General English

Description: General English
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: General English English
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Directions: Read the following conversation carefully and complete the following passage by filling in the blank space appropriately. Do not add any new information.

Father: Did you go to listen to the Prime Minister’s address? Son: Yes, I did go. Father: What did the Prime Minister speak on? Son: He spoke on the eradication of corruption and unemployment.

The father asked his son ____________

  1. if he had listened to the Prime Minister's address

  2. if he had gone to listen to the Prime Minister’s address

  3. if he listened to the Prime Minister’s address

  4. if he will listen to the Prime Minister’s address

Correct Option: B

Directions: Read the following conversation carefully and complete the following passage by filling in the blank space appropriately. Do not add any new information. Father: Did you go to listen to the Prime Minister’s address? Son: Yes, I did go. Father: What did the Prime Minister speak on? Son: He spoke on the eradication of corruption and unemployment.

The son replied _________.

  1. that he had spoken on the eradication of corruption and unemployment

  2. that he spoke on the eradication of corruption and unemployment

  3. that he spoke about the eradication of corruption and unemployment

  4. that he has spoken on the eradication of corruption and unemployment

Correct Option: A

Directions: Read the following conversation carefully and complete the following passage by filling in the blank space appropriately. Do not add any new information. Father: Did you go to listen to the Prime Minister’s address? Son: Yes, I did go. Father: What did the Prime Minister speak on? Son: He spoke on the eradication of corruption and unemployment.

The son replied that ___________.

  1. he had gone

  2. he had

  3. he has gone

  4. he was gone

Correct Option: A

Directions: Read the following conversation carefully and complete the following passage by filling in the blank space appropriately. Do not add any new information. Father: Did you go to listen to the Prime Minister’s address? Son: Yes, I did go. Father: What did the Prime Minister speak on? Son: He spoke on the eradication of corruption and unemployment.

The father asked again _______.

  1. what the Prime Minister spoke on

  2. what the Prime Minister spoken about

  3. what the Prime Minister had spoken on

  4. what the Prime Minister has spoken on

Correct Option: C

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the given paragraph.

A blind man, having reclaimed (10) ____________ sight as the result of a remarkable operation, confessed the other day that he was so disappointed (11) ____________ the world he saw that he wondered whether he was not (12) ____________ when he was blind. Human beings (13) ____________ of a different appearance and mould from those with which his imagination had (14) ____________ them. Everything apparently, from motor cars to flower gardens, (15) ____________short of the glorious images he had made of them. The gift of sight brought him merely disillusionment.

Fill in the blank (11).

  1. with

  2. at

  3. over

  4. about

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the given paragraph.

A blind man, having reclaimed (10) ____________ sight as the result of a remarkable operation, confessed the other day that he was so disappointed (11) ____________ the world he saw that he wondered whether he was not (12) ____________ when he was blind. Human beings (13) ____________ of a different appearance and mould from those with which his imagination had (14) ____________ them. Everything apparently, from motor cars to flower gardens, (15) ____________short of the glorious images he had made of them. The gift of sight brought him merely disillusionment.

Fill in the blank (10).

  1. he

  2. his

  3. him

  4. himself

Correct Option: B

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the given paragraph.

A blind man, having reclaimed (10) ____________ sight as the result of a remarkable operation, confessed the other day that he was so disappointed (11) ____________ the world he saw that he wondered whether he was not (12) ____________ when he was blind. Human beings (13) ____________ of a different appearance and mould from those with which his imagination had (14) ____________ them. Everything apparently, from motor cars to flower gardens, (15) ____________short of the glorious images he had made of them. The gift of sight brought him merely disillusionment.

Fill in the blank (12).

  1. happy

  2. happier

  3. happiest

  4. much happy

Correct Option: B

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the given paragraph.

A blind man, having reclaimed (10) ____________ sight as the result of a remarkable operation, confessed the other day that he was so disappointed (11) ____________ the world he saw that he wondered whether he was not (12) ____________ when he was blind. Human beings (13) ____________ of a different appearance and mould from those with which his imagination had (14) ____________ them. Everything apparently, from motor cars to flower gardens, (15) ____________short of the glorious images he had made of them. The gift of sight brought him merely disillusionment.

Fill in the blank (13).

  1. are

  2. was

  3. were

  4. have

Correct Option: A

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the given paragraph.

