Cells -1

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Phosphorus is a structural element in

  1. proteins

  2. cytochrome

  3. carbohydrates

  4. DNA

Correct Option: D

The site of protein synthesis is

  1. lysosome

  2. mitochondria

  3. endoplasmic

  4. ribosome

Correct Option: D

Pus is a mixture of

  1. bacteria

  2. leucocytes

  3. dead tissue

  4. all of these

Correct Option: D

Which one of the following is a component of chlorophyll?

  1. Iron

  2. Manganese

  3. Magnesium

  4. Calcium

Correct Option: C

The characteristic feature of meiosis is that

  1. daughter cells have the same genetic information as the parent cell

  2. centromere are divided at anaphase II

  3. homologous chromosomes do not cross-over

  4. daughter cells have half the number of chromosomes of the parent cell (2n - n)

Correct Option: D

Meiosis is a type of cell division that reduces the number of chromosomes in the parent cell by half and produces four gamete cells.

Which of the following does not provide energy?

  1. Glucose

  2. Pulses

  3. Oil

  4. Vitamin

Correct Option: D

The living organisms having a single cell are known as

  1. bacteria

  2. virus

  3. unicellular

  4. protozoa

Correct Option: C

Name the fungi producing antibiotics.

  1. Penicillium expansum

  2. Penicillium digibatum

  3. Penicillium itallicum

  4. Penicillium notatum

Correct Option: D

Which of the following structures are commonly present in animal cells and not in plant cells? I. Mitochondria II. Lysosome III. Ribosome IV. Centrosome

  1. II, Ill and IV

  2. I, II and III

  3. II and IV

  4. I and III

Correct Option: C

The chief organic substance in cytoplasm is

  1. water

  2. lipid

  3. sugar

  4. protein

Correct Option: D

Plasma membrane

  1. helps in protein synthesis

  2. regulates the passage of water only into and out of the cell

  3. regulates the passage of water and dissolved substances into and out of cell

  4. protects the organelles of the plant cell

Correct Option: C

Bacteriophages are

  1. viruses

  2. bacteria

  3. worms

  4. birds

Correct Option: A

Protoplasm includes

  1. cell wall, cell membrane and nucleus

  2. cell membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus

  3. nucleus

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: B

Besides nucleus, DNA is also found in

  1. golgi bodies

  2. ribosomes

  3. lysosomes

  4. vacuoles

Correct Option: B

Animal cells lack

  1. cell membrane

  2. golgibody

  3. cell wall

  4. vacuoles

Correct Option: C

The smallest size of a cell, which can be seen unaided with naked eye, is

  1. 1m

  2. 10m

  3. 100m

  4. 1000m

Correct Option: C

The quick energy we get is stored in the form of

  1. ADP

  2. ATP

  3. glucose

  4. glycogen

Correct Option: D

Rod shaped bacteria are called

  1. vibrio

  2. bacillus

  3. cocci

  4. none of the above

Correct Option: B

Oncology is the study of

  1. viruses

  2. birds

  3. tumors

  4. bones

Correct Option: C

The molecular structure of DNA was proposed by

  1. Watson and Crick

  2. Khurana

  3. Mendel

  4. Darwin

Correct Option: A

In Paramecium, the phenomenon of cyclosis is associated with

  1. excretion

  2. locomotion

  3. digestion

  4. reproduction

Correct Option: C

Nucleus was discovered by

  1. Robert Hook

  2. Robert Brown

  3. Strasburg

  4. Van Mohl

Correct Option: B

Energy is stored in the cells as

  1. ATP

  2. DNA

  3. NADP

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A

The smallest known cell is

  1. PPLO

  2. virus

  3. bacteria

  4. amoeba

Correct Option: A

The cell, which has double membrane system, nucleus surrounded by nuclear membrane and the other cell organelles as mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum etc, is known as

  1. Eukaryotic cell

  2. Prokaryotic cell

  3. Unicellular

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: A
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