One Word Substitution

Description: One Word Substitution
Number of Questions: 30
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Tags: Word Substitution Synonyms/Meanings Synonyms
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Directions: Find one word that can be used in place of the given phrase:

raise a difficult subject for discussion

  1. brouhaha

  2. brooch

  3. broach

  4. brood

  5. browbeat

Correct Option: C

Correct. The word broach is a verb which means to raise a difficult subject for discussion.

Directions: Find one word that can be used in place of the given phrase:

a calendar giving important dates and information such as the phases of the moon

  1. allegory

  2. almanac

  3. amnesty

  4. annals

  5. atelier

Correct Option: B

Correct. An almanac is ‘an annual calendar containing important dates and statistical information such as astronomical data and tide tables’.

Directions: Select the word that can be used in place of the given phrase.

The release of pent-up emotions

  1. Catharsis

  2. Cede

  3. Celebrate

  4. Chasten

  5. Chastise

Correct Option: A

Correct. The word catharsis is a noun which means the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or repressed emotions.

Directions: Find one word that can be used in place of the given phrase:

great happiness

  1. feisty

  2. felony

  3. felicitations

  4. feldspar

  5. felicity

Correct Option: E

The word felicity is a noun which means intense happiness or the ability to find appropriate expression for one’s thoughts.

Directions: Choose the word that can be used in place of the given phrase. The action of speaking or reciting in a dramatic or passionate way

  1. declination

  2. declamation

  3. declaration

  4. dedication

  5. decomposition

Correct Option: B

Correct. The word declamation is a noun which means – the action or art of uttering or delivering words in a rhetorical or impassioned way, as if to an audience.

Directions: Find one word that can be used in place of the given phrase:

officially declare free from blame

  1. exorcise

  2. exorbitant

  3. exotic

  4. exonerate

  5. exodus

Correct Option: D

Correct. The word exonerate is a verb which means – to officially absolve someone from blame for a fault or wrongdoing.

Directions: Find one word that can be used in place of the given phrase:

throw or drop something from an aircraft or ship

  1. jetty

  2. jet lag

  3. jettison

  4. jiggle

  5. jaunt

Correct Option: C

Correct. The word jettison is a verb which means - throw or drop something from an aircraft or ship.

Directions: Find one word that can be used in place of the given phrase:

a protein forming the basis of hair, feathers, hoofs, claws and horns

  1. kernel

  2. kerb

  3. kestrel

  4. keratin

  5. ketone

Correct Option: D

Correct. The word keratin is a noun which means - a fibrous protein forming the main structural constituent of hair, feathers, hoofs, claws, horns etc.

Directions: Find one word that can be used in place of the given phrase:

the vocabulary of a person, language, or branch of knowledge

  1. levity

  2. leverage

  3. liaison

  4. libation

  5. lexicon

Correct Option: E

Correct. The word lexicon is a noun which means - the vocabulary of a person, language, or branch of knowledge.

Directions: Choose the word/phrase which can be used in place of the given word/phrase.

Not able to be brought back or set right

  1. Irresolute

  2. Irretrievable

  3. Irreverent

  4. Irrevocable

  5. Irreversible

Correct Option: B

Correct. The word 'irretrievable' is an adjective which means 'not able to be retrieved or put right'.

Directions: Find one word that can be used in place of the given phrase: a pretence (to be someone or something)

  1. marquee

  2. manoeuvre

  3. masquerade

  4. malediction

  5. mallet

Correct Option: C

Correct. The word masquerade is a noun which means – a false show or pretence.

Directions: Find one word that can be used in place of the given phrase: unauthorized writing or drawing on a surface in a public place

  1. grampus

  2. granule

  3. graffiti

  4. gravitas

  5. gratify

Correct Option: C

Correct. The word graffiti is a noun which means - writing or drawings scribbled, scratched, or sprayed illicitly on a wall or other surface in a public place.

Directions: Find one word that can be used in place of the given phrase: obsession with having and using power; the false belief that one has great power or importance

  1. megalomania

  2. melancholia

  3. mendacity

  4. menagerie

  5. miasma

Correct Option: A

Correct. The word megalomania is a noun which means – obsession with the exercise of power.

Directions: Find one word that can be used in place of the given phrase: dominance of one group or state over another

  1. hierarchy

  2. hiatus

  3. heifer

  4. hegemony

  5. heinous

Correct Option: D

Correct. The word hegemony is a noun which means - leadership or dominance, especially by one state or social group over others.

Directions: Find one word that can be used in place of the given phrase:

an official appointed to investigate people’s complaints against public organizations

  1. oligarch

  2. ombudsman

  3. onlooker

  4. opponent

  5. opportunist

Correct Option: B

Correct. The word ombudsman is a noun which means – an official appointed to investigate individuals' complaints against a company or organization, especially a public authority.

