
Description: biomolecules
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: molecules Biomolecules and Their Conformation
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Which of the following features are associated with cysteine amino acid?

  1. A. Aliphatic, B. 2 methyl groups and C. Sulphur atom

  2. A. Aliphatic, B. 3 methyl groups and C. Carboxylic acid functional group

  3. A. Aliphatic, B. 2 methyl groups and C. Hydroxyl functional group

  4. A. Aromatic, B. 2 methyl groups and C. Hydroxyl functional group

  5. A. Aliphatic, B. 5 methyl groups and C. No functional group

Correct Option: A

These features are of cysteine amino acid.

Which of the following amino acids have these given features? a. It has got an aliphatic carbon chain. b. It has sulphur atom. c. It has 5 carbon. d. It has 1 nitrogen atom in its structure.

  1. Methionine

  2. Histidine

  3. Tryptophan

  4. Proline

  5. Threonine

Correct Option: A

Methionine has all these features.

Which of the following Posttranslational Modifications (PTM) leads to highest increase in molecular weight?

  1. Phosphorylation

  2. Hydroxylation

  3. Myristylation

  4. Glycosylation

  5. Acetylation

Correct Option: C

It leads to an increase of 210 Da.

Which of the following atoms is replaced by selenium in cysteine amino acid to form selenocysteine?

  1. Sulphur

  2. Nitrogen

  3. Oxygen

  4. Phosphorus

  5. Chlorine

Correct Option: A

Selenocysteine is an L – α-amino acid found in a handful of proteins including certain peroxidases and reductases where it participates in the catalysis of electron transfer reactions. As its name implies, a selenium atom replaces the sulphur of its structural analog, cysteine.

The imidazole group of amino acid A and the guanidino group of amino acid B exist as resonance hybrids with positive charge distributed between both nitrogens in form A or all three nitrogens in form B. Write the names of the amino acids A and B.

  1. A. Histidine, B. Asparagine

  2. A. Asparagine, B. Histidine

  3. A. Valine, B. Asparagine

  4. A. Valine, B. Alanine

  5. A. Leucine, B. Isoleucine

Correct Option: A

Yes,  the given pair is Histidine and Asparagine. The imidazole group of histidine and the guanidino group of arginine exist as resonance hybrids with positive charge distributed between both nitrogens (histidine) or all three nitrogens (arginine).

Given: pK1 = 2.0, pK2 = 9.9 and pK3 = 3.9 From the information, calculate the isoelectric pH (pI) of Aspartic acid.

  1. 2.95

  2. 15.8

  3. 7.9

  4. 19.8

  5. 11.9

Correct Option: A

For polyfunctional acids, pI is also the pH midway between the pKa values on either side of the isoionic species. For example, the pI for aspartic acid is pI = (pK1 + pK3)/2 = (2.0 + 3.9)/2 = 2.95

Given: pK1 (alpha-COOH) = 2.4 and pK2 (alpha-NH2+) = 9.8 From the information, calculate the isoelectric pH (pI) of Glycine.

  1. 2.4

  2. 9.8

  3. 6.1

  4. 7.4

  5. 23.52

Correct Option: C

The isoelectric pH (pI) lies midway between the pKa of both the functional groups.

Which of the following statements is/are correct?

  1. Both L-amino acids and D-amino acids occur in nature.
  2. Only D-alpha-amino acids are present in proteins.
  3. All amino acids possess at least two weakly acidic functional groups, R-NH3+ and R-COOH.
  4. Amino acids do not possess any type of additional weakly acidic functional groups.
  1. None of these

  2. Only 1

  3. Only 3

  4. Only 2 and 4

  5. All of these

Correct Option: C

All amino acids possess at least two weakly acidic functional groups, R-NH3+ and R-COOH.

Which of the following statements is/are correct?

  1. The pKa values of all functional groups of an amino acid dictate its net molecular at a given pH.
  2. pI is the pH at which an amino acid bears only negative charge and thus moves towards cathode in applied electrical field.
  3. Of the biochemical reactions of amino acids, the most important is the formation of peptide bonds.
  1. None of these

  2. Only I

  3. Only 2

  4. Only 3

  5. Only 1 and 3

Correct Option: D

Of the biochemical reactions of amino acids, the most important is the formation of peptide bonds in which amino acids condense to form polypeptide chain and proteins.

What is the expected order of bond energy of the following bong types? O-O, S-S, C-N, S-H, C=C, C=N, C=O

  1. O-O < S-S < C-N < S-H < C=C = C=N < C=O

  2. S-S < O-O < C-N < S-H < C=C = C=O < C=N

  3. C-N < S-S < O-O< S-H < C=C < C=N = C=O

  4. S-S < O-O < C-N < S-H < C=C < C=N < C=O

  5. O-O < S-S < C-N < S-H < C=N < C=C < C=O

Correct Option: A

The bond energies are (kcal/mol): O-O: 44, S-S: 51, C-N: 70, S-H: 147, C=C: 147, C=N: 16, 4C=O

Which of the following statements is/are correct?

  1. Amino acids are classified based on the properties of their R groups.
  2. Peptides are named for the number of amino acid residues present, and as derivatives of the carboxyl terminal residue.
  3. The partial double-bond character of the bond restricts the number of possible peptide conformations.
  1. Only I

  2. Only II

  3. Only III

  4. All of these

  5. None of these

Correct Option: D

All the statements are correct.

Which of the following statements is/are correct about stationary phase in column chromatography?

  1. In column chromatography of proteins, cellulose is used as stationary phase.
  2. The stationary phase is packed in a metallic column.
  3. The stationary phase matrices interaction is hydrophobic.
  1. Only 1 and 2

  2. Only 2 and 3

  3. Only 1 and 3

  4. All of these

  5. None of these

Correct Option: D

All the statements are correct.

Which is correct regarding partition chromatography?

  1. Association between each protein and the matrix is very strong.
  2. Proteins that interact more strongly with the stationary phase are retained longer.
  3. The time of protein association with the stationary phase depend only on mobile phases.
  1. Only 1

  2. Only 2

  3. Only 3

  4. 2 and 3

  5. 1 and 3

Correct Option: B

Proteins that interact more strongly with the stationary phase are retained longer.

Which of the following amino acids have 5 methyl groups, no functional group and no aromatic chain?

  1. Isoleucine

  2. Histidine

  3. Phenylalanine

  4. Tyrosine

  5. Tryptophan

Correct Option: A

Yes, isoleucine with aliphatic side chains.

On the basis of this fact, what is the correct decreasing order of the pKa range of various dissociating groups?

The acid strengths of weak acids are expressed as their pKa. The net charge on an amino acid is the algebraic sum of all the positively and negatively charged groups present.

  1. Guanidinium of Arg > α - Amino > OH of Tyr > Imidazole of Histidine > α - Carboxyl

  2. Guanidinium of Arg > α - Amino > α - Carboxyl > Imidazole of Histidine > OH of Tyr

  3. Guanidinium of Arg > Imidazole of Histidine > OH of Tyr > α - Amino > α - Carboxyl

  4. Guanidinium of Arg > α-Amino > α - Carboxyl > OH of Tyr > Imidazole of Histidine

  5. Guanidinium of Arg > Imidazole of Histidine > α - Amino > OH of Tyr > α - Carboxyl

Correct Option: A

Guanidinium of Arg has the highest pKa Range of ~ 12.0.

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