates) are modified for flight. 

Which of the following options is not a characteristic feature of a vertebrate body?

  1. Asymmetrical

  2. Triploblastic

  3. Coelomic

  4. Presence of spinal cord

Correct Option: A

Reason: Vertebrates are

bilaterally symmetrical - the left and the right halves of the body have the same design. 

Which of the following options is not a mollusca?

  1. Chiton

  2. Pila

  3. Prawn

  4. Unio

Correct Option: C

Mollusca: In the animals of this group, there is bilateral symmetry (the left and the right halves of the body are same in design) with little segmentation. The coelom (body cavity) is reduced. They have an open circulatory system (blood does not flow in blood capillaries) and bear kidney-like organs for excretion of waste material. There is a foot, which is used for moving, e.g. unio, chiton, pila, octopus, etc. 

Prawn: Prawn belongs to class arthropoda (Arthro – jointed, poda – legs). Arthropoda is the largest group of animals. These animals are bilaterally symmetrical and segmented. There is an open circulatory system (blood does not flow in well-defined blood vessels) and therefore, the coelomic cavity is filled with blood. Examples are prawns, butterflies, crabs, houseflies, spiders and scorpions, etc. 

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