
Description: Sound (E)
Number of Questions: 25
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Tags: Sound (E) Science and Technology Sound Electricity and Magnetism
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A woman’s voice is shriller than a man’s voice due to _____.

  1. higher resonance

  2. higher wavelength

  3. higher frequency

  4. lower wavelength

Correct Option: C

Correct Answer: higher frequency

A sound wave is travelling from East to West. In which direction do the molecules in the air move?

  1. East to west

  2. West to east

  3. North to south

  4. South to North

  5. Molecule will remain at rest.

Correct Option: A

Molecules move in the direction of the movement of sound.

The loudness of sound is determined by its

  1. frequency

  2. wavelength

  3. amplitude

  4. resonance

Correct Option: C

Which of the following is known as Mach number?

  1. It is the ratio of speed of an object moving through a fluid to the local speed of sound in that fluid.

  2. It is the range of audibility.

  3. It is the range of soothing sound measured in dB.

  4. Sounds with frequencies more than 20,000 Hz are called ultrasonic waves.

  5. It is the speed of sound in air at 0oC.

Correct Option: A

 It is the ratio of speed of an object moving through a fluid to the local speed of sound in that fluid.

Which of the following does not affect the loudness of a sound?

  1. Amplitude of sound wave

  2. Distance from the source

  3. Shape of a vibrating body

  4. Density of the medium

  5. Presence of resonant body

Correct Option: C

The shape of a vibrating body has nothing to do with the loudness of a sound.

Which of the following statements are correct for sound? (a) Sound is produced whenever a body vibrates in a medium. (b) The speed of sound does not depend on the elasticity of the medium. (c) They are called as mechanical waves. (d) The speed of sound is not affected by the change in pressure.

  1. Both (a) and (b)

  2. Both (a) and (c)

  3. Both (b) and (c)

  4. Both (b) and (d)

  5. Both (a) and (d)

Correct Option: B

Sound is produced whenever a body vibrates in a medium. They are called as mechanical waves.

In which of the following media does sound travel faster at 250C temperature?

  1. Aluminium

  2. Nickel

  3. Steel

  4. Iron

Correct Option: A

The speed of sound in aluminum at 250C is 6.42103 m/s.

Which of the following is not a harmful effect of noise pollution?

  1. Hypertension

  2. Anxiety

  3. Deafness

  4. Asthma

  5. Insomnia

Correct Option: D

Asthma is a respiratory disorder, not caused by noise. Insomnia or sleeplessness can also be caused by noise pollution.

Which part of the ear helps us to hear sounds of audible frequency?

  1. Pinna

  2. Semi-circular canals

  3. Malleus

  4. Tympanic membrane

  5. Eustachian tube

Correct Option: D

Tympanic membrane helps us to hear sounds.

We can hear sound when a body is in a _____ state.

  1. vibrating

  2. solid

  3. liquid

  4. gaseous

Correct Option: A

Which of the following correctly defines the intensity of sound?

  1. It is defined as number of vibrations per second.

  2. It is defined as one complete cycle of the periodic motion of the particle of the medium.

  3. It is defined as the maximum displacement of a particle of vibrating body producing sound.

  4. It is defined as the amount of sound energy passing per second through unit area.

  5. It is defined as the distance between two consecutive compressions or rarefactions.

Correct Option: D

Intensity is defined as the amount of sound energy passing per second through unit area.

In which of the following is the velocity of sound the maximum?

  1. Solids

  2. Liquids

  3. Gases

  4. Constant in all the mdeia

Correct Option: A

In solids, the velocity of sound will be the maximum. 

Which of the following is not a use of ultrasonic sound?

  1. To repel mosquitoes and other insects

  2. To scan and get images of inner body parts

  3. To detect cracks in metal blocks

  4. Drum beats for mass drill in a school

  5. In sonars used in ships

Correct Option: D

Drum beats for mass drill in a school must be heard by all students. So, it is in the audible frequency range.

Which of the following statements about sound is incorrect?

  1. Sound needs a medium to travel.

  2. Speed of sound is fastest in gases and slowest in solids.

  3. Sound of frequency below the audible range is called infrasonic sound.

  4. Excessive sound in the environment causes noise pollution.

  5. Sound is produced by vibrating objects.

Correct Option: B

Speed of sound is fastest in solids and slowest in gases.

Which of the following helps to carry impulses of sound waves to the brain so that we can perceive sounds?

  1. Auditory nerve

  2. Vocal cord

  3. Ear drum

  4. Auditory canal

  5. Eustachian tube

Correct Option: A

Auditory nerve helps to carry impulses of sound waves to the brain, and thus we hear sounds.

Many explosions occur in stars in distant galaxies. But, why cannot we hear them?

  1. Sound cannot travel through vaccum.

  2. The sounds get absorbed in the star itself.

  3. These sounds get diverted away from earth.

  4. Sun absorbs these sounds.

  5. Rotation of the earth on its axis avoids these sounds.

Correct Option: A

Sound needs a medium to travel. It cannot travel through vaccum.

Sounds waves can be produced

  1. only in solids

  2. only in liquids

  3. only in gases

  4. in solid, liquids and gases

Correct Option: D

Which of the following is a good example to show that light can travel much faster than sound in air?

  1. A movie and its sound effects inside a movie theatre

  2. Lights and crackers during festival time

  3. Thunder and lightning

  4. People talking around a camp fire

  5. Streetlight and sounds of people talking

Correct Option: C

Though thunder and lightning occur together, we first see the lightning and hear the thunder after some time.

The working principle of stethoscope used by a doctor is

  1. reflection of sound

  2. refraction of sound

  3. elasticity of sound

  4. pressure of sound

Correct Option: A

The working principle of stethoscope used by a doctor is reflection of sound.

Which of the following has the highest pitch of voice?

  1. Man

  2. Woman

  3. Mosquito

  4. Dog

Correct Option: C

Mosquito has the highest pitch of voice.

What is the speed of sound in vaccum at room tempertaure?

  1. 330 m/s

  2. 100 m/s

  3. zero

  4. infinity

Correct Option: C

Sound waves are

  1. electromagnetic waves

  2. electronic waves

  3. radio waves

  4. longitudinal waves

Correct Option: D

The sound used in SONAR system is

  1. audible

  2. musical

  3. infrasonic

  4. ultrasonic

Correct Option: D

Sound with the frequency range of 20 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz is called

  1. audible sound

  2. ultrasonic sound

  3. infrasonic sound

  4. noise

  5. tympanum

Correct Option: A

Sound with the frequency range of 20 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz is called audible sound.

In which of the following forms can sound exist?

(a) Matter (b) Particle (c) Energy (d) Wave

  1. Both (a) and (b)

  2. Both (a) and (c)

  3. Both (b) and (c)

  4. Both (c) and (d)

  5. Both (b) and (d)

Correct Option: D

Light is a form of energy which propagates in the form of wave in a material medium.

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