Grammar (Class -X)

Description: Transformation of sentences- Active voice and Passive voice
Number of Questions: 16
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Tags: intermediate 10th english active voice passive voice voice Grammar Quantitative Reasoning
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Directions: Choose the sentence that changes the voice of the following sentence.

People speak English all over the world.

  1. English is spoken all over the world.

  2. All over the world, people speak English.

  3. English is spoken by the people all over the world.

  4. English was spoken all over the world.

Correct Option: A

The sentence in active voice contains an indefinite or vague pronoun as subject, i.e. people. In such cases, the agent with ‘by’ is usually avoided. The verb in active sentence is in simple present. It changes into ‘is/am/are + v3’ (v3 – past participle).

Directions: Choose the sentence that changes the voice of the following sentence.

Give the order.

  1. The order is given.

  2. The order must be given.

  3. Let the order be given.

  4. Let them give the order.

Correct Option: C

The given active sentence is an imperative sentence with transitive verb. Hence, ‘Let’ has to be added to the subject of passive voice. As orders will always be in simple present, only ‘be + v3’ is used in passive voice.

Directions: Choose the sentence that changes the voice of the following sentence.

Will he help her?

  1. She will be helped by him.

  2. Will she be helped?

  3. Would she be helped by him?

  4. Will she be helped by him?

Correct Option: D

The interrogative sentence remains in the same form even in passive voice. As the interrogation is in present tense, the v3 form of the verb will be added with 'be'.

Directions: Choose the sentence that changes the voice of the following sentence.

They asked my name.

  1. My name is asked.

  2. My name was asked.

  3. My name is asked by them.

  4. My name has been asked by them.

Correct Option: B

The sentence in active voice contains an indefinite or vague pronoun as subject, i.e. they. In such case, the agent with ‘by’ is usually avoided. The verb in active sentence is in simple past. It changes into ‘was/were + v3’ (v3 – past participle).

Directions: Choose the sentence(s) that change(s) the voice of the following sentence. She gave me a pen. (i) I was given a pen by her. (ii) A pen was given to me by her.

  1. Both 'i' and 'ii'

  2. Only 'i' but not 'ii'

  3. only 'ii' but not 'i'

  4. neither 'i' nor 'ii'

Correct Option: A

When the verb in the active voice takes two objects, the direct and indirect objects, object may become the subject of the passive voice. Hence, both the sentences can be passive of the given sentence.

Directions: Choose the sentence that changes the voice of the following sentence.

All desire wealth and some acquire it.

  1. Wealth is desired and is acquired.

  2. Wealth is desired by all and is acquired by some.

  3. Wealth desired by all and is acquired by some.

  4. Wealth desired by all and acquired by some.

Correct Option: B

The compound sentence should be given its individual object for both the sentences. But, as the subject is common, it can be omitted in the second sentence. As the tense form is simple present, the passive form should be is/am/are + v3.

Directions: Choose the sentence that changes the voice of the following sentence.

The door is being knocked.

  1. Someone is knocking the door.

  2. Someone is being knocked the door.

  3. The door is knocked by someone.

  4. Someone knocked the door.

Correct Option: A

The active voice for this passive voice sentence should be in present continuous. The verb form 'is +v1 + ing' (A.V.) changes into 'is/am/are+ being + v3' (P.V.). As the subject is indefinite pronoun, it is omitted in passive. It should be present in active voice of the sentence.

Directions: Choose the sentence that changes the voice of the following sentence.

When will the carpenter begin the work?

  1. When will the work be begun by the carpenter?

  2. When the work will be begun by the carpenter?

  3. The work will be when begun by the carpenter?

  4. When will the carpenter be begun the work?

Correct Option: A

The future tense form in active voice 'will + v1' changes into 'will+be+v3' in passive voice.

Directions: Choose the sentence that changes the voice of the following sentence.

My pen was lost.

  1. Lost is my pen.

  2. I am lost my pen.

  3. I lost my pen

  4. My pen is lost.

Correct Option: C

The passive voice contains possessive adjective 'my pen'. If the doer of the passive voice indicates the possessive adjective, it can be omitted. It will be mentioned in active voice.

Directions: Choose the sentence that changes the voice of the following sentence.

The principal presided over the meeting.

  1. The meeting is presided over by the principal.

  2. The meeting was presided by the principal.

  3. The meeting is presided over the principal.

  4. The meeting was presided over by the principal.

Correct Option: D

The simple past in active voice (v2) will be (was/were + v3) in passive voice. The preposition by has to be used as the subject of active voice is definite.

Directions: Choose the sentence that changes the voice of the following sentence.

It is time to close the shop.

  1. It is time for the shop to be closed.

  2. It was time the shop was closed.

  3. It is time to be closed the shop.

  4. It is time to the shop to be closed.

Correct Option: A

The to-infinitive in the active voice is added with 'be form' in passive voice.

Directions: Choose the sentence that changes the voice of the following sentence.

One should keep one's promises.

  1. One's promises should be kept by one.

  2. Promises should be kept.

  3. Promises should be kept by someone.

  4. One's promises should be kept.

Correct Option: B

The indefinite pronoun must be omitted in passive voice and the modal auxiliary verb must be added be-form in passive voice as it would be used with v3.

Directions: Choose the sentence(s) that change(s) the voice of the following sentence.

I have been doing the home work. (i) My home work has been done. (ii) My home work has been done by me.

  1. (i) and (ii)

  2. Only (i)

  3. Only (ii)

  4. Neither (i) not (ii)

Correct Option: D

The given active voice is in present perfect continuous to which we cannot form passive voice.

Directions: Choose the sentence that changes the voice of the following sentence.

I cannot deny that he tried his best to do so.

  1. 'He tried his best to do so' cannot be denied.

  2. 'He tried his best to do so' cannot be denied by me.

  3. It cannot be denied by me that he tried his best to do so.

  4. It cannot be denied that he tried his best to do so.

Correct Option: D

The subordinate conjunction - that helps the complex sentence to join the main clause with a noun clause. While changing the voice, only the verb of the main clause receives the modification. The doer of the action is omitted as the agent is not prominent to complete the sense.

Directions: Choose the sentence that changes the voice of the following sentence.

Anuradha has painted these pictures.

  1. These pictures are painted by Anuradha.

  2. These pictures has been painted by Anuradha.

  3. These pictures have been painted by Anuradha.

  4. These pictures have painted by Anuradha.

Correct Option: C

The present perfect in active voice (has/have + v3) changes into (has/have+been + v3). The usage of has/have depends on the subject.

Directions: Choose the sentence that changes the voice of the following sentence.

Why did your sister give such a reaction?

  1. Why was such a reaction given by your sister?

  2. Why such a reaction was given by your sister?

  3. Why such a reaction is given by your sister?

  4. Why is such reaction given by your sister?

Correct Option: A

The helping verb in interrogative sentence comes after the questioning word. The same must be followed even in passive voice. As the sentence is simple past, the same be-form is used.

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