Governor Generals and Viceroys

Description: Governor Generals & Viceroys-(M)
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Tags: Governor Generals & Viceroys-(M) Indian National Movement
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Which of the following events is not directly related to Robert Clive?

  1. Dual Govt. in Bengal

  2. First Anglo-French War

  3. Treaty of Allahabad

  4. Occupation of Arcot

Correct Option: B

The Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place during the Viceroyalty of

  1. Lord Curzon

  2. Lord Rippon

  3. Lord Chelmsford

  4. Lord Canning

Correct Option: C

The Jallianwala Bagh massacre took place during the Viceroyalty of Lord Chelmsford.

During which viceroy's tenure were Lala Lajpat Rai and Bal Gangadhar Tilak imprisoned in Burma?

  1. Lord Minto

  2. Lord Hardinge

  3. Lord Dufferin

  4. Lord Chelmsford

Correct Option: A

During whose tenure was Jatin Das martyred after a fast lasting 64 days?

  1. Lord Linlithgow

  2. Lord Willington

  3. Lord Irwin

  4. Lord Wavell

Correct Option: C

Census was introduced in India during the time of

  1. Lord Ripon

  2. Lord Carnwallis

  3. Lord Clive

  4. Lord William Bentic

Correct Option: A

Correct answer is (1). 

Who among the following proposed the introduction of English language in India as a medium of instruction?

  1. Warren Hastings

  2. Lord William Bentinck

  3. Raja Ram Mohan Roy

  4. Lord Macaulay

Correct Option: D

Macaulayism is the conscious policy of liquidating indigenous culture through the planned substitution of the alien culture of a colonizing power via the education system. The term is derived from the name of British politician, Thomas Babington Macaulay (1800-1859), an individual who was instrumental in the introduction of English as the medium of instruction in the higher education of India.

Which of the following was not a social reform measure introduced by William Bentinck?

  1. Abolition of slavery

  2. Abolition of sati

  3. Suppression of the organised bands of thagi

  4. Removal of disabilities arising from the change of religion

Correct Option: A

Option (1) is correct.

Who among the following was the guiding spirit behind the opening of the Sanskrit College at Banaras in 1791?

  1. William Jones

  2. William Bentinck

  3. Jonathan Duncan

  4. Lord Ripon

Correct Option: C

The history of the Govt. Sanskrit College goes back to the last quarter of the eighteenth century. Under a proposal of Sri Jonathan Duncan, the Govt. Sanskrit College was established in 1791. Pt. Kashinath was its first teacher and Acharya. At that point of time, there was an arrangement for the teaching of subjects such as Vedas, Vedanta Purana, Ayurveda, Sahitya, Astrology, Theology, Mimamsa, Nyaya, etc. The college was conducted with the surplus revenue of the Benares State. At present, the Sampurnanand University has a number of faculties and departments, dedicated to the study of various humanities and science disciplines. 

Berar was annexed to the British Empire by

  1. Lord Curzon

  2. Lord Cornwallis

  3. Lord Mountbatten

  4. Lord Dalhousie

Correct Option: D

Correct answer is (4).

Which viceroy supported the Muslim League more than he supported the Congress?

  1. Lord Mountbatten

  2. Lord Collingwood

  3. Lord Linlithgow

  4. Lord Wavell

Correct Option: C

Viceroy Linlithgow declared India at war with Germany on September 3, 1939.[1] The Indian National Congress, the dominant political party of the time, objected strongly to the declaration of war without prior consultation with Indians. 

Which of the following Indian states was annexed by Lord Dalhousie on the pretext of maladministration?

  1. Oudh

  2. Udaipur

  3. Nagpur

  4. Satara

Correct Option: A

Dalhousie was keen on annexing the kingdom of Oudh (Awadh), but the task presented certain difficulties. Finally, Lord Dalhousie hit upon the idea of alleviating the plight of the people of Awadh. At last, it was annexed in 1856.

Which among the following is not matched correctly?

  1. Lord Lytton : Reduction in the upper age limit for appearing in the Indian Civil Service Examination

  2. Lord Linlithgo : Vernacular Press Act

  3. Lord Ripon : Ilbert Bill Controversy

  4. Lord Curzon : Partition of Bengal

Correct Option: B

During whose tenure did the Prince of Wales visit India in the 1920s?

  1. Lord Irwin

  2. Lord Chelmsford

  3. Lord Reading

  4. Lord Hardinge

Correct Option: C

During whose tenure was the Govt. of India Act 1935 enforced in the provinces?

  1. Lord Linlithgow

  2. Lord Wavell

  3. Lord Mountbatten

  4. Lord Irwin

Correct Option: A

The first Subsidiary Alliance Treaty was signed by Lord Wellesley with the ruler of Hyderabad in 1798. Who was the ruler?

  1. Sikandar Jah

  2. Muzzafar Jang

  3. Nizam Ali

  4. Salabath Jang

Correct Option: C
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