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When a tall plant is crossed with a dwarf plant, this type of cross is called ___________.

  1. dihybrid cross

  2. monohybrid cross

  3. reciprocal cross

  4. trihybrid cross

  5. back cross

Correct Option: B

This cross involves only one character such as here the character for height.

Mendel conducted his studies on factors of inheritance on _________.

  1. wild pea

  2. pigeon pea

  3. chick pea

  4. garden pea

  5. black pea

Correct Option: D

It is a plant producing peas usually eaten fresh rather than dried. (Pisum sativum)

A cross used to ascertain whether a dominant is homozygous or heterozygous is termed as __________.

  1. monohybrid cross

  2. dihybrid cross

  3. back cross

  4. reciprocal cross

  5. test cross

Correct Option: D

A cross, with the phenotype of each sex reversed as compared with the original cross, to test the role of parental sex on inheritance pattern is called as a reciprocal cross.

Inheritance of skin colour in mammals is usually ________.

  1. monogenic

  2. multiple allelism

  3. polygenic

  4. pseudoallelism

  5. pleiotropic

Correct Option: C

Polygenic inheritance refers to a kind of inheritance whereby a trait is determined by the expression of many genes together.

Visible characteristics of an organism are called ____________.

  1. phenotype

  2. genotype

  3. alleles

  4. homozygous

  5. heterozygous

Correct Option: A

Visible characteristics of an organism are called phenotype.

Law of dominance and recessiveness was the result of _________.

  1. back cross

  2. dihybrid cross

  3. incomplete dominance

  4. test cross

  5. monohybrid cross

Correct Option: E

This cross involves single trait and law of dominance and recessiveness was the result of monohybrid cross.

Mendel did not postulate about _________.

  1. dominance

  2. segregation

  3. linkage

  4. independent assortment

  5. monohybrid cross

Correct Option: C

Linkage is the tendency of genes that are located proximal to each other on a chromosome to be inherited together during meiosis. It was given by Bateson.

Who gave the concept of one gene-one enzyme?

  1. Watson and Crick

  2. Khurana

  3. Griffith

  4. McCarty and Mcleoid

  5. Beadle and Tatum

Correct Option: E

They discovered that genes act by regulating definite chemical events.

Seggregation of alleles takes place during __________.

  1. meiosis

  2. cleavage

  3. fertilisation

  4. crossing over

  5. mitosis

Correct Option: A

Meiosis is a special type of nuclear division which segregates one copy of each homologous chromosome into each new gamete.

When an allele fails to express itself in presence of the other allele the former is said to be _________.

  1. recessive

  2. dominant

  3. co-dominant

  4. complementary

  5. supplementary

Correct Option: A

A gene that is expressed only when it is present in two copies or if the other copy is missing.

Which of the following are the sex chromosomes in human males?

  1. Homozygous

  2. Heterozygous

  3. Autosomal

  4. Hemizygous

  5. Nullizygous

Correct Option: B

In human males the sex chromosomes are in heterozygous.

Which of the following terms represents a pair of contrasting character or factors?

  1. Allele

  2. Gene

  3. Homozygous

  4. Heterozygous

  5. Phenotype

Correct Option: A

It is one of a number of alternative forms of the same gene or same genetic locus.

Process of mating of individuals who are more closely related than the average of the population to which they belong is called ____________.

  1. true breeding

  2. hybridization

  3. heterosis

  4. inbreeding

  5. crossing over

Correct Option: D

It is reproduction from the mating of parents who are closely related genetically. Inbreeding results in increased homozygosity.

Most of the human genetic diseases are determined from _____________.

  1. pedigree analysis

  2. genetic engineering

  3. embryology

  4. eugenics

  5. tissue culture

Correct Option: A

The role of pedigree analysis is to analyze the pattern of inheritance of a particular trait.

Allele that produces independent effects in its heterozygous condition are called __________.

  1. epistatic

  2. complementary

  3. supplementary

  4. co-dominant

  5. dominant

Correct Option: D

It is a gene pair in a heterozygous condition that are both fully expressed.

Phenomena in which an allele of one gene suppresses activity of an allele of another gene is called as __________.

  1. dominance

  2. inactivation

  3. epistasis

  4. suppression

  5. codominance

Correct Option: C

Here allele of one gene gene suppresses the activity of an allele of another gene.

Genetic composition of an organism is called _________.

  1. genotype

  2. phenoptype

  3. alleles

  4. dominant

  5. recessive

Correct Option: A

The genotype is the genetic make up of a cell, an organism, or an individual usually with reference to a specific characteristic under consideration.

RR(red ) is crossed with rr (white). All the Rr offsprings are pink. This is an indication that R gene is ___________.

  1. hybrid

  2. recessive

  3. incompletely dominant

  4. co-dominant

  5. mutant

Correct Option: C

It is a form of intermediate inheritance in which one allele for a specific trait is not completely dominant over the other allele.

Independent assortment of Mendel was proved by __________.

  1. monohybrid cross

  2. dihybrid cross

  3. back cross

  4. lethal genes

  5. incomplete dominance

Correct Option: B

Law of independent assortment was explained by dihybrid cross involving two traits.

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