A blind man, having reclaimed (10) ____________ sight as the result of a remarkable operation, confessed the other day that he was so disappointed (11) ____________ the world he saw that he wondered whether he was not (12) ____________ when he was blind. Human beings (13) ____________ of a different appearance and mould from those with which his imagination had (14) ____________ them. Everything apparently, from motor cars to flower gardens, (15) ____________short of the glorious images he had made of them. The gift of sight brought him merely disillusionment.

Fill in the blank (15).

  1. fall

  2. fell

  3. feet

  4. falling

Correct Option: B

Directions: Choose the most appropriate word from the options given below to complete the given paragraph.

A blind man, having reclaimed (10) ____________ sight as the result of a remarkable operation, confessed the other day that he was so disappointed (11) ____________ the world he saw that he wondered whether he was not (12) ____________ when he was blind. Human beings (13) ____________ of a different appearance and mould from those with which his imagination had (14) ____________ them. Everything apparently, from motor cars to flower gardens, (15) ____________short of the glorious images he had made of them. The gift of sight brought him merely disillusionment.

Fill in the blank (14).

  1. endowed

  2. is endowing

  3. endows

  4. endow

Correct Option: A

Which of the following is true about fast reading?

Directions: Read the passage below and answer the question given underneath.


There is another interesting fact about eye movement. If you record the eye movements of someone who is reading, you will notice that, from time to time, the reader goes back and looks again at something he has read before; in other words, he regresses to an earlier part of the text, probably because he realises he does not understand the passage properly. Then he comes back to where he left off and continues reading. At one time, it was thought that regression was a fault, but it is in fact a very necessary activity in efficient reading. There are several different kinds of faults in reading, which are usually more exaggerated with foreign learners. The most common one is that most people read more slowly than they should. There is no rate at which people ought to read of course; it, depends on your purpose in reading, how difficult the language is, how unfamiliar the material and so on. But most people read everything at the same slow speed, and do not seem to realise that they can read faster or slower as required. Other people say the words to themselves, or move their lips - these habits slow the reader down to something near speaking speed, which is, of course, much slower than reading speed. Another habit which can slow you down is following the line with your finger, or with a pen.
If you want to be able to read faster, the secret is simply to practise under timed conditions. This means that you should give yourself a certain amount of time to read with understanding, and then check your time when you have finished. Students who have practised fast reading even for only an hour - a week, have shown average improvements of over 50% over a term of ten week's duration. Reading fast does not necessarily mean reading with less comprehension. In fact, students usually show a small increase in comprehension as well as a dramatic increase in speed.

  1. It cripples comprehension.

  2. It tremendously improves the level of understanding.

  3. It requires practice under timed conditions.

  4. It is more important than comprehension.

Correct Option: C

Which of the following statements is true about reading speed?

Directions: Read the passage below and answer the question given underneath.


There is another interesting fact about eye movement. If you record the eye movements of someone who is reading, you will notice that, from time to time, the reader goes back and looks again at something he has read before; in other words, he regresses to an earlier part of the text, probably because he realises he does not understand the passage properly. Then he comes back to where he left off and continues reading. At one time, it was thought that regression was a fault, but it is in fact a very necessary activity in efficient reading. There are several different kinds of faults in reading, which are usually more exaggerated with foreign learners. The most common one is that most people read more slowly than they should. There is no rate at which people ought to read of course; it, depends on your purpose in reading, how difficult the language is, how unfamiliar the material and so on. But most people read everything at the same slow speed, and do not seem to realise that they can read faster or slower as required. Other people say the words to themselves, or move their lips - these habits slow the reader down to something near speaking speed, which is, of course, much slower than reading speed. Another habit which can slow you down is following the line with your finger, or with a pen.
If you want to be able to read faster, the secret is simply to practise under timed conditions. This means that you should give yourself a certain amount of time to read with understanding, and then check your time when you have finished. Students who have practised fast reading even for only an hour - a week, have shown average improvements of over 50% over a term of ten week's duration. Reading fast does not necessarily mean reading with less comprehension. In fact, students usually show a small increase in comprehension as well as a dramatic increase in speed.

  1. It solely depends on the purpose of reading.

  2. It just depends on the difficulty level of the language.

  3. It only depends on the reader's familiarity with the topic.

  4. It does not depend on a single factor.

Correct Option: D

According to the author, which of the following is essential for efficient reading?

Directions: Read the passage below and answer the question given underneath.


There is another interesting fact about eye movement. If you record the eye movements of someone who is reading, you will notice that, from time to time, the reader goes back and looks again at something he has read before; in other words, he regresses to an earlier part of the text, probably because he realises he does not understand the passage properly. Then he comes back to where he left off and continues reading. At one time, it was thought that regression was a fault, but it is in fact a very necessary activity in efficient reading. There are several different kinds of faults in reading, which are usually more exaggerated with foreign learners. The most common one is that most people read more slowly than they should. There is no rate at which people ought to read of course; it, depends on your purpose in reading, how difficult the language is, how unfamiliar the material and so on. But most people read everything at the same slow speed, and do not seem to realise that they can read faster or slower as required. Other people say the words to themselves, or move their lips - these habits slow the reader down to something near speaking speed, which is, of course, much slower than reading speed. Another habit which can slow you down is following the line with your finger, or with a pen.
If you want to be able to read faster, the secret is simply to practise under timed conditions. This means that you should give yourself a certain amount of time to read with understanding, and then check your time when you have finished. Students who have practised fast reading even for only an hour - a week, have shown average improvements of over 50% over a term of ten week's duration. Reading fast does not necessarily mean reading with less comprehension. In fact, students usually show a small increase in comprehension as well as a dramatic increase in speed.

  1. Skipping back to a not understood part of the text that one has already read

  2. Reading a text very slowly by following the words with a pen

  3. Maintaining an equal speed for both reading and speaking

  4. Reading with one's lips moving

Correct Option: A

What is the author trying to convey in this passage?

Directions: Read the passage below and answer the question given underneath.


There is another interesting fact about eye movement. If you record the eye movements of someone who is reading, you will notice that, from time to time, the reader goes back and looks again at something he has read before; in other words, he regresses to an earlier part of the text, probably because he realises he does not understand the passage properly. Then he comes back to where he left off and continues reading. At one time, it was thought that regression was a fault, but it is in fact a very necessary activity in efficient reading. There are several different kinds of faults in reading, which are usually more exaggerated with foreign learners. The most common one is that most people read more slowly than they should. There is no rate at which people ought to read of course; it, depends on your purpose in reading, how difficult the language is, how unfamiliar the material and so on. But most people read everything at the same slow speed, and do not seem to realise that they can read faster or slower as required. Other people say the words to themselves, or move their lips - these habits slow the reader down to something near speaking speed, which is, of course, much slower than reading speed. Another habit which can slow you down is following the line with your finger, or with a pen.
If you want to be able to read faster, the secret is simply to practise under timed conditions. This means that you should give yourself a certain amount of time to read with understanding, and then check your time when you have finished. Students who have practised fast reading even for only an hour - a week, have shown average improvements of over 50% over a term of ten week's duration. Reading fast does not necessarily mean reading with less comprehension. In fact, students usually show a small increase in comprehension as well as a dramatic increase in speed.

  1. One should avoid the habit of reading slowly.

  2. If the language used is tough, the reader has to be slow.

  3. With practice, one can improve both speed and comprehension.

  4. For a reader, comprehension is more important than speed.

Correct Option: C

The word 'regression' as used in the passage means

Directions: Read the passage below and answer the question given underneath.


There is another interesting fact about eye movement. If you record the eye movements of someone who is reading, you will notice that, from time to time, the reader goes back and looks again at something he has read before; in other words, he regresses to an earlier part of the text, probably because he realises he does not understand the passage properly. Then he comes back to where he left off and continues reading. At one time, it was thought that regression was a fault, but it is in fact a very necessary activity in efficient reading. There are several different kinds of faults in reading, which are usually more exaggerated with foreign learners. The most common one is that most people read more slowly than they should. There is no rate at which people ought to read of course; it, depends on your purpose in reading, how difficult the language is, how unfamiliar the material and so on. But most people read everything at the same slow speed, and do not seem to realise that they can read faster or slower as required. Other people say the words to themselves, or move their lips - these habits slow the reader down to something near speaking speed, which is, of course, much slower than reading speed. Another habit which can slow you down is following the line with your finger, or with a pen.
If you want to be able to read faster, the secret is simply to practise under timed conditions. This means that you should give yourself a certain amount of time to read with understanding, and then check your time when you have finished. Students who have practised fast reading even for only an hour - a week, have shown average improvements of over 50% over a term of ten week's duration. Reading fast does not necessarily mean reading with less comprehension. In fact, students usually show a small increase in comprehension as well as a dramatic increase in speed.

  1. losing an advantage

  2. marching ahead

  3. going back to a previous place

  4. moving ahead at a very low pace

Correct Option: C
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