Nervous System

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What is the neuron, which conducts nerve impulses towards the central nervous system called?

  1. Efferent neuron

  2. Afferent neuron

  3. Unipolar neuron

  4. Multipolar neuron

  5. Multisensory neuron

Correct Option: B

A neurons which conducts nerve impulses towards the central nervous system is called afferent neuron.

The effector of a reflex is _________.

  1. always a gland

  2. always a muscle

  3. a sense organ

  4. a muscle or a gland

  5. a blood vessel

Correct Option: B

The effector of a reflex is always a muscle.

The brain and the spinal cord are enveloped by three membranes; they are collectively called ______.

  1. pleura

  2. peritoneum

  3. meninges

  4. neurilemma

  5. central membrane

Correct Option: C

Meninges  are the membranes that envelop the central nervous system.

The motor areas of the cerebrum are associated with which of the following?

  1. Involuntary movement

  2. Voluntary movement

  3. Movements of the lungs

  4. All kind of movement

  5. Cardiac movements

Correct Option: B

The motor areas of the cerebrum are associated with voluntary movements.

The part of mammalian brain involved in muscular coordination is ___________.

  1. medulla

  2. cerebellum

  3. cerebrum

  4. corpus callosum

  5. white matter

Correct Option: B

The part of mammalian brain involved in muscular coordination is cerebellum.

The chemical substance that is released in a synapse during the transmission of a nerve impulse is ___________.

  1. acetic acid

  2. ketone bodies

  3. aldosterone

  4. acetylcholine

  5. formic acid

Correct Option: D

The chemical substance that is released in a synapse during the transmission of a nerve impulse is acetylcholine.

The receptors of the skin which respond to pressure are called ___________.

  1. meissner's corpuscles

  2. facial nerve

  3. 3rd cranial nerve

  4. 1st cranial nerve

  5. 5th cranial nerve

Correct Option: D

The receptors of the skin which respond to pressure are called 1st cranial nerve.

Rhodopsin is a pigment found in ___________.

  1. Skin

  2. WBC

  3. RBC

  4. Bile

  5. None of these

Correct Option: C

Rhodopsin is a pigment found in RBC.

The outside of the brain and the inside of the spinal cord are composed chiefly of which of the following?

  1. Myelinated fibres

  2. Non-Myelinated fibres

  3. Grey matter

  4. White matter

  5. Blood vessels

Correct Option: C

The outside of the brain and the inside of the spinal cord are composed chiefly of Grey matter.

The receptors of the skin which respond to sensitivity to light touch are called _________.

  1. meissner's corpuscles

  2. pacinian corpuscles

  3. etnoreceptors

  4. hair follicles

  5. none of these

Correct Option: A

Meissner's corpuscles are a type of mechanoreceptor.

Which of the following is the longest cranial nerve that innervates regions of body other than the head?

  1. Trochlear

  2. Vagus

  3. Oculomotor

  4. Trigeminal

  5. None of these

Correct Option: B

The longest cranial nerve which innervates regions of body other than the head is vagus nerve.

Where do the spinal nerves have the cell bodies of their afferent fibres?

  1. Dorsal root of spinal cord

  2. Ventral root of spinal cord

  3. White matter

  4. Grey matter

  5. Apex of the spinal cord

Correct Option: A

The spinal nerves have the cell bodies of their afferent fibres in dorsal root of spinal cord.

Sense organ concerned with the maintenance of equilibrium, in mammals are located in _________.

  1. eyes

  2. internal ear

  3. brain

  4. nasal chamber

  5. middle ear

Correct Option: B

Sense organ concerned with the maintenance of equilibrium, in mammals are located in internal ear.

Which is the outer most layer of connective tissue covering the brain?

  1. Piamater

  2. Duramater

  3. Arachnoid membrane

  4. Neurilemma

  5. Meninges

Correct Option: B

The outer most layer of connective tissue covering the brain is duramater.

The inter neuronal junctions, where the axon terminations of one neuron comes very near to the dendrites of another neuron, are called _______.

  1. nodes

  2. ganglia

  3. nerves

  4. synapses

  5. dendrites

Correct Option: D

 Synapse is the junction of neurons.

Which of the following is the major site of motor control?

  1. Diencephalon

  2. Cerebral cortex

  3. Cerebellum

  4. Medulla oblongata

  5. Gray matter

Correct Option: C

Cerebellum  is a region of the brain that plays an important role in motor control.

The seat of intelligence is the __________.

  1. diencephalon

  2. cerebral cortex

  3. cerebellum

  4. medulla oblongata

  5. white matter

Correct Option: B

The cerebral cortex is the outermost layered structure of neural tissue of the cerebrum (brain), in humans and some other vertebrates

The technique of acupuncture is used ___________.

  1. to inhibit pain impulses

  2. to decrease blood circulation

  3. to decrease neurotransmission

  4. to make the patient unconscious

  5. to decrease oxygen concentration in blood

Correct Option: A

The technique of acupuncture is used to inhibit pain impulses.

Which is the part of the brain that is responsible for maintenance of equilibrium of the body?

  1. Organ of corti

  2. Cerebral cortex

  3. Cerebellum

  4. Semicircular canal

  5. Medulla oblongata

Correct Option: C

The part of the brain that is responsible for maintenance of equilibrium of the body is cerebellum.

The ability to recognise by 'Feel' the size, shape, and texture of an object is called _____________.

  1. photo reception

  2. proprio reception

  3. stereognosis

  4. diagnosis

  5. chemo reception

Correct Option: C

The ability to recognize by 'Feel' the size, shape, and texture of an object is called stereognosis.

Which of the following is the osmoregulatory centre in human brain?

  1. Hypothalamus

  2. Diencephalon

  3. Pituitary

  4. Pineal

  5. Cerebrum

Correct Option: A

The osmoregulatory centre in human brain is called hypothalamus.

Sensory nerve fibres enter the spinal cord through

  1. dorsal root

  2. ventral root

  3. cranial nerves

  4. central canal

  5. None of these

Correct Option: A

Sensory nerve fibres enter the spinal cord through dorsal root.

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