Directions: Find one word that can be used in place of the given phrase:

a minor fault

  1. pedant

  2. peccadillo

  3. pediment

  4. pellet

  5. partial

Correct Option: B

Correct. The word pedant is a noun which means – a person excessively concerned with minor detail or with displaying technical knowledge. The correct answer is – peccadillo. The word peccadillo is a noun which means – a relatively minor fault or sin.

Directions: Find one word that can be used in place of the given phrase: representing the perfect or most typical example

  1. quiescent

  2. quiddity

  3. queasy

  4. quintessential

  5. quest

Correct Option: D

Correct. The word quintessential is an adjective which means – representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class.

Directions: Find one word that can be used in place of the given phrase:

refuse to accept or be associated with

  1. repudiate

  2. refute

  3. refrain

  4. refract

  5. rebut

Correct Option: A

Correct. The word repudiate is a verb which means – refuse to accept; reject.

Directions: Find one word that can be used in place of the given phrase:

move smoothly over a surface with a twisting motion

  1. slosh

  2. slither

  3. slouch

  4. slump

  5. slacken

Correct Option: B

Correct. The word slither is a verb which means - move smoothly over a surface with a twisting or oscillating motion.

Directions: Find one word that can be used in place of the given phrase:

a person’s nickname

  1. sophism

  2. soprano

  3. soliloquy

  4. sojourn

  5. sobriquet

Correct Option: E

Correct. The word sobriquet is a noun which means – a person’s nickname.

Directions: Find one word that can be used in place of the given phrase:

a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God

  1. theology

  2. theosophy

  3. theocracy

  4. theory

  5. therapy

Correct Option: C

Correct. The word theocracy is a noun which means – a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God.

Directions: Find one word that can be used in place of the given phrase:

each of two or more words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins or spellings

  1. homophone

  2. digraph

  3. homonym

  4. diphthong

  5. homograph

Correct Option: A

Correct. Examples for homophones include – board-bored; new-knew; doe-dough; baron-barren; sheer-shear etc.

Directions: Find one word that can be used in place of the given phrase:

a natural object or animal believed by a particular society to have spiritual meaning and adopted by it as an emblem

  1. touchstone

  2. totem

  3. tourney

  4. tourniquet

  5. trailblazer

Correct Option: B

Correct. The word totem is a noun which means – a natural object or animal that is believed by a particular society to have spiritual significance and that is adopted by it as an emblem.

Directions: Find one word that can be used in place of the given phrase.

A soft gentle breeze

  1. Zeal

  2. Cephyr

  3. Zenith

  4. Zest

  5. Zealot

Correct Option: B

This is correct. The word zephyr is a noun which means 'a soft, gentle breeze'.

Directions: Find one word that can be used in place of the given phrase: using more words than are needed

  1. verbose

  2. verbiage

  3. verdant

  4. verbatim

  5. verbal

Correct Option: A

Correct. The word verbose is an adjective which means – using or expressing in more words than are needed.

Directions: Find one word that can be used in place of the given phrase:

fully in agreement

  1. umpteen

  2. unbound

  3. unanimous

  4. ultimate

  5. unabated

Correct Option: C

Correct. The word unanimous is an adjective which means – (of two or more people) fully in agreement.

Directions: Find one word that can be used in place of the given phrase:

a person’s facial features or expressions

  1. viscera

  2. virulent

  3. visage

  4. viscose

  5. vista

Correct Option: C

Correct. The word visage is a noun which means – a person’s face, with reference to the form or proportions of the features; a person’s facial expression.

Directions: Find one word that can be used in place of the given phrase:

pass easily or gently through the air

  1. warp

  2. wallow

  3. waive

  4. wade

  5. waft

Correct Option: E

Correct. The word waft is a verb which means – pass or cause to pass gently through the air (with reference to a scent, sound, etc.).

Directions: Find one word that can be used in place of the given phrase:

a person who travels on foot

  1. wanderlust

  2. wimp

  3. weakling

  4. wastrel

  5. wayfarer

Correct Option: E

Correct. The word wayfarer is a noun which means – a person who travels on foot.

Directions: Find one word that can be used in place of the given phrase.

The belief that nothing has any value, especially religious and moral principles

  1. Nonchalance

  2. Nihilism

  3. Nostalgia

  4. Nepotism

  5. Nemesis

Correct Option: B

Correct. The correct answer is 'nihilism'. The word 'nihilism' is a noun which means 'the rejection of all religious and moral principles, often in the belief that life is meaningless'.

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