The Living World (Class XI)

Description: Biology mcq
Number of Questions: 15
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Tags: Biology mcq Living Characteristics Classification of Species Taxonomical Hierarchy Taxonomical Aids Nomenclature of Species
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Which of the following is the correct order showing the taxonomic categories of house fly?

  1. Musca - Muscidae - Diptera - Insecta - Annelida

  2. Musca - Muscidae - Diptera - Arachinida - Arthropoda

  3. Musca - Muscidae - Hemiptera - Insecta - Arthropoda

  4. Musca - Homnidae - Diptera - Insecta - Arthropoda

  5. Musca - Muscidae - Diptera - Insecta - Arthropoda

Correct Option: E

Musca - Muscidae - Diptera - Insecta - Arthropoda is correct.

From the given statements, identify the incorrect one.

  1. Growth is not a defining property of living organisms.

  2. Reproduction is not an all-inclusive defining characteristic of living organisms.

  3. Cellular organisation of the body is the defining feature of life forms.

  4. Consciousness is not a defining property of living organisms.

  5. Living organisms are self-replicating, evolving and self-regulating interactive systems capable of responding to external stimuli.

Correct Option: D

Consciousness is a defining property of living organisms.

Identify the incorrect statements from the following:

  1. Increase in mass and increase in number of individuals are twin characteristics of growth.
  2. A multicellular organism grows by cell division.
  3. In plants, this growth by cell division occurs continuously throughout their life span. In animals, this growth is seen only up to a certain age.
  4. Non-living objects also grow if we take increase in body mass as a criterion for growth. Mountains, boulders and sand mounds do grow.
  5. In non-living organisms, growth is from inside.
  6. Growth can be taken as a defining property of living organisms.
  1. 1 and 2

  2. 4 and 6

  3. 2 and 4

  4. 5 and 6

  5. 2 and 6

Correct Option: D

In non-living organisms, growth is from outside. Growth cannot be taken as a defining property of living organisms. Statements 5 and 6 are incorrect.

Which of the following ‘suffixes’ used for units of classification in plants indicates a taxonomic category of ‘order’?

  1. – idae

  2. – onae

  3. – aceae

  4. – ae

  5. – ales

Correct Option: E

The suffix – ales represents order in plants.

From the given statements, identify the incorrect one.

  1. Key is taxonomical aid used for identification of plants and animals based on the similarities and dissimilarities.

  2. The keys are based on the contrasting characters generally in a pair called couplet.

  3. It represents the choice made between two opposite options.

  4. Each statement in the key is called a lead and is generally analytical in nature.

  5. Same taxonomic keys are required for all taxonomic categories such as family, genus and species for identification purposes.

Correct Option: E

Separate taxonomic keys are required for each taxonomic category such as family, genus and species for identification purposes. This statement is incorrect.

Which of the following is true about binomial nomenclature?

  1. One scientific name first consists of a specific and then a generic epithet.

  2. Two names are there; one Latinized, the other of a person.

  3. Two names are there; one scientific, the other local.

  4. One name is given by two scientists.

  5. One scientific name first consists of a generic and then a specific epithet.

Correct Option: E

One scientific name consists of a generic and a specific epithet. This is correct.

From the given statements, identify the incorrect one.

  1. Characterisation, identification, classification and nomenclature are the processes that are basic to taxonomy.

  2. The study of different kinds of organisms, their diversities and relationships among them is known as systematics.

  3. The word systematics is derived from the Greek word ‘systema’, which means systematic arrangement of organisms.

  4. Systematics takes into account evolutionary relationships between organisms.

  5. Linnaeus used Systema Naturae as the title of his publication.

Correct Option: C

The word systematics is derived from the Latin word ‘systema’, which means systematic arrangement of organisms.

Which of the following options is not true for binomial nomenclature?

  1. Biological names are generally in Latin and written in italics. They are Latinised or derived from Latin irrespective of their origin.

  2. This naming system given by Carolus Linnaeus is practised by biologists all over the world.

  3. First name in binomial nomenclature is genus name and the second name is species name.

  4. Both the words in a biological name, when handwritten, are separately underlined, or printed in italics to indicate their Latin origin.

  5. The first word denoting the genus starts with a small letter, while the specific epithet starts with a capital letter.

Correct Option: E

This is not true. The first word denoting the genus starts with a capital letter, while the specific epithet starts with a small letter. 

From the given statements, identify the incorrect one.

  1. Manuals are useful in providing information for identification of names of species found in an area.

  2. Monographs contain information on any one taxon.

  3. Herbarium is a store house of collected plant specimens that are dried, pressed and preserved on sheets.

  4. Museums have collections of preserved plant and animal specimens for study and reference.

  5. Flora provides the index to the animal species found in a particular area.

Correct Option: E

Flora provides the index to the plant species found in a particular area. Therefore, this option is correct.

ICBN stands for

  1. International Code for Botanical Naming

  2. International Code for Biological Nomenclature

  3. International Council for Botanical Nomenclature

  4. International Code for Botanical Nomenclature

  5. International Commission for Botanical Nomenclature

Correct Option: D

ICBN is International Code for Botanical Nomenclature.

National Botanical Research Institute is situated in

  1. Chennai

  2. Patna

  3. Bangalore

  4. Lucknow

  5. Howrah

Correct Option: D

National Botanical Research Institute is situated in Lucknow. National Botanical Research Institute is not situated in Howrah.

Identify the correct sequence of taxonomical categories of plants.

  1. Genus - Family - Order - Division - Class

  2. Genus - Family - Class - Order - Division

  3. Genus - Division - Order - Class - Family

  4. Division - Class - Order - Family - Genus

  5. Family - Genus - Order - Class - Division

Correct Option: D

This is the correct sequence. Correct sequence is Division - Class - Order - Family - Genus.

Match the following and choose the correct option:

A. Family i. Aestivum
B. Kingdom ii. Sapindales
C. Order iii. Mangifera
D. Species iv. Protista
E. Genus v. Poaceae
  1. i - E, ii - D, iii - B, iv - A, v - C

  2. i - D, ii - C, iii - E, iv - A, v - B

  3. i - B, ii - E, iii - D, iv - A, v - C

  4. i - D, ii - C, iii - E, iv - B, v - A

  5. i - E, ii - C, iii - B, iv - A, v - D

Correct Option: D

The given option is correct.

The taxonomic unit ‘Division’ in the classification of plants is equivalent to which hierarchical level in the classification of animals?

  1. Class

  2. Order

  3. Family

  4. Phylum

  5. Genus

Correct Option: D

The taxonomic unit ‘Division’ in the classification of plants is equivalent to phylum.

The scientific name of wheat is

  1. Oryza sativa

  2. Solanum tuberosum

  3. Triticum aestivum

  4. Cocos nucifera

  5. Mangifera indica

Correct Option: C

Triticum aestivum is wheat.

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