Body Fluids and Circulation (LPU)

Description: Proteins
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: heart cardiac cells epicardium pericardium endocardium myocardium Body Fluids and Circulation
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Between which layers is serous fluid present?

  1. Parietal and fibrous layers

  2. Fibrous and visceral layers

  3. Parietal and visceral layers

  4. Visceral layer and epicardium

Correct Option: C

The space between the parietal and visceral pericardium is filled with serous fluid, which protects the heart from any kind of external jerk or shock.

In which way are the impulses carried during depolarisation of the heart?

  1. Epicardium to endocardium

  2. Endocardium to epicardium

  3. Endocardium to myocardium

  4. Myocardium to endocardium

Correct Option: B

During depolarisation, the impulses are carried from endocardium to epicardium.

Which type of cells constitute endocardial membrane?

  1. Stratified squamous epithelium

  2. Simple squamous epithelium

  3. Simple columnar epithelium

  4. Stratified columnar epithelium

Correct Option: B

Endocardial membrane of the heart is made up of simple squamous epithelium. It performs the function of protection carried out by the endothelial wall.

Which of the following is a function of endocardium?

  1. Protection to the valves and heart chambers

  2. Protection from infection

  3. Contraction in the heart

  4. Lubrication

Correct Option: A

Endocardium provides protection to the valves and heart chambers.

Which structure is responsible for cardiac syncytium?

  1. T-tubules

  2. Intercalated discs

  3. Desmosomes

  4. Sarcoplasmic reticulum

Correct Option: B

Intercalated discs are responsible for syncytium formation. Cardiac syncytium is a network of cardiomyocytes connected to each other by intercalated discs that enable the rapid transmission of electrical impulses through the network, enabling the syncytium to act in a coordinated contraction of myocardium.

Which layer functions in autorhythmicity of the heart?

  1. Pericardium

  2. Epicardium

  3. Myocardium

  4. Endocardium

Correct Option: C

Myocardium is made up of cardiac cells, which function in autorhythmicity. Some cardiac muscle cells are self-excitable, allowing for rhythmic waves of contraction to adjacent cells throughout the heart.

Which of the following statements is not true?

  1. Heart cells are only aerobic in nature.

  2. Heart can beat rhythmically without nervous input.

  3. Cardiac cells are cylindrical in shape.

  4. All heart cells are connected to one another.

Correct Option: C

This is not true. Cardiac cells are spindle-shaped.

Which of the following organelles is/are expected to be present more in cardiac cells?

  1. Nuclei

  2. Mitochondria

  3. Golgi bodies

  4. Endoplasmic reticulum

Correct Option: B

Cardiac cells are constantly undergoing contractions and require more energy to perform their functions. Thus, cardiac cells have more mitochondria. In fact, mitochondria occupy 25% of cell space.

Which membrane serves as a blood-heart barrier?

  1. Epicardium

  2. Myocardium

  3. Endocardium

  4. Pericardium

Correct Option: C

Endocardium serves as a kind of blood-heart barrier and thus, controlling the ionic composition of the extracellular fluid in which the cardiomyocytes bathe.

Which of the following ions is not required for the contraction of heart muscles?

  1. Na+ ion

  2. Ca+ ion

  3. K- ion

  4. Cl- ion

Correct Option: D

Cl- ions are not required for the contraction of heart muscles.

At which thoracic level is mediastinum located?

  1. T1 to T3

  2. T3 to T5

  3. T5 to T8

  4. T8 to T12

Correct Option: C

Mediastinum is located at the level of thoracic vertebrae T5 to T8.

Which of the following diseases might be relieved by pericardiectomy?

  1. Pericarditis

  2. Cardiac tamponade

  3. Ischemia

  4. Myocardial infraction

Correct Option: B

Cardiac tamponade is relieved by pericardiectomy. It is caused due to excess fluid in pericardial cavity.

Which of the following layers is fused with epicardium?

  1. Parietal pericardium

  2. Visceral pericardium

  3. Fibrous pericardium

  4. Myocardium

Correct Option: B

Visceral pericardium is fused with epicardium. The epicardium layer is immediately outside of the heart muscle proper.

How many chambers are there in a fish's heart?

  1. 5 chambers

  2. 3 chambers

  3. 2 chambers

  4. 4 chambers

Correct Option: C

Fish's heart has two chambers. It has one atrium and one ventricle.

What is the protective sac around the heart called?

  1. Epicardium

  2. Endocardium

  3. Pericardium

  4. Myocardium

Correct Option: C

The protective covering around the heart is called pericardium.

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