Swaraj & Civil Disobedience Movement

Description: Swaraj & Civil Disobedience Movement-(E)
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Tags: Swaraj & Civil Disobedience Movement-(E) Indian National Movement
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How many members were there in Simon Commission?

  1. 6

  2. 7

  3. 8

  4. 9

Correct Option: B

There were 7 members including its Chairman Sir John Simon.

'Simon Commission' was more technically known as

  1. Royal Commission on Indian Constitutional Reforms

  2. Indian Statutory Commission

  3. Parliamentary Committee on Indian Constitutional Reforms

  4. Royal Statutory Commission

Correct Option: B

Correct answer

The National Congress at its Madras session in 1927 decided to boycott the Simon Commission “at every stage and in every form”. Who presided over that session?

  1. Tej Bahadur Sapru

  2. Sarojini Naidu

  3. Dr. M. A. Ansari

  4. Hakim Ajmal Khan

Correct Option: C

The British action was seen as a violation of the principle of self-determination and a deliberate insult to the self-respect of the Indians. At its Madras session in 1927, presided over by Dr. M. A. Ansari, the National Congress decided to boycott the Commission at every stage and in every form.

In which of the following years was the Swaraj Party formed by Motilal Nehru?

  1. 1902

  2. 1912

  3. 1923

  4. 1932

Correct Option: C

The Swaraj Party was a political party formed in India in January 1923 after Gaya Annual Conference in December 1922.

The communist party of India was founded in

  1. 1925

  2. 1919

  3. 1920

  4. 1927

Correct Option: A

 The Communist Party of India has officially stated that it was formed on 25 December 1925 at the first Kanpur Party Conference.

The first ever communist journal published in India was

  1. Kranthi

  2. Socialist

  3. Dal

  4. August Kranti

Correct Option: B

The Civil Disobedience Movement caught the imagination of the people. In many places, significant popular movements came into being. Point out where it did not.

  1. Hyderabad

  2. Rampur

  3. Travancore

  4. Rajkot

Correct Option: B

The non-cooperation movement did not envisage

  1. reviving hand-spinning and weaving as part of Swadeshi

  2. deliberate violation of laws

  3. boycott of foreign goods

  4. refusal to cooperate with the government

Correct Option: B

The All India Trade Union Congress came into being in 1920 as the foremost representative of the labour movement in India. Who was one of its founder?

  1. V. V. Giri

  2. N. M. Joshi

  3. S. N. Kunzru

  4. Shriram Bajpai

Correct Option: B

The All India Trade Union Congress came into being in 1920 as the foremost representative of the labour movement in India. The one of the founder of The All India Trade Union Congress was N.M.Joshi. 

The first Civil Disobedience Movement was started by Gandhiji after the

  1. Rowlatt Act of 1919

  2. Jallianwala Bagh massacre

  3. Chauri-Chaura incident of 1922

  4. arrival of the Cripps Mission

Correct Option: A

The first Civil Disobedience Movement was started by Gandhiji after the Rowlatt Act of 1919.

“He was the first Hindu whose personality won demonstrative recognition abroad at the close of the last century for India's ancient civilization and for her newborn claim to nationhood.” This was a tribute paid by Sir Valentine Chirol to the genius

  1. Mahatma Gandhi

  2. Rabindranath Tagore

  3. Swami Vivekananda

  4. Gopal Krishan Gokhale

Correct Option: C

The All Parties Conference produced the Nehru Report, which advocated

I. dominion status as a form of government for India II. universal adult suffrage III. dissociation of the state from religion in any form IV. no reservation of sets for Muslims or any other group

  1. II and IV

  2. I, II and III

  3. II, III and IV

  4. I, II and IV

Correct Option: B

The English officer who led the fatal lathi (baton) charge on Lala Lajpat Rai during the freedom struggle was

  1. General Dyer

  2. Hamilton

  3. General Michel

  4. James A. Scott

Correct Option: D

The superintendent of police, James A. Scott, ordered the police to lathi (baton) charge the protesters and personally assaulted Rai.

The first woman President of the Indian National Congress was

  1. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit

  2. Sarojini Naidu

  3. Indira Gandhi

  4. Annie Besant

Correct Option: D

'Do or die' slogan was given by Gandhiji during

  1. the Non-Cooperation Movement

  2. the Civil Disobedience Movement

  3. the Quit India Movement

  4. the Individual Satyagraha

Correct Option: C

'Do or die' slogan was given by Gandhiji during the Quit India Movement.

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