Metals and Non-metals

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Which of the following is not a feature of most of the metals?

  1. Lustrous

  2. Malleable

  3. Poor conductor

  4. Ductile

  5. Sonorous

Correct Option: C

Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity.

Which of the following metals is in liquid state at room temperature?

  1. Lead

  2. Mercury

  3. Gold

  4. Tungsten

  5. Silver

Correct Option: B

Mercury is in a liquid state at room temperature. 

Which of the following metals can be easily bent with a knife?

  1. Lead

  2. Copper

  3. Iron

  4. Silver

  5. Sodium

Correct Option: E

Sodium is a soft metal, and it can be easily bent with a knife.

Sodium metal is very reactive. It reacts vigorously with water and oxygen and generates a lot of heat. To avoid the vigorous reaction, sodium metal is stored in

  1. acid

  2. water

  3. covered plate on the table

  4. paraffin wax

  5. kerosene

Correct Option: E

Vigorous reaction of sodium is prevented when kept in kerosene.

Metals are sonorous. What does this mean?

  1. The metals are good conductors of heat.

  2. The metals are hard to touch.

  3. The metals are drawn into thin wires.

  4. The metals make a ringing sound when struck.

  5. The metals are good conductors of electricity.

Correct Option: D

Sonorous means making a ringing sound when struck.

Students were told about displacement reactions. Then, they were asked why copper cannot displace zinc from its salt solution. The correct reasoning is that

  1. zinc is more reactive

  2. copper is more reactive

  3. oxygen interferes with the reaction

  4. more heating was needed.

  5. a wrong catalyst was added

Correct Option: A

Zinc is more reactive. A less reactive metal cannot replace a more reactive metal.

Powdered sulphur is heated. It is introduced into a glass jar and covered with a lid. Now, water is added into the jar, lid is placed again and then is shaken well. When a blue litmus is introduced into this jar, it turns red. Which of the following is present inside the jar?

  1. Nitric acid

  2. Hydrochloric acid

  3. Sulphurous acid

  4. Copper sulphate

  5. Magnesium sulphate

Correct Option: C

On heating, sulphur burns to produce sulphur dioxide. This reacts with water to form sulphurous acid.

Which mineral forms the centre of chlorophyll in plants?

  1. Molybdenum

  2. Magnesium

  3. Copper

  4. Cadmium

  5. Iron

Correct Option: B

Magnesium is the correct answer. It forms the centre of chlorophyll in plants.

Copper vessels, when exposed to moist air for long, acquire a coating. What is the colour of this coating?

  1. Green

  2. Blue

  3. Red

  4. White

  5. Black

Correct Option: A

Green coating is formed. It is a mixture of copper hydroxide and copper carbonate.

A teacher demonstrates the following experiment in the lab. Zinc pellets are added to a blue-coloured solution. When kept for some time, the blue colour vanishes and a colourless solution is formed in which a red mass is lying. The teacher tells the students that the colourless solution is zinc sulphate and the red mass is copper. What was the original blue-coloured solution?

  1. Copper sulphate

  2. Copper oxide

  3. Copper carbonate

  4. Zinc oxide

  5. Zinc carbonate

Correct Option: A

The original blue-coloured solution was copper sulphate.

A student notices thin silver foils on the sweets in a bakery, and enquires about it. His father says that this is due to a property of metals called malleability. What does this term mean?

  1. Not easily broken down by microbes

  2. Can be beaten into thin sheets

  3. Makes a ringing sound when struck

  4. Passes heat well through it

  5. Having a shine

Correct Option: B

This is the meaning of malleability.

Which of the following is used in water purification?

  1. Carbon

  2. Potassium

  3. Chlorine

  4. Oxygen

  5. Phosphorus

Correct Option: C

Chlorine can kill germs in water.

A lady went for a blood test. She was diagnosed to be anaemic. The doctor told her that there is a particular metal in our blood, which was a little less than normal level in her blood. Which of the following is this metal?

  1. Lead

  2. Copper

  3. Magnesium

  4. Iron

  5. Mercury

Correct Option: D

Iron forms a part of haemoglobin of blood.

An electrician said that proper wiring could be done due to a property of metals called ductility. What does ductile mean?

  1. Metals can be beaten into thin sheets.

  2. Metals make a ringing sound when struck.

  3. Metals can be drawn into thin wires.

  4. Metals are able to pass electricity.

  5. Metals have a shine.

Correct Option: C

This property is called ductility.

Metals easily react with sodium hydroxide by evolving a gas. This gas burns with a ‘pop’ sound. Which gas is evolved?

  1. Nitrogen

  2. Carbon dioxide

  3. Helium

  4. Hydrogen

  5. Oxygen

Correct Option: D

Hydrogen gas is evolved, and it burns with a ‘pop’ sound.

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