One Word Substitution

Description: One Word Substitution
Number of Questions: 30
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Tags: Word Substitution Context Based Word Meanings Vocabulary
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Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

Since she believed in an egalitarian setup, she made a conscious decision to stay away from any system in which people are placed one above the other according to authority.

  1. oligarchy

  2. plutocracy

  3. hierarchy

  4. patriarchy

  5. autocracy

Correct Option: C

 The word hierarchy means - a system in which members of an organisation or society are ranked according to relative status or authority. It is thus an apt word substitute.

Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

Cue and queue are two words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, spellings and origins.

  1. homophones

  2. digraphs

  3. homonyms

  4. diphthongs

  5. homographs

Correct Option: A

Homophones are two or more words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, spellings and origins. Some more examples of homophones include - board-bored; new-knew; doe-dough; baron-barren; sheer-shear, etc.

Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

She made the much-awaited announcement with a feeling of great happiness and triumph.

  1. felicity

  2. ecstasy

  3. exaltation

  4. cheer

  5. jubilation

Correct Option: E

The word jubilation means - a feeling of great happiness and triumph. It is thus the correct option.

Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

The jury will officially declare (him) to be free from blame this afternoon.

  1. expiate

  2. liberate

  3. sentence

  4. exonerate

  5. accuse

Correct Option: D

The word exonerate is a verb which means – to officially absolve someone from blame for a fault or wrongdoing. Thus, it is the apt word substitute.

Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

He announced that his decision was final and not able to be changed at any cost.

  1. irretrievable

  2. irrevocable

  3. irresolute

  4. irreverent

  5. irascible

Correct Option: B

The word irrevocable is an adjective which means – not able to be changed or recovered.

Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

He is well-known for his art of presenting speech in a dramatic and passionate way during school competitions.

  1. recitation

  2. declamation

  3. oration

  4. elocution

  5. rhetoric

Correct Option: B

Declamation is the act of ‘uttering or delivering words in a rhetorical or impassioned way, as if to an audience’. Declamation is thus the apt word substitution for the underlined words - reciting in a dramatic and passionate way.

Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

It is not unusual to find the public places in our city to be covered with unauthorised writings and drawings.

  1. billboard

  2. hoarding

  3. graffiti

  4. advertisement

  5. pamphlet

Correct Option: C

The word graffiti means - writing or drawings scribbled, scratched or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place. It is thus the apt word substitution.

Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

The family took a short trip for pleasure to the canal.

  1. expedition

  2. tour

  3. jaunt

  4. pilgrimage

  5. journey

Correct Option: C

The word jaunt is a noun which means – a short trip for pleasure.

Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

After drinking its sweet water, the old gentleman relished eating the softer part contained within the hard shell of the coconut.

  1. fruit

  2. pulp

  3. grub

  4. kernel

  5. flesh

Correct Option: D

The word kernel is a noun which means – a softer part of a nut, seed or fruit stone contained within its hard shell.

Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

The organisers put up a large tent for the social event to ensure that everyone could be comfortably seated.

  1. canvas

  2. marquee

  3. tepee

  4. wigwam

  5. canopy

Correct Option: B

The word marquee is a noun, which means – a large tent used for social or business events.

Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

His severe form of depression needed immediate medical attention.

  1. mania

  2. phobia

  3. dementia

  4. melancholia

  5. dyslexia

Correct Option: D

The word melancholia is a noun which means – severe depression. It is thus the correct answer.

Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

Remove the word failure from your vocabulary of the language.

  1. directory

  2. glossary

  3. appendix

  4. verbiage

  5. lexicon

Correct Option: E

The word lexicon is a noun which means - the vocabulary of a person, language or branch of knowledge.

Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

Her longing for the happy times of the past had an adverse effect and worsened her sense of suffering.

  1. craving

  2. nostalgia

  3. rumination

  4. reminiscence

  5. recollection

Correct Option: B

The word nostalgia is a noun which means – longing for the happy times of the past.

Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

Do not ignore these mistakes as relatively minor faults. They can cost you big in a long run.

  1. peccadilloes

  2. foibles

  3. flaws

  4. fallacies

  5. defects

Correct Option: A

The word peccadillo is a noun which means – a relatively minor fault or sin.

Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

Her long and difficult search for the truth took her to various Masters and seekers alike.

  1. pursuit

  2. hunt

  3. quest

  4. chase

  5. venture

Correct Option: C

The word quest is a noun which means – a long or arduous search for something. It is thus the correct answer.

Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

The little boy was in awe when he saw the snake move smoothly over the sand with a twisting motion.

  1. slosh

  2. meander

  3. glide

  4. slither

  5. drift

Correct Option: D

The word slither is a verb which means - move smoothly over a surface with a twisting or oscillating motion.

Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

On account of his honesty and a vast experience in the field, he was appointed as the official to investigate people’s complaints against the public organisation.

  1. executive

  2. governor

  3. alderman

  4. ombudsman

  5. coroner

Correct Option: D

The word ombudsman is a noun which means – an official appointed to investigate individuals' complaints against a company or organisation, especially a public authority.

Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

Please stop yourself from making any further embarrassing public statements.

  1. abstain

  2. cease

  3. terminate

  4. refrain

  5. detest

Correct Option: D

The word refrain is a verb which means – stop oneself from doing something.

Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

She could scale the heights of the corporate ladder due to her innovative genius. She is a person who is always the first to do something new and thus is an asset to her organisation.

  1. trailblazer

  2. mastermind

  3. innovator

  4. inventor

  5. torchbearer

Correct Option: A

The word trailblazer is a noun which means – a person who makes a new track through wild country; a person who is the first to do something new. Thus, it is the correct answer.

Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

On her temporary stay at the mountain ashram, she was able to find clarity and prioritize her life.

  1. soliloquy

  2. pilgrimage

  3. sojourn

  4. crusade

  5. sobriquet

Correct Option: C

The word sojourn is a noun which means – a temporary stay.

Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

In the olden times, societies followed a system of government in which priests ruled in the name of God.

  1. theology

  2. monarchy

  3. theosophy

  4. philosophy

  5. theocracy

Correct Option: E

The word theocracy is a noun which means – a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God.

Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

From an early age, he had this amazing ability of being able to repeat the speeches and articles he heard or read in exactly the same words as were used originally.

  1. casually

  2. verbatim

  3. faithfully

  4. punctually

  5. strictly

Correct Option: B

The word verbatim (which can be used as both an adverb and an adjective) means – in exactly the same words as were used originally.

Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

The panel of judges was fully in agreement about the selection of the finalists at the prestigious event.

  1. solid

  2. unanimous

  3. consistent

  4. like-minded

  5. harmonious

Correct Option: B

The word unanimous is an adjective which means – (of two or more people) fully in agreement.

Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

The pleasing view from the mountains enthralled him and filled his heart with bliss supreme.

  1. sight

  2. spectacle

  3. visage

  4. perspective

  5. vista

Correct Option: E

The word vista is a noun which means - a pleasing view.

Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

All his priorities in life turned topsy-turvy when a strong desire to travel overpowered his rational mind.

  1. wayfaring

  2. voyaging

  3. commutation

  4. wanderlust

  5. journey

Correct Option: D

The word wanderlust is a noun which means – a strong desire to travel.

Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

The sweet ambrosial aroma passed gently through the air and filled the room.

  1. floated

  2. wafted

  3. blew

  4. burst

  5. transmitted

Correct Option: B

The word wafted is a verb which means – passed gently through the air (with reference to a scent, sound, etc.).

Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

I am very fond of stories and poems which contain a hidden meaning since they make me introspect and contemplate.

  1. anecdotes

  2. memoirs

  3. parables

  4. allegories

  5. fables

Correct Option: D

The word allegory is a noun which means – a story, poem or picture which contains a hidden meaning.

Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

The main culprits of all the inter-religious clashes are the excessively enthusiastic followers of their religious policies who are blinded by their delusions.

  1. activists

  2. militants

  3. zealots

  4. moderates

  5. advocates

Correct Option: C

The word zealot is a noun which means – an excessively enthusiastic and strict follower of a religion or policy.

Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

Meditation and pranayama can be excellent means of releasing the strong pent-up emotions.

  1. eradication

  2. suppression

  3. catharsis

  4. regeneration

  5. ablutions

Correct Option: C

The word catharsis is a noun which means – the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.

Directions: Find a word which substitutes the words underlined in the sentence.

The noisy and overexcited reaction over the beauty queen’s amateurish statements died down eventually.

  1. uprising

  2. confusion

  3. melee

  4. rebellion

  5. brouhaha

Correct Option: E

The word brouhaha is a noun which means – a noisy and overexcited reaction.

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