Control and Co-ordination

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Which one of the following components of a gene is least likely to be conserved in evolution?

  1. Promoter

  2. Exons

  3. Introns

  4. Transposons

  5. The poly-A tail

Correct Option: C

Introns are DNA bases, which are found between exons, but are not transcribed. The DNA sequence of the intron does not encode protein and is not highly conserved.

Which of the following statements regarding the human heart is INCORRECT?

  1. The cardiac valves operate passively in the heart.

  2. Heartbeat rate is modulated by autonomic nerves.

  3. The annulus fibrosus prevents the transmission directly to the auricles of the heart.

  4. Annulus fibrosus provides electrical isolation and attachment for the cardiac valves.

  5. Cordae tendineae from papillary muscles prevent eversion into the atria.

Correct Option: C

Action potentials are transmitted to the rest of the heart by gap junctions between myocytes and the annulus fibrosus prevents transmission directly to the ventricles.

The idea of a voluntary movement is thought to originate in the _________.

  1. pre­mo­tor cor­tex

  2. pri­mary motor cor­tex

  3. asso­ci­a­tion cortex

  4. pri­mary sen­sory cor­tex

  5. broca’s area

Correct Option: C

These are the cortical areas that are neither motor nor sensory but are thought to be involved in higher processing of information.The idea of a voluntary movement originates in the asso­ci­a­tion cortex.

The reflexive emotions of the body like fear and anxiety are controlled by __________.

  1. cerebrum

  2. medulla oblongata

  3. amygdala

  4. hippocampus

  5. frontal lobe

Correct Option: C

Amygdala is a limbic structure involved in many brain functions like emotion, learning and memory. It is part of a system that processes reflexive emotions like fear and anxiety.

The pons pretends as a bridge between the medulla and other brain areas influencing ________.

  1. sleep and arousal

  2. fight or flight response

  3. maintenance of body balance

  4. memory and speech

  5. visual reception

Correct Option: A

The pons is a section of the brain lying above the medulla oblongata . It plays important role in arousal, sleep, carrying sensory information between the cerebrum and the cerebellum and helping control of autonomic functions.

The hCG is a hormone secreted by the developing placenta during pregnancy. Which among the following cells secretes hCG?

  1. Intermediate trophoblast

  2. Syncytiotrophoblast

  3. Trophoblasts

  4. Cytotrophoblast

  5. Menstrual decidua

Correct Option: B

It is the compact layer that lacks cell boundaries and grows into the endometrial stroma. It secretes the hormone hCG in order to maintain progesterone secretion and continue the pregnancy.

Which of the following statements concerning sodium and water regulation by kidneys is NOT true?

  1. Body volume is regulated by changing body sodium content and maintaining a normal osmolality.

  2. Body osmolality is usually regulated by changing body water content by keeping body sodium content constant.

  3. Stretch receptors provide information about body volume.

  4. The receptors in the pituitary provide information about osmolality.

  5. Renal sodium excretion is the main influence on body volume.

Correct Option: D

Body osmolality is sensed in the hypothalamus by osmoreceptors which influence thirst (water intake) and ADH (anti-diuretic hormone or vasopressin) secretion (which influences water output by the kidneys).

The technique known as Gel electrophoresis used to analyse DNA molecule involves __________.

  1. synthesis of new DNA strands from subunits

  2. removal of defective genes from DNA

  3. production of genetically engineered DNA molecules

  4. separation of DNA fragments on the basis of size

  5. replication of DNA fragments

Correct Option: D

Gel electrophoresis is a laboratory technique used to separate DNA fragments as per their size through the gel matrix using electricity. The DNA fragments are attracted towards the other end of the matrix, and the smaller molecules move faster than the large ones. This technique is used in DNA profiling to know possible genetic relationships of organisms.

Which of the following pairs of asexual reproductive structures is found in animals?

  1. Conidia and Buds

  2. Zoospores and Conidia

  3. Buds and Gemmules

  4. Gemmules and Zoospores

  5. Conidia and Zoospores

Correct Option: C

Gemmules and buds are asexual reproductive structures found in animals. Gemmules are found in sponges such as Sycon. They are ball-like structures with protective covering, which consists of calcareous spicules. Budding is a common mode of asexual reproduction found in Hydra where outgrowths called buds, arise from the body of the organism, which grow and give rise to the new organisms.

Which among the following vegetative propagules are observed in Agave and Eichhornia plants respectively?

  1. Bulbil and Offset

  2. Runner and Bulbil

  3. Sucker and Runner

  4. Offset and Sucker

  5. Stolon and Sucker

Correct Option: A

Vegetative propagation is a method of asexual reproduction in plants. The vegetative parts of the plants are used to produce new plants. Agave species propagates vegetatively through bulbils that are fleshy buds, which develop in the axils of the leaves. Water hyacinth (Eichhornia) propagates through short creeping stems called offsets, which bear a tuft of leaves at its apex.

Which of the following processes involves the transfer of male gametes?

  1. Syngamy

  2. Apomixis

  3. Pollination

  4. Apogamy

  5. Parthenogenesis

Correct Option: C

Pollination is the process of transfer of pollen grains or male gametes from anther to stigma in plants. The pollens are transferred from the anther of one flower to the stigma of the same flower or another flower.

The process by which unfertilized egg develops into a complete individual is known as _________.

  1. oogenesis

  2. embryogenesis

  3. parthenocarpy

  4. parthenocissus

  5. parthenogenesis

Correct Option: E

Parthenogenesis is defined as the process in which the new individual is produced directly from the egg without undergoing fertilization. Honey bee, rotifers and some species of fishes and lizards in vertebrates exhibit the phenomenon of parthenogenesis.

Which of the following statements is true for glomerular filtration?

  1. The main site of glomerular filtration is the loop of Henle.

  2. Bowman's capsule surrounds the perinephric fat.

  3. The filtration barrier accomodates two layers of cells.

  4. Constriction of the afferent arterioles enhances filtration.

  5. Glomerular filtration of molecules is independent of their size and charge.

Correct Option: C

The filtration barrier is made up of two layers of cells and the basement membrane which lies between them. These two layers of cells in the filtration barrier are the endothelial cells of the glomerular capillaries and the epithelial cells of Bowman's capsule .

In which stage of the pregnancy do the organs of the fetus predicate their specialized functions?

  1. Implantation

  2. Fetal

  3. Embryonic

  4. Germinal

  5. Prenatal

Correct Option: B

This period of development starts during the ninth week of pregnancy and lasts until birth. The early body systems and structures formed in the embryonic stage continue to develop. In this stage the neural tube develops into the brain and spinal cord. In this stage all the organs of the fetus predicate their specialized functions.

Which of the following lies in the deepest layer of the endocardium and supplies the papillary muscles of the human heart?

  1. Purkinje fibres

  2. Atrioventricular node

  3. Sinoatrial node

  4. Bundle of His

  5. Bundle branch block

Correct Option: A

Purkinje fibres lie in the deepest layer of the endocardium and supply the papillary muscles. Hence, the apex of the heart contracts first, followed by the papillary muscles.

Which of the following statements does NOT characterise action potential?

  1. A compound action potential can be recorded.

  2. Smaller the nerve fibre faster the nerve conduction.

  3. Conduction in myelinated nerves is faster than the unmyelinated nerves.

  4. The depolarisation moves along each segment of an unmyelinated nerve fibre.

  5. The action potential is a local event.

Correct Option: B

Nerve fibres vary in size from 0.5 to 20µm in diameter, the smallest unmyelinated fibre being the slowest conducting and the largest myelinated fibres the fastest conducting.

Which of the following is NOT a function of the stomach?

  1. To digest food using acids, enzymes and peristaltic movements

  2. To store food temporarily

  3. To regulate the release of chyme into the small intestine

  4. To churn the food

  5. To secrete intrinsic factor which is essential for the absorption of fat‐soluble vitamins

Correct Option: E

Stomach secretes intrinsic factor required for absorption of vitamin B12, which is a water-soluble vitamin.

Which one of the following types of RNA is included in the splicosome?  

  1. snRNA

  2. miRNA

  3. tRNA

  4. rRNA

  5. siRNA

Correct Option: A

Small nuclear ribonucleic acid (snRNA) is a small RNA molecules that are found within the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. snRNA (small nuclear RNA) is a component of the splicosome.

Which of the following statements is correct for acid base regulation in the body?

  1. A rise in the plasma level of bicarbonate ions lowers the pH of plasma.

  2. The pH of a buffer solution is always 7.0.

  3. Carbon dioxide directly raises the pH of body fluids.

  4. Overall human metabolism results in acid production.

  5. Buffers present in kidneys must be strong acids or bases.

Correct Option: C

Carbon dioxide and bicarbonate ions are effectively a buffer pair.  If carbon dioxide is added to body fluids, the direct effect is the production of carbonic acid and thus a rise in the pH as some of this carbonic acid dissociates to produce free H+ ions.

Anil met with a road accident and lost his power to reason and imagine. Which part of his brain must have been damaged?

  1. Cerebellum

  2. Thalamus

  3. Hypothalamus

  4. Pons

  5. Cerebral cortex

Correct Option: E

The cerebral cortex is the part of the brain that functions to make human beings unique and distinct. Distinct human traits encompassing higher thought, language and human consciousness as well as the ability to think, reason and imagine, all originate in the cerebral cortex.